
Finished this yesterday.
As a fan of the original who was then disappointed seeing the franchise go to PSP and embrace the generic anime highschool trope, it's nice seeing this be a return to form, and having it return to consoles (and PC too, which is where I played it).
Overall it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the new cast of characters, and the story was fairly enjoyable despite being somewhat trope heavy. The mission variety was pretty nice and did a good job at continuously introducing new elements or variables to keep things interesting. Almost every mission felt unique in some way which was appreciated.
It did feel really familiar though. Both from a presentation and gameplay point of view, if I didn't know better I would have guessed it was a sequel that released 3-4 years after the original on Ps3 instead of the forth entry coming 10 years later on next gen systems. The new additions to gameplay, while nice, felt rather limited.
More on the spoiler side:
Kai (the original one) was probably the weakest part of the plot.
Not only was him turning evil extremely obvious because of his character design, but his motivation was rather weak. He was willing to betray his nation, kill his friends and sister, be directly or indirectly linked to a ton of deaths, and basically join the anime nazis because of a girl he spent a few days with and hardly even interacted with?.
The Raz part got to me though. Dude was fun and I thought they'd go with a shitty "he isn't dead after all!" twist but they actually went ahead and made him sacrifice himself

Would like to hear what others around here thought of the game.
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