LTTP | Valkyrie Profile 2 : Silmeria



Few years ago, I bough Valkyrie Profile : Lenneth (the PSP port for Valkyrie Profile from PSX). I absolutely loved it. The pixel art and animation are insanely good, the dark and melancholic mood is just what I like and the combat system is very addictive to me.

And last month, I stumble upon Valkyrie Profile 2 : Silmeria in a retro gaming shop. Been quite sometimes that I want to try it so I went for it.

I am only in Chapter 3 and I am now getting most of the mechanics and become quite addicted to it. And was happy to see that the tone of the story and writing remains in the same vibe than the first one.

Combat System :
For those not familiar with the combat system here's the basics :
The combat is essentially turn based with a mixed of real time when it comes to timed your attacks.
Each of your party member (4 max), is assigned to a face button (Square, Circle, Triangle, Cross). Each time your press a button, the assigned character will attack.
Then you can chain all these attacks to create combos.
Each character can do a max of 3 attacks per turn. This is determine by the weapons they wield. Some weapon will boost greatly your attack but have only 1 attack, while others less powerful will allow 2 or 3 attacks.
You can customize, pre battle, for each character which attack will be the first, second or third. This is important because some attack will launch ennemy into the air, topple them to the ground, some have charging time, some last longer...
So if you want to make efficient combos, you need to know which attacks they have and in which order they come. Then find the good timing to land them in succession.

Valkyrie Profile 1 :

Valkyrie Profile 2

As an example, you can see that on the Valkyrie Profile 2 gif the last attack of the archer doesn't hit because it has a charging time before shooting. The player should have press X earlier to get the full combo.

Combos fill a meter (and I think gives some extra damage) and if you fill it fully you can perform Soul Crush attack (if your weapon allow it !). A devastating cinematic attack. And you can chain them if you succeed to keep the combo meter full.
In addition, hitting enemy on the air or on the ground reward you with different resources. Also some enemies are lighter so easier to launch in the air than others. And some of your attack shoot only in the air so you have to first launch an opponent and the air and then time correctly your next attack...


Valkyrie Profile 2 is in 3D but 90% of the game play is still 2D side scrolling. The only 3D phase is in battle, before the combo. You can now maneuver between enemy, to avoid being attacked and get better positioning.
You can now destroyed part of enemy which will prevent some attacks and most importantly drops some equipment or materials.

Gear management :
In Valkyrie Profile 2, you'll do a lot of equipment management.
Each piece of equipment has a color (Green, Red or blue) and a symbol on it. If you link several time the same color, it can boost the effect of the those equipment.
In addition, if you find equip the correct combination of symbol, you "create" a skill that the character will learn through battle. Once learn you can equip it.
So basically you have to try different combination of equipment to unlock skills. Once you learned it, you change your equipment to learn another one... And what I do is that before a big battle, I equip very efficient gear for the battle.
Status effect, buff and debuff plays big role in the combat.

The equipment and materials you get from severed limbs of monsters are also useful for trade with merchant.
The more you buy, the more the merchants will unlocked new items for you... BUT they'll need material to craft them. So you have to sell some specific gear or materials to them, to get some powerful new gear.

Dungeon exploration and Sealstone :
Dungeon exploration is 2D side scrolling. There is several room on different level.
You can see the monster in ghost form. If you make contact with them, your enter in battle.
But you also have to ability to shoot ray of light. If it touch one of the enemy, it "freeze" them in a block of ice for few seconds. Shoot them again while frozen and you swap place with them. Now the fun begins !
You can (and have) to use these feature to create new "platform" to access high platform and get some juicy secret chest.
Note that when you defeat a enemy, his "soul" remains and you can still freeze it to create a platform.

Then you'll find Sealstone in the dungeons. Those items will have a effect like "Attacks can poison". But there is a catch : if you wear the item, you get the effect but if they are on one of the pedestal of the dungeon, the monster get the effect.
At the beginning you can only have one at a time. So you might need to carry around a "bad" one for a bit to reach a pedestal.
If you leave the dungeon, the position of these Sealstone resets. BUT you can "restore" them by bringing them to a "source" (so far at the beginning of the dungeon). It cost some crystal (earned during battle, you gain more when hitting enemies in the air), and allow you to get it back to another source (so in others dungeons). Of course the most powerful Sealstones cost a lot to restore.
So you can with this feature save good one for you to carry in other dungeon or bad one to put on pedestal on others dungeons (but the time you carry them, you'll get the negative effect).

Liberation :
One final key system of the game, that I just delved into yesterday is the "liberation".
In the game, some of your party members are "human" and some others are "Einherjar", basically "spirits". In battle they behave the same, but Einherjar are not "materialize" during cutscenes and story moment (which is a big difference from the first game where you could follow their story).
The big difference is that you can "liberate" those spirits. Making them, term of lore, "human" again I think. Gameplay wise it means you completely LOSE them. You can't use them anymore, they go back to their life in the world.
What's the point would you say ? Why "delete" a character I spend hours gearing up, leveling up and learning skills?
Well during the liberation you'll get some "gems" that allow permanent stats boost on your others characters. And the power and amount of these gems depends on the class, stats and gear the liberated has.
I am still a novice that, but yesterday I liberated my first character and got a gem that boost 2 stats by 20 and a bunch of other gems that boost each a stat by 5. This is pretty big already. And the game kind of imply that if the character had special gear equipped (which you lose during the liberation), you'll get some special reward in plus.

So now I am addicted to level up Einherjars just to liberate them to get my others characters really strong. And I start to choose which character I want to keep or not. But after training them sometimes I change my mind "I can't get rid of him now !".
The first game had this notion of "sacrificing" your character but with different and more important story reason.

So again you do lot of swapping in and out in your team.

Conclusion :
I am only at the beginning (Chapter 3 and around 8h I think) but the game seems to stay faithful to its glorious predecessor on its core features : atmosphere, combat, music.

The 3D phases of combat (the maneuvers around enemies) was a bit weird at first but I got use to it.
Combat is still so satisfying, rewarding and addicting for me. But I think you have to commit into it to appreciate it. Otherwise you can just see that with a stupid button mashing game.

In the end, there is a lot of menu management you have to do : swapping gear for skills, swapping party member for leveling up, swapping skills to fit the needs of the dungeon, swapping attacks order, manage the Sealstone, check ingredient at merchant, selling them, the whole liberation system....
I surprisingly really appreciate it and get really addicted to it but if you don't like spending time in menu, it might not be the best game.
But the whole gear looting, skills through gear combination, selling to merchant, Einherjar liberation (couple with the fantastic combat) makes me happy to grind/farm, a thing I never like to do.

So far I would completely recommend it to the lovers of the first one. Even if the big difference is the story. The first one was focus on Einherjars while this one is more focusing on Silmeria/Alicia (the Valkyrie which "inhabits" the body of an young princess) and Einherjar are mainly fighters.



I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Never played the sequel, looks amazing for a PS2 game.

Been meaning to replay the first one and then play the sequel, but man, there's too much stuff to play lol.

How's the vibe of the game? I remember the first one being quite depressing.


Never played the sequel, looks amazing for a PS2 game.

Been meaning to replay the first one and then play the sequel, but man, there's too much stuff to play lol.

How's the vibe of the game? I remember the first one being quite depressing.
I was surprised because I expected a light hearted anime vibes from it (I don't really now why).

It's not as depressing (so far) as the first one but it keeps a serious tone.
Silmeria is a Valkyrie that disobeyed Odin and got trapped by him in Alicia (a princess) body. She was not supposed to awake but she did and sometimes take control of Alicia. Leading her father and people to cast her away for insanity...
But you don't have the whole depressing vibe of the Einherjar (which are ghost of dead people) from the first game, where you get to speak about their story and even meet some of their relative etc...
I don't remember clearly the first game in detail but there was a heavy emphasis on the weight of death, mourning etc...
So far none of that is in the game.
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I loved playing VP2 back in college on the PS2. The game's difficulty really engaged me and I remember some late game plot points being really enjoyable. Graphically, the game was really impressive and a modern remaster would probably hold up well if not for the Tri-Ace Doll Face that plagued releases around this time.

The one thing that was not enjoyable was the difficulty spike of the final boss. Holy shit, I remember having to grind like 10 levels to beat them.


One of the best battle systems made.

Immense depth but still easy to use. It only really becomes a necessity when doing Seraphic Gate. Huge cast of party member. Gorgeous visuals and memorable music.

Very replayable. Has 3 endings and some form of RNG for party member recruitment. I think I enjoyed dungeons a lot here same as in VP1. The puzzles helps stuff from being a typical jrpg dungeon. Certainly makes me more engaged than usual.

The only bad thing about it is we don’t have a direct sequel. Give me VP: Hrist.


I loved playing VP2 back in college on the PS2. The game's difficulty really engaged me and I remember some late game plot points being really enjoyable. Graphically, the game was really impressive and a modern remaster would probably hold up well if not for the Tri-Ace Doll Face that plagued releases around this time.

The one thing that was not enjoyable was the difficulty spike of the final boss. Holy shit, I remember having to grind like 10 levels to beat them.
I heard about the difficulty spike for the final boss. Curious to see that.

But actually already in chapter 3, the boss was quite a spike. Took me several tries, with different settings each time.

Also the bird optional boss earlier was impossible. Went back to it later and finally got it but it was still not easy.

But very happy by the reward of this optional boss : ability to carry another sealstone !


Small update (even if nobody cares xD)

I finished the game. Very good game ! Love it.

I find it a bit long on the mid game : Chapter 3 is very long without much story going on. You just going from dungeon to dungeon.
But then story take over and it became more untertaining.

But the gameplay is always good. I really enjoyed farmed some parts on monster, learning skill with the good set of accessories, leveling up Enheirjar just to release them and boost others characters.

My only real grip was the Menu system during combat. The menu allows 3 things : Change weapon, Use magic and Use item. If you use any of this option, it disable the menu for a period of time. To be able to use it again, you have to run around (which make the time passes) or be attack (which make the time past quicker). Knowing that all enemies have AoE attacks and that boss will make the HP of your party melt with each attack, your oblige to use item to heal you but then you can't use your buff/debuff. Hopefully you get easily item that heals your whole party. The problem is when several members get poisoned or another ailment : you have to cure them separately. So you use a antidote or a spell then have to run around (and hopefully don't get attack) to be able to use a magic/item again to cure another one.
You can be caught in a never ending loop of trying to cure your party members and getting attack in the process so you need to heal more etc...

Hopefullly once you acquire some skills (mainly the one that double your HP), it makes you life much easier. This was mainly a mid game issue, where each dungeon was a difficulty spike.

I really enjoyed the story. Honestly seeing Lenneth popping up really made me happy.

Final boss is kind of brutal but it's a shame that it rely only on one specific character to beat it. Once I understood that, on my second try I geared this character to boost its attack to a maximum and easily beat the boss.
All the others characters, that I trained the whole game giving them skills, farming gears etc... were pointless because they do very little damage to the boss.
I know there is the Seraphic gate to do but I usually not into post game content anymore.
Even so I was a bit hesitant here because the level of customization of the game and the addictive nature of it is insane.

I'll replay both 1 and 2 for sure in the future.

Now I am hesitant for my next game.
I was thinking about Trails in the Sky that I got on PSP. The Trails series looks interesting but my main issue is that Trails in the Sky SC and 3 are only on PC. And I hate playing on PC.
I was also in the mood for some strategy jRPG and I have Brigandine on Switch but not sure I want to play it now. I also have Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker on 3DS. I heard a lot about it and I might try it (first SMT for me)
EDIT : Unicorn Overlord looks insane also but backlog first for me.

I have to say Tales of Arise was appealing me quite a bit since a long time but I don't have it and I'd like to reduce a bit my backlog so I'll go with Devil Survivor 2 I think.
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Thanks for the recommandation.
I am going through VP: Lenneth on Vita right now, will probably play this afterwards.

I wholeheartedly recommand Trails in the Sky FC/SC and may be 3rd if you love the first two. It's a bit of a slow burn but very rewarding once you gets into the world.
Play it on Vita if you can, all three are available on it.
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Thanks for the recommandation.
I am going through VP: Lenneth on Vita right now, will probably play this afterwards.
Unique games really.

The combo system is so good !

VP2 adds some 3D mouvement phase during combat. It's a bit weird at first but in the end I like it (but it's not perfect and can be frustrating sometimes)
The rest is pretty good.

Mr Hyde

That was a nice read. Played VP2 when it was new around 2006-2007 and I remember liking it very much. More so than the original, which I found to be rather confusing at times. The combat system in Silmeria was the main highlight of the game but it did also have some slick production values for a PS2 game. Judging by your pictures it still holds up graphically. Can't remember much of the story unfortunately but your LTTP made me itching for a replay.
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That was a nice read. Played VP2 when it was new around 2006-2007 and I remember liking it very much. More so than the original, which I found to be rather confusing at times. The combat system in Silmeria was the main highlight of the game but it did also have some slick production values for a PS2 game. Judging by your pictures it still holds up graphically. Can't remember much of the story unfortunately but your LTTP made me itching for a replay.
I think I prefer the atmosphere of the first game (very depressing and melancholic). Silmeria is still melancholic but not as depressing but it remains serious all along, no silly moment which are quite typical in JRPG.

On gameplay, Silmeria take the win. With all the customization possible, it's a pleasure to fight, farm and level up.

I really wish a Valkyrie Profile 3 was made with a similar combo system.
I checked once again Valkyrie Elysium reviews and it looks really bland compare to VP1 and 2.

Also just remember that there is Valkyrie Profile : Covenant of the Plume that could be nice for my strategy itch (it's not perfect apparently but rather short). I'll think about it because I would need to buy it and really want to clear one game of my backlog first.

Mr Hyde

I really wish a Valkyrie Profile 3 was made with a similar combo system.
I checked once again Valkyrie Elysium reviews and it looks really bland compare to VP1 and 2.

I have Valkyrie Elysium in my collection but haven't gotten around to it yet. I played the demo and it was okay, but, just as you say, I wish SE would have evolved on the Silmeria- concept with its battle system and mix of 2D and 3D gameplay. It fits better for the franchise I think. Valkyrie Elysium was also probably hampered by a modest budget and SE didn't even promote it as much. I don't think they value this franchise as much as their others. The combat is pretty cool though, at least from the sample I had from the demo. It's just not as good as VP1 & 2.
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Gold Member
I got a headache just by reading through your explanations of the game’s systems.
JRPGs have become monsters of micromanaging a dozen different systems all at once. And these days they throw it all at you in the first 2 or 3 hours and don’t bother to test your grasp of the systems beyond a can’t-lose tutorial. VP2 sounds just like that. I’d probably get irredeemably stuck at the point you described in the OP, if not before. Too bad, because it looks lovely.


I got a headache just by reading through your explanations of the game’s systems.
JRPGs have become monsters of micromanaging a dozen different systems all at once. And these days they throw it all at you in the first 2 or 3 hours and don’t bother to test your grasp of the systems beyond a can’t-lose tutorial. VP2 sounds just like that. I’d probably get irredeemably stuck at the point you described in the OP, if not before. Too bad, because it looks lovely.
I am not good of explaining stuff.

But yes there is quite a lot of system. The beginning is rather easy so you get naturally the grasp of them.

It's not for everyone. But it's really rewarding.
You can easily end up mash button and get frustrated because you don't get why you can't get your combo. You have to be able to analysed and understand that it requires more timing that it looks.

And it's the same for each system.
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