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Lucasarts to drop SOE and handle SWG themselves?


Gold Member
This is on Slashdot and some other sites right now, but if it happens it's NO SURPRISE. The SOE/Lucasarts SWG relationship has always been hate/hate. They never got along. Here's the slashdot post:

Lucasarts Through With Sony?

Posted by Zonk on Sunday October 10, @03:15PM
from the hang-in-there-little-wookies dept.
pdawerks writes "Heard through the grapevine: Apparently Lucasarts is displeased with the way that SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) has handled Star Wars' MMORPG Galaxies. The day after the JTL expansion goes live, they plan to announce the second expansion pack and the divorce between SOE and Lucasarts." This appears to be a complete rumor. However, I found corroborating rumormongering at SWG Warcry and Second Life Herald. Lucasarts has previously lessened their developer stable, casting doubt on this idea. I can't imagine Lucasarts could do a worse job with the game than SOE has, though.

Here's the SWG Warcry post they talked about:

I know I should not be greasing the gossip wheels after all Rumor is a nasty beast that leads Past The swamps of heresay, through the forest of tittle-tattle to the Dark Castle of Speculation, and pretty soon your in the Lost Dungeons of assumption blindly flailing about for the lost chalice of Scandal......err anyway.

Okay I have a good acquaintance that is a semi-regular contributor to the Force.Net, and has even had a couple articles in Star Wars gamer, and Star Wars Insider. He told me this evening that He has it on good authority that SOE and Lucasarts are about to end their relationship. He said that the New SWG and JTLS sites on LA's homepage are the first hint of this, Apparently Lucasarts is less than happy with SOE, because SOE has drifted too far from Raph Kosters original Vision of SWG and wants to go solo. (No Not Han silly) SOE from what I have heard is more than willing to say adios because Lucasarts has been less than willing to let them Drive so to speak. (Which I think is insane because Lucasarts has basically been there in name only since Beta) and SOE

But wait there’s more... He said that The day after JTLS is Live they will announce Expansion pack II, and Thank SOE for all of there hard work, and announce that the Game is going to be handled form hence forth by Lucasarts, they will give a schedule about Billing changes, and server Migration, and that will probably include some server consolidation.

Okay is it real or fantasy…at this point who knows, I have as have many other fans heard that at Some Point Lucasarts will go solo with SWG, it is no small secret that they are considering another MMORPG, and a Premium game service, and I have to say that my friend is not given to flights of fancy (Except for that long weekend in Dublin with the Tibetan Contortionist, and her Twin sister ) Personally I think that while the timeline is a bit suspect the over all story has some foundation. How do you think this would effect the game?

Raph Koster originally wanted RPG to actually mean something in SWG, in fact his “Vision” was a computerized version of the SW Role Playing game with no Player Character Jedi. It has been said that George Lucas is not happy with the product, and that at first he was very excited about the potential of the game. True or not the whole concept is interesting to say the least. I must admit I do not know what SWG would be like without SOE. But it looks like we may be finding out.

There is also a job posting on the Lucasarts site for a new Senior Director for SWG. It may be something to keep an eye on.

Also, Lucasarts is hiring a director to oversee all things SWG.


Did Lucas Arts have nothing to do with what is going on with SWG and JTL?

I have a hard time to believe they as a pruducer had nothing to do with the current mess... not to speak of JTL... yuck...

If I'm not wrong this rumor started when they let EA handel the SWG server in Japan
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