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M. Night Shyamalan - Old Trailer Teaser

Hmm, so I assume - this film is about, clones that age rapidly.

And molecular technologies, perhaps most of the actors in the trailer are compromised individuals
with evil intent - Evil, but they still love their cloned rapidly aging replacement family.

Such are the throws of an M. Night Shyamalan film

Hmm, so I assume - this film is about, clones that age rapidly.

And molecular technologies, perhaps most of the actors in the trailer are compromised individuals
with evil intent - Evil, but they still love their cloned rapidly aging replacement family.

Such are the throws of an M. Night Shyamalan film

The twist. They're actually microbes and the beach is top of an Old Spice can.
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I've enjoyed most of his films

Didn't enjoy After Earth and a couple of others.

Typically... I always find them too long, and drawn out - paced too purposely slow even when I do enjoy them.

That's the problem with trying to draw a meaningful narrative in a 2 hour 45 minute runtime


Wonder what the twist will be?, that people give a shit about him putting twists in all his movies?
I'm totally down. I know the dude has massive potential every movie. He's made some absolute dogshit movies but he's also made the sixth sense and unbreakable. He got close with split to those but fell a little short.


It's like the Happening except this time it's aging.

Fuck, remember when he surprised us all with Split and then completely botched the super hyped sequel? Fucking disaster.

I think The Village was his best. I fucking called the twist when I saw the trailer, so it was still satisfying when my theory came true; however, I felt the story was really well written and the characters were fantastic. It was a very philosophical film, and the scene when the poor blind girl was in the woods was absolutely gut wrenching.
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A lot of people bring up the narratives or twists in Shyamalan's movies, but what is up with the acting in them? He manages to bring out awkward, unnatural performances from decent actors. Is it intentional or what?


A lot of people bring up the narratives or twists in Shyamalan's movies, but what is up with the acting in them? He manages to bring out awkward, unnatural performances from decent actors. Is it intentional or what?

It's his awkward scenes with awkward dialog and directing.

How will your performance as an actor be anything but awkward when you have to shoot stuff like this:
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