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Mac or PC? Which way to go?

David B

An Idiot
Ultimately which way to go? Mac has great imovie and time machine backup. However macs are 200 to 2000 over-priced. The dock and menu bar I find annoying however. List reasons of why one is better than the other.


Genuinely Generous
Build yourself a PC, get windows 10, then run MacOS in virtual machine. Best of both worlds.

Macs are fine, but they tend to overcharge on storage and ram.
PCs, you get more bang for your buck.
Macs hold their value a bit better.
More software/games on PC.

Just join the PC master race.


Gold Member
What do you want it for?
If it's for games, just go with PC.
If it's for work, it depends. Mac is good for photo and video editing, but little else.
For Cad, AI, office, etc, you are better off with a PC.

Also consider that PCs are much cheaper and much more customizable. And much easier to upgrade.

David B

An Idiot
Yup all. I'm a gamer. Macs have like 5 to 10% of games. PC 90%. Just not Nintendo of course. PC getting Playstation games is a big plus! PC also has 100% of Xbox games. Nintendo pretty much kids games and cartoon like. PC wins because of gaming!


Gold Member
Yup all. I'm a gamer. Macs have like 5 to 10% of games. PC 90%. Just not Nintendo of course. PC getting Playstation games is a big plus! PC also has 100% of Xbox games. Nintendo pretty much kids games and cartoon like. PC wins because of gaming!

Then buy a PC.
With the budget of buying a Mac, you can buy a pretty good PC.

Aces High

They both suck.

Windows has by far the worst performance of any OS in existence, its bureaucratic design doesn't allow for high speed workflows, it never stops sending all your private data to Microsoft headquarters, and it has the worst security situation of any OS.

MacOS comes attached to ridiculously overpriced hardware that sacrifices basic functionality for aesthetics. Stupid M chip MacBooks cost an arm and a leg and only support one additional display.

Both Apple and Microsoft are awful corporations. Try to get into Linux.


I use my Mac mainly for video editing and as a Plex server. MakeMKV, Handbrake, and Plex run really well on it and don’t glitch out requiring a restart like they do on Windows or on the Nvidia Shield.
Productivity on it is fine, as my job pays for Office 365 and I can sync my work documents between my Mac and iPad at home and my Surface at work.
The closest thing to PC gaming I do is on a Steam Deck. I have never had any desire to play the games that are available on Mac.


Macs hold their value a bit better.
Not at all.

I have a PC from 2013 and i can still have everything up-to-date.

Friend of mine has a Mac he bought in 2012 and because the OS stopped updating years ago, even STEAM is buggy and warns it will stop working in a few weeks (probably already out of date by now).

Imagine if you were stuck using Windows 7 on a PC that can very easily handle Windows 10. That's the Mac experience after a while.

I removed the old hard drive and installed an SSD with Windows 10 in it and now he can enjoy a proper, up-to-date system. Of course, he could have bought a much more powerful PC back then for the same money he spent and he could also upgrade some stuff in between that are impossible now (like the GFX card). But at least the machine is usable now for light tasks.


I have a self built gaming pc and a macbook air laptop. Ive been using computers forever, its amazing how unintuitive the mac is at doing literally anything. I have an app installed that gets frequent updates, and its annoying because it doesnt just replace or update, you have to re download and install and its almost like it installs a whole seperate install and the other one is still there. Its just annoying.

Get a PC


As a Mac user since 2003, I would go PC. Just bought a cheap laptop for work and it does what it needs to do.

Yes, Macs work a long, long time, longer than a not upgraded Windows machine. My MacBook from late 2008 served me till this year, until the Wi-Fi broke. But if you want to game, get a PC. Or a Samsung TV with GamePass 😏


I use both, but for very different things. My PC is my workhorse, doing video transcoding and being a PLEX server, just because it's cheap and easy to upgrade. I have an old Macbook Air from 2013 that still runs fantastic and is my travel machine, and a G5 that still pulls duty as a DAW, but is being replaced soon by my trashcan Mac Pro. I even had a G4 Cube still running as an iTunes server up until maybe 3 years ago when I built my PC and gave it server duties. I'll probably buy an M3 mini when they come out as the family web-browsing/shitposting/office computer because I love the absolute silence and the integration with the iPhone ecosystem.

If you're a gamer though, go PC.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.

I got a Mac Studio M1 Max because I wanted to see what it was like to work on a Mac. 18 months later and I only turn it on to update the OS. I still do everything on my PC. I expected to be won over by ease of use, but it didn't work out that way. Biggest disappointment is absolutely lousy OS support for third party (non Apple) monitors with non standard resolutions. Colors suck compared to the same monitor on my PC. It's probably because the Mac Studio sends YPbPr to the display instead of RGB. It can be fixed but it's too much of a bother to do it.

This is the ridiculous stuff you need to do on a Mac to get RGB output:



ChatGPT 0.1
I’ll let the “build a pc” comments slide it’s kinda weird how people say that religiously, what makes the apple products worth it, the extra $ is their software the iTunes, iMovie and flexing their guns with safari.


Gold Member
If youre someone who wants to impress people at Starbucks opening your laptop and everyone looks and stares in amazement, go Mac.

If you want a computer at a good price that can do anything, and you dont care about image then go PC.


Gold Member
I prefer Mac for being more productive, but PC is simply the best system for gaming and that includes both Linux and Windows.
Build yourself a PC, get windows 10, then run MacOS in virtual machine. Best of both worlds.

Macs are fine, but they tend to overcharge on storage and ram.
PCs, you get more bang for your buck.
Macs hold their value a bit better.
More software/games on PC.

Just join the PC master race.

The only right answer.

We can fucking shut down this thread now.
They both suck.
Try to get into Linux.

Yeah! Don't get a PC, get....


...a PC.


It depends on what you're going to use it for. If it is for productivity and entertainment (except videogames), Mac all day. If you want to use your computer as a gaming device, a PC.

I've been a Mac user since 2017. Incredible quality of life improvement. Peak user-interface, no malware (unless you're an idiot), seamless integration with every Apple device, peak OS, peak hardware design and build quality. Easy to use, safe, amazing looking.

People who tells you Apple overcharges will never understand. You don't pay for specs, you pay for the whole package. You pay for the user experience.
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Gold Member
Probably depends on the company and personnel.

One company I worked at had the entire graphics department using Macs. Even I used a G4 very briefly when I needed to get some images off a disc. Not user friendly if you werent used to Macs. One button mouse stuff back then.

But my current company has zero Macs that I know of. Everyone in graphics and marketing use surface laptops. And for the people who do any of the packaging and artwork, they have a tower PC at their desk, which I'll assume is way more powerful then everyone else's laptops.
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David B

An Idiot
Wow wow wow! I can't believe I finally realized this. So I have about 6750 in credit debt right now. Before realizing that I was all over Dell because I have 3500 account with them. I put together Alienware computer and monitor in the cart. 2283.44 total. Ok cool. Oh wait 6750 + 2283.44 = 9033.44. I would be 9033 in debt! OMFG!!! Do I want more debt? No freaking way! So as much as I want a gaming PC, I will not raise my debt to do so. All I can say is thanks for leading me to the horrible truth.


I work devops largely with Azure and like to game, so I go PC. Haven't been the biggest fan of Windows 11, but I do like the shift towards cooperating with Linux. Even small things like the recently announced sudo command coming to Win11.

Demigod Mac

It all depends on if you're willing to pay the Apple Tax for using macOS on supported hardware.
I strongly prefer macOS for getting work done, and have a gaming PC on the side.


Gold Member
Are we talking desktop or laptop?
I have a MB Air, my second one in ten years.
I really hate some of the OS’s idiosyncrasies and the flat keyboard sucks. BUT. The thing is dead quiet, lightning fast, with a battery that lasts forever with everyday use, a good webcam, and the trackpad is simply glorious. If I could have a PC laptop with the same hardware and performance for the same price (I got my M1 on a sale for €899), I would probably consider switching. But there’s simply no such a complete package at the same price in the PC world.

My desktop, however, is an old 2014 PC that’s still going strong. I can’t play anything recent on it, but I rarely play on PC so that’s fine.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
if you're talking about a laptop, mac is a compelling case due to the quality of screen (seriously my mbpro 16 has a miniled), sound, touchpad, keyboard and battery duration.

If you're talking about a box, it's harder to recommend. If you have no supporting infrastructure (screen, mouse, keyboard) the imac is a compelling proposition but all in ones are unupgradable and if one component fails it can't be replaced. However, Apple only offers imacs with the base m chips so they're not super performant.
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I'd take a MacBook for a laptop, they're super high quality compared to almost anything except Microsoft's hardware, which was also surprisingly good when I had a Surface assigned to me at work. But if you're gaming? PC no question. My new rig with Windows 11 functions/addons kept barebones is the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. Seriously, I'm not some MS fanboy, but Windows is totally fine.

iOS is unparalleled on mobile though. No way I'd use anything but an iPhone these days.
if for gaming -> get a pc
if you are looking for best bang for buck -> get a pc
if you have an iphone and don't mind being tied down to apple's ecosystem -> get a mac.
the whole "macs are better for graphics" is a complete myth. Photoshop was more optimized for mac but that was like 20+ years ago. And Final Cut Pro was the better editing software, but no longer the case. The studios I've worked at all use PC.

Also stay away from Alienware. It's a Dell. And Dell prebuilts suck ass. Avoid like a plague.


M2 Max Mac Studio has been serving me well for work: I do bioinformatics, data science, dev, even some AI work. I also use it to do some light gaming: mostly FF14.

But I definitely see the use of a powerful gaming PC for, well, gaming, and more AI work in my case. I would also use Office365 on a PC: Outlook PC version is so much better than the Mac version.

For me, Mac is a great "everyday" computer, as I am very deep in the Apple eco system, and a PC would be for specific purposes.
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David B

An Idiot
if for gaming -> get a pc
if you are looking for best bang for buck -> get a pc
if you have an iphone and don't mind being tied down to apple's ecosystem -> get a mac.
the whole "macs are better for graphics" is a complete myth. Photoshop was more optimized for mac but that was like 20+ years ago. And Final Cut Pro was the better editing software, but no longer the case. The studios I've worked at all use PC.

Also stay away from Alienware. It's a Dell. And Dell prebuilts suck ass. Avoid like a plague.
iPhones are way too expensive. Latest starts at 700 dollars! WTF? Android phones are way cheaper. Dell is my first ever bought pc back in 2006. I've never had problems with Dell or Alienware. In fact I'd say they are the best. Coming up this week is a special event with Michael Dell CEO. I once bought from HP and never got my order. Had to do a police report to get refunded for it. Dell just always works for me, my favorite! Plus as I said before I have there credit 3500 max account. I just don't buy from ibuypower or cyberpowerpc anymore as I bought one at BestBuy last year and it wouldn't even turn on. Made sure power switch turned on, tried it other way, nope, dead piece of crap.
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