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Mac or PC? Which way to go?


I don't like the dock as it is either too big or too small. I also don't like the top menu bar always on the top.
You can make the dock any size, or hide it, and you can hide the top menu bar if you don't like it.

It's 2024 and we still can't get a fanless Windows laptop with the battery life and power of Macbook Air, Apple's bread and butter product. Not a single company wants to compete, not even Microsoft with their Surface line.
I've got a Surface laptop supplied by work, and it's an absolute turd of a machine. Probably not the highest spec, but the battery lasts 5-6 hours and the trackpad is nasty - too stiff to press at the top where the hinge is. Screen is very high res though.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I like the industrial design of mac laptops, but I hate just about everything else about them. For desktop there isn't even a question. Mac OS is awful and the software ecosystem is far worse.

David B

An Idiot
I like the industrial design of mac laptops, but I hate just about everything else about them. For desktop there isn't even a question. Mac OS is awful and the software ecosystem is far worse.
The dock doesn't go all the way to the bottom now, Apple has it floating, which is stupid, it also doesn't cover left to right like the windows taskbar, I don't like it. I also hate the menu bar at the top always and needed to fully close each application. Having - enlarge - X on the left is fine, no problem with that. I hate the keyboard shortcut stuff that it's so different from PC. Comman, option, control and the fn key. I hate that Mac doesn't have the snap to the corner, left side, right side, top of screen to go full screen easiness like Windows does. Sure I like iMovie and photobooth on Mac, but that's it. I just don't like the environment of Mac anymore at all. It's disturbing, it's odd, it's not as easy to use as Windows is. It's overall confusing. Windows is just a lot easier to me.


The ARM Macbooks have some magic juju for battery life if that matters to you, and do perform incredibly well (apart from most games, lol).

But I either dislike like or outright hate everything else about Macbooks and MacOS, and am no Apple fan. To the point that I even eschew my maxim of 'a device with a charge left is better than any one without'.
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Neo Member
Don't ever buy a laptop. I bought a Toshiba laptop back in 2012. It lasted me 6 months and than died. Took it to bestbuy guest service said it won't turn on at all even with power plug in. Tested it, nope won't turn on. Opened it, burned CPU and motherboard.
I'm still using a laptop from 2012.

David B

An Idiot
Alrighty now. I solved my problem finally. I just used my Dell pay account plus $30 rewards points on a Alienware + Dell gaming monitor purchase. Alienware R16 newest computer case model, i7 13700f 16 cores CPU, 16GB ram, Nvidia 4060 8GB GDDR5 GPU, 1TB NVME SSD along with a 27 inch 1440p Dell gaming monitor with display port cord and USB-C to display port cord and 165 Hz over display port and 144 Hz over HDMI. The 4060 has 15 teraflops of performance, which is higher than the Xbox Series X with 12.2 teraflops. I'm all set. Thanks guy. Now it's just all about time and waiting. Goodbye Mac. Goodbye forever!
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Melon Husk

FYI you can Macify Windows by installing "startallback" and "linkbar" to put the taskbar on top and a "dock" on bottom. There's something aesthetically pleasing about the symmetry. In fact my custom setup is better because every app "instance" is shown on the top taskbar and the bottom one just launches new instances.


I use Mac for traveling. Screen and touchpad are worth the price if you spend a lot of time in hotel rooms. Very nice to use. Windows for work and gaming though. I hate the lack of a proper file explorer in Mac. I only use the Mac for watching YT vids, forums and social media.


Perpetually Tired
This really depends on what you are looking for. Personally, I always preferred Mac over PC. I enjoy the ecosystem, lack of bloat compared to Windows, and general style/design of both the iOS and hardware itself. However, I also do adore Linux and it is the only way I suggest people use non-Mac PCs these days. Especially if you enjoy gaming as Valve's push with the SteamDeck has made gaming painless on the OS.

Any game I want to play runs flawlessly on my Kubuntu set up and, often times, better. I noticed a 5-10 FPS increase and far less draw on my CPU/GPU than when I ran the games on Windows. Less bloat to deal with too. Just simple things like being able to search for a program on my computer and having it actually look for my files and not bring up an internet search alongside it at start with no need to look through my Registry or Permissions was a breath of fresh air. The customization is also fantastic and far above that of Windows/Mac.

I run a Mac for work related/general every day computer stuff and have a gaming PC hooked up to my 4K OLED TV for gaming/emulation usage. With the help of programs like Lutris, it basically becomes a quick and easy way for having a lot of my retro games all in one space.

iPhones are way too expensive. Latest starts at 700 dollars! WTF? Android phones are way cheaper. Dell is my first ever bought pc back in 2006. I've never had problems with Dell or Alienware. In fact I'd say they are the best. Coming up this week is a special event with Michael Dell CEO. I once bought from HP and never got my order. Had to do a police report to get refunded for it. Dell just always works for me, my favorite! Plus as I said before I have there credit 3500 max account. I just don't buy from ibuypower or cyberpowerpc anymore as I bought one at BestBuy last year and it wouldn't even turn on. Made sure power switch turned on, tried it other way, nope, dead piece of crap.

The same flagship phones for both Android and Apple are a thousand dollars. You can get a cheap iPhone or a cheap Android for a few hundred bucks, but they would be much older models or models made with cheap, lower quality parts. Trading in phones for either greatly lower the price for new phones as well to a few hundred dollars. When I purchased my iPhone 14 at launch, I paid 200 dollars for it with a trade in. My ex paid similar when she upgraded her Galaxy Note.

As for Alienware - they are notorious for overpricing their parts and builds as much as Apple does if not more so in some cases.


Neo Member
I recently switched to just full pc. The single thing I miss is easily messaging with imessage on the mac. I tried windows phone link and its just so awful

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I recently switched to just full pc. The single thing I miss is easily messaging with imessage on the mac. I tried windows phone link and its just so awful
Windows Phone Link is indeed terrible. It might even somehow be worse for messaging than the Xbox app was. Neither one of those would consistently deliver or receive messages. It's fucking crazy.


I also hate the menu bar at the top always and needed to fully close each application.
It just depends on what you're most used to. For me, after 25 years using a Mac I find it annoying when I close what I think is a window on PC and the whole application disappears.

I was without a Mac for a little while, and tried to get by using my games PC for everything, but it was too frustrating. Had to buy myself another Mac for non-games stuff.


Gold Member
Apple should have shitted out an operating system for PCs as well in the 1980s (not to make them macs, but in addition to macs) Like if they did a unix with a gui or something the world would be a different place.

David B

An Idiot
Apple should have shitted out an operating system for PCs as well in the 1980s (not to make them macs, but in addition to macs) Like if they did a unix with a gui or something the world would be a different place.
Apple was going to have a deal with Dell back then. But Micheal Dell said to Steve Jobs we would just get rid of it, there is no use for it. But for myself I've switched between the iMac M3 and the HP computer I have about 3 freaking times now. Can you imagine all the re-setting up all that stuff? It takes a while and every time takes about 15 to 20 minutes to do all that unpackaging, repackaging. But overall I've learned that I'm a basic Windows user and I do love some of the Mac applications. So therefor I like both of course. So the only possible way to run both is to keep my iMac M3 and buy Parallels and run Windows 11 Pro ARM version on it. I'm a basic user, I use consoles for gaming, I just never liked gaming on PC because of all the install stuff and the changing graphics stuff. So overall I will finally finally be good and done with it all when I buy Parallels. I use to run bootcamp with Intel Macs, and I always ran Mac and Windows as well back then when Apple was on Intel. So now I can just go back to my old self and run Windows on Mac with Parallels. That's it, that way I don't have to go back and forth at all anymore. Like I said I'm just a basic user, so I won't have any trouble with Windows 11 Pro ARM version at all. In fact I already ran a 14 day trial of Parallels 19 a month ago and I don't have any problems or slow downs on my iMac M3 with 8GB ram and 256GB SSD. Overall parallels with Windows 11 only uses about 3GB of ram which leaves Mac with 5GB of ram and it worked great, no slow downs at all for me.
how come mac for graphic design?

The design school i went to to study graphic design had Macs.

My friends who became graphic design lecturers use Macs. Most people I know in the design industry use Macs.

I had a Mac for some of my graphic design courses.

JUST USE A MAC. Why? I've No fucking idea. Everyone just does
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David B

An Idiot
The design school i went to to study graphic design had Macs.

My friends who became graphic design lecturers use Macs. Most people I know in the design industry use Macs.

I had a Mac for some of my graphic design courses.

JUST USE A MAC. Why? I've No fucking idea. Everyone just does
So have you learned OpenGL and the newest platform Vulkan? For Windows it's DirectX of course. There's also GNM and GNMX I have heard of that UNIX FreeBSD, Orbis OS that Sony uses on PS4 and PS5, and open to Linux and Windows as well. So do you know all of graphics design programs or just one of them?
So have you learned OpenGL and the newest platform Vulkan? For Windows it's DirectX of course. There's also GNM and GNMX I have heard of that UNIX FreeBSD, Orbis OS that Sony uses on PS4 and PS5, and open to Linux and Windows as well. So do you know all of graphics design programs or just one of them?

No not as much as I used to know. This was many years ago too. Was just something I noticed that whenever I was in design circles Macs was always involved and hardly any PC's

David B

An Idiot
this is the correct answer
I like consoles more for ease of use and 100% controller support. On PC a lot of games don't have controller support and Steam has a program to use to put in keyboard inputs into a controller, but it's still a hassle to do anyway. Therefore I only game on consoles because of the super ease of use.


I like consoles more for ease of use and 100% controller support. On PC a lot of games don't have controller support and Steam has a program to use to put in keyboard inputs into a controller, but it's still a hassle to do anyway. Therefore I only game on consoles because of the super ease of use.
I find the controller support to go both ways. Sometimes it can be a pain, and one solution doesn't cover all bases if you want to do more advanced stuff. What's worse is that earlier this year some updates completely broke my DS4's ability to work wirelessly and I've not been able to fix it even with a clean install. I'm back to either wired or alternatives.

However, the fact that you can do so much more is excellent. A recent case for me is RE8, where all controller configs are terrible and they aren't truly customisable because Capcom are shit for that. I ended up making a Steam Controller config which is infinitely more comfortable and enjoyable to use.


Stil trying to wrap my head around the fact you think iPads are overpriced. If anything, iPad is their best product with good prices.

David B

An Idiot
Stil trying to wrap my head around the fact you think iPads are overpriced. If anything, iPad is their best product with good prices.
The 2 years old or older ones are cheaper like $250 which is great. But it's still old. The Mac Mini is also very affordable at $500 now. I think everything else is way skyrocketed over priced from Apple. But hey what do you know, I still have and am using right now the iMac M3 $1500 model with the 4 USB-C ports on the back. I like Apple and will continue to use them until I can't afford them anymore. I have Parallels 19 and Windows 11 Pro ARM right now on the Mac as well. So therefore I no longer have any ordeal to buy anything anymore. Other than video games and food and rent of course.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Truth is, although I can't justify some of Apple's nastier habits I do prefer their computers and OS over windows.

Microsoft is always pushing their shit on you and it gets super grating... no, i don't want onedrive, no i don't want xbox integration, no i don't want skype, no i don't want your shitty newsreel in the widget panel or the search results, no i don't want to use goddamn edge... and no my current laptop can't do win11 even if you think it does, thanks for locking my pc for 2 hours while you install it then uninstall it after it fails to boot.

MacOS like linux, actually feels like you're running your pc.

David B

An Idiot
Right now I'm stuck. I want to buy a gaming PC for sure now. But I understand and know that I shouldn't because I have $7,100 in debt already in credit cards. If I were to buy the gaming PC, it would be near $1800. $7100 + $1800 = $8900!!! DEBT. Holly snap balls! The other thing is I'm a controller freak and there's a lot of old PC games that require keyboard and mouse. The games I own I already own on consoles anyway. It would be idiotic to buy the gaming PC overall I think because #1. I hate that some games require KB and M and less support for controllers overall. #2. I own about 650 games over PlayStation 1 2 3 4 5 consoles. I own 20 of my PC games also on those consoles. Only 3 of them are PC exclusive but I've looked at them at my steam acount and I really don't give a shi about them at all. #3. Why become more in credit card debt when I should think about my future of more important things such as my health and finding my significant other? So yeah I think I answered my own question. If you care to add more than please do so as this is my post anyway.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Right now I'm stuck. I want to buy a gaming PC for sure now. But I understand and know that I shouldn't because I have $7,100 in debt already in credit cards. If I were to buy the gaming PC, it would be near $1800. $7100 + $1800 = $8900!!! DEBT. Holly snap balls! The other thing is I'm a controller freak and there's a lot of old PC games that require keyboard and mouse. The games I own I already own on consoles anyway. It would be idiotic to buy the gaming PC overall I think because #1. I hate that some games require KB and M and less support for controllers overall. #2. I own about 650 games over PlayStation 1 2 3 4 5 consoles. I own 20 of my PC games also on those consoles. Only 3 of them are PC exclusive but I've looked at them at my steam acount and I really don't give a shi about them at all. #3. Why become more in credit card debt when I should think about my future of more important things such as my health and finding my significant other? So yeah I think I answered my own question. If you care to add more than please do so as this is my post anyway.

Yeah, you can't afford it.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
David B David B If I may, and I hope you don't mind me saying this, I used to buy a lot of stuff I didn't need and would regularly have debt on a credit card or an overdraft.

After a while I paid it all down, but it was a big effort.

I would recommend getting into the mindset of saying you can't afford a new TV, pc, expensive clothing, etc. Etc. Until you have both cleared the debt and got the money in the bank. I have a credit card for travelling with and one I use to get cashback, but I always pay the debt off immediately now and have done so for over a decade.

This has made a big difference to my personal security and ability to deal with unexpected minor catastrophes, as well as technically making things cheaper because I don't pay any interest on anything.

Would recommend.

David B

An Idiot
I canceled that Alienware desktop and monitor like a half hour after ordering it. Like a week ago. I put up reasons why I hate PC gaming in this or another post. I'll never like PC gaming as lacks a lot of controller support. So I went into my thoughts for a whole week and went desktop towers and monitor? No because all those cords, tons of work out of those boxes. Laptop? No, worry about battery and parts melting. All in one, ahh finally the easiest to set up and not worry about melting. So I bought Dell AIO. Bye Apple, goodbye forever!


Suffers with mild autism
If it's for work, it depends. Mac is good for photo and video editing, but little else.
I can tell you from working with software engineers of many kinds--and on the cutting edge in particular (generative AI etc)--that Mac dominates high-end engineering of many kinds. There are obviously still PC niches as well, but it's extremely inaccurate to say that Mac is only used in design-adjacent work. Not at all, by a mile.

Actually, if your work is going to interface heavily with open-source frameworks and deploy to cloud servers/containers which are almost 100% unix/linux based in practice, then a Mac is a far better choice than a PC. You can go from 0 to 100 in a few minutes on a new Mac by installing the `homebrew` package manager which is equivalent to `apt` on Linux, and generally speaking open-source libraries and software have relatively little friction to compiling and running on the Unix-based macOS.

Just dropping into the terminal on a Mac and realizing you're in Unix-land is perfect, zero delay on building in a familiar way. On Windows, these kind of projects require awkwardly working inside containers and secondary frameworks--Windows itself is so alien and removed from the unix-based architectures that you'll actually come into contact with for all your cloud deployments.

M2 Max Mac Studio has been serving me well for work: I do bioinformatics, data science, dev, even some AI work. I also use it to do some light gaming: mostly FF14.
Indeed, I also work in heavy data/AI engineering and Macs are everywhere. The one advantage of a PC (which you also also hint at) is to set up a local PC with a high-end GPU on your network and just connect to that remotely for AI tasks; but increasingly, using the M3 chip for local prototyping works quite well and then deploying to TPUs when it's time for real heavy processing.

David B

An Idiot
Mac unless you need a gaming rig.
I just sold the iMac M3 I had. I bought it last year. I just hate the whole menu bar, dock, command + Q to quit an app or menu bar name of app, drop down menu quit, the way the settings look, no snaping for the windows like in Windows OS. So now I have Dell Inspiron All in One with Intel core i7 13th gen 10 cores CPU, 32GB ram, 1TB NVME SSD, and Nvidia MX 550. Like I said before, I'm not a PC gamer, it just isn't my way, gaming is always a console thing and I've always been loyal to Sony in TVs and consoles.
They both suck.

Windows has by far the worst performance of any OS in existence, its bureaucratic design doesn't allow for high speed workflows, it never stops sending all your private data to Microsoft headquarters, and it has the worst security situation of any OS.

MacOS comes attached to ridiculously overpriced hardware that sacrifices basic functionality for aesthetics. Stupid M chip MacBooks cost an arm and a leg and only support one additional display.

Both Apple and Microsoft are awful corporations. Try to get into Linux.

David B

An Idiot
Wow guys I totally forgot I even posted up this thread. I was totally like what and than today I found it again and went oh, oh, oh, and I must of read about 20 of your guys posts on here. I have $8,318.79 of debt now. I looked at bestbuy, oh oh they got $100 to $550 dollars off Mac Minis to iMacs to Macbook Airs, OMG! Oh but look at your credit card debt man. I added up all my cards and went OMG, OMG, I'm an adict to just purchasing over and over and over and over again forever and ever and ever. I have a psychological problem. Right now as I've said in previous comments I have the Dell Inspiron all in one and I sold the iMac M3 about 2 weeks ago. I said I hate the menu bar and the dock and every time I think about it I still do hate the menu bar and dock a lot. In fact the only thing I liked about Mac was the easy to use iMovie. I need to accept that just don't buy anymore. Stop buying, stop buying, even these good deals at bestbuy, yes it's on sale, good sales, but you don't want to buy even if it's on sale anyway cause I have a butload of freaking debt! My psychological ways have been buy this, week later, oh no I want Mac again, week later, oh no I want windows again. And that happens again and again and again forever and ever. I need to just focus on paying my credit cards, not on buying and buying over and over again. Great sales, oh I still love looking at great sales of bestbuy. However I need to just focus on paying off the credit cards and that's it. I just bought Cyberlink Power Director 365 anyway, so I don't want to waist more money. I need to just stop with selling and buying.
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