In safari, what is the deal with highlighting the word under the cursor in yellow when you middle click to open a link in a new window?
Ugly and weird as hell
I think you need to disable "Look Up" in your trackpad settings.
In safari, what is the deal with highlighting the word under the cursor in yellow when you middle click to open a link in a new window?
Ugly and weird as hell
~/Library/Mobile Documents/Where is the iCloud folder? I didn't realize there was drag-and-drop functionality.
I can't seem to find it...~/Library/Mobile Documents/
Remember that I explained that it acts like a non-folder once you dive into it. I'm still experimenting but so far it seems to work like DropBox and Google Drive but faster with LAN Macs. Which is nice.
What if you try copying the dictionary file from a Lion device (Library/Dictionaries) into your Mountain Lion device?I'm extremely annoyed that the Japanese Thesaurus is gone from the Dictionary app. Makes me want to downgrade back to Lion.
I'm extremely annoyed that the Japanese Thesaurus is gone from the Dictionary app. Makes me want to downgrade back to Lion.
Dictionary includes support for British English, Japanese, Japanese translation, Japanese synonyms, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and German.
I'm trying to update the Remote Desktop Admin Update 2.2 and I keep getting an error "An error occurred while installing the updates.(103)"
Any solution? I've restarted and everything - Mountain Lion installed without issues.
Got it, thanks.Rename microsoft desktop to another name in Applications, like Microsoft RDP
I can't seem to find it...
There's an option to revert Exposé back to its pre-Lion version where all windows are spread out proportionately on the screen instead of grouped together overlapping.What's the difference between how Expose is now compared to before?
I'm relatively new to Mac so I'm still learning a bit.
Edit: Seems to be a difference in how windows were grouped.
I'm extremely annoyed that the Japanese Thesaurus is gone from the Dictionary app. Makes me want to downgrade back to Lion.
I'm extremely annoyed that the Japanese Thesaurus is gone from the Dictionary app. Makes me want to downgrade back to Lion.
Ugh, battery life time remaining is gone... seriously???
Guessing there is no way to get that back yet either :|
Ugh, battery life time remaining is gone... seriously???
Guessing there is no way to get that back yet either :|
I' to see it? I click on the battery icon/percentage at the top and the time remaining's right there.
Hmm, never used much other than the 大辞林, so didn't even notice it was missing. You should be able to just get a copy from someone who still has Lion and install it into ~/Library/Dictionaries/
Anyone still on Lion want to upload it somewhere for us Japanese speakers? Should be in /Library/Dictionaries/ Not sure what the file is called, but probably something like ruigo reikai jiten.dictionary
Thanks in advance!
Here you go
good catch, would have been a tad annoyed if I missed that. Hopefully the Mediafire link is OK to post?
You used to be able to keep it in the bar so you wouldn't need to click the icon to see time remaining. But googling turned up an app ( ) so I got it back![]()
I think that $20 was very steep for this. The speed boost is nice, but I have literally used none of the new features. Should have been $10 at the most.
So don't upgrade.
Because there's a good chance that it'll break stuff? I do software development and I already know of a couple of tools I use that need to be fixed.
Got home from work, checked email again... no code from Apple. The applecare folks said they're horribly behind and it should take up to 72 hours to receive a code. Anyone else still waiting after day 2?
Love the extreme entitlement. I personally am using almost all the new features, including airplay, iMessages, love the new Safari, notification center, power nap, iCloud integration, all the small and useful tweaks I've noticed, performance improvements, stability improvements, fixing the biggest pet peeves from Lion, etc. All this for $20, which you call 'very steep'? Damn, this is what scares me about humanity- people like you, who when offered so much for so little, objectively speaking, still cynical dismiss it and cry foul. It's a new OS with a bunch of user facing features as well as under the hood improvements. $20 is a steal, under any definition that you use. I would pay that much for any one of those things I listed, as its an OS I use for several hours every single day. It's the price of lunch. Get some damn perspective, for your own sake. I don't think you have a clue about what it takes to develop software. The price of this OS is heavily subsidized because Apple is a hardware company- they want as many people to update as possible, and aren't looking at it as a money maker. It certainly is worth alot more than what they're selling it for, and a MUCH better value than Lion, which people were pleasantly shocked at with the $30 price.
You would pay $20 for a browser upgrade?
I wouldn't dump either Dropbox or Google Drive yet. iCloud integration is more than just savings to a folder and requires API usage that is only available to apps in MAS. If it were as simple as simply moving files into that folder more apps would make use of it.Since Preview and Text Edit can use iCloud, there need to be apps on iOS that access their files. Why not have Photos show an iCloud folder for images. iBooks an iCloud section for PDF's. Notes possibly a Text Documents folder for Text Edit files. I dunno. More integration!
I only use clouds for moving files between computers.I wouldn't dump either Dropbox or Google Drive yet. iCloud integration is more than just savings to a folder and requires API usage that is only available to apps in MAS. If it were as simple as simply moving files into that folder more apps would make use of it.
I wouldn't rely on that system to sync files outside that ecosystem just yet.
So GAF, please help me. I have a 2009 white macbook with Lion. Should I upgrade? is it worth it even though my model is "old"?
How are you connecting your dualshocks? I've been wanting to set that up.One more unexpected improvement for me - Dualshock support seems to work much better. I used to have all sorts of problems trying to pair/use the controllers via Bluetooth, but now everything works as it should. Hopefully this isn't just a lucky streak.
So GAF, please help me. I have a 2009 white macbook with Lion. Should I upgrade? is it worth it even though my model is "old"?
How are you connecting your dualshocks? I've been wanting to set that up.
Safari 6 keeps losing my Neogaf login left and right. Yes, I check the box, and it doesn't happen in other websites.
What to do?
Cool , thanks.Seems to be as simple as
In Safari is there any way to make 2 finger swipe left/right switch tabs and not go forward/back?
That's what you got from my post? Really? I think my main meaning was clear. Which is that the OS is definitely more than worth $20. Calling it 'very steep' is insanity, especially when it has features that many will use on a daily basis.