wmat said:So if you start out with names, there's benchmark scores on the net which give you a scoring for your card in relation to some standard scoring system, there's consumer-oriented ranking on the web for specific cards, there's reviews and stuff, you can get a lot of info out of the production date etc. So research.
If you're technically inclined, there's also the hard specs of the cards, meaning clocking, chipsets, wattage and whatnot. That's maybe a bit much though.
If you've already got the card in your machine, the best way to assess its power is to use it and observe performance, preferably in some manner that operates with numerical data.
What I always do to get a baseline assumption of a card's power is I do a frames-per-second test for some OpenGL scene (I have custom code, so I have a bit of an advantage there since I can directly associate a card's behavior to my shit (more specifically, debug and do some data gathering)).
Anyway, if you've got a game that can show a frames-per-second counter, that's a good starting point. Just remember to turn VSYNC off.
The more interesting stuff is how exactly the fps behave when you do some particular thing, like use this-and-that GLSL shader to alter vertices, or fragments on a 3D surface. For that kind of thing, the HL2 built-in benchmark isn't too bad. It does some specific effects that are good enough for general assumptions about performance.
Maybe there's some Mac-specific graphics card benchmarks out there, I don't know. But that would also be helpful, I think. Depends on the benchmark though.
Charred Greyface said:Apart from games, what else on the computer relies on the Graphics card for better performance? One of the prime reasons I got a new computer was because Adobe didn't support hardware acceleration for flash on my graphics card (by the way, the 10.2 beta is actually surprisingly very good on my MBA!) and there are no easy solutions to replace those on Macs. But aside from games and flash videos, I haven't noticed anything else that's benefiting from the better card.I was wrong earlier
As long as you're not using that partition for Time Machine, you're good to go.scorcho said:now that 10.6.5 supports exfat, is there any reason why a partition shouldn't be formatted to it for non-critical read/write access between Windows and OSX? i'm thinking of formatting a 350GB partition to exfat to share my multimedia files on both.
It does. You can also enable QuartzGL system-wide. There's still heat issues though, so don't do it. It's disabled for a reason.Mr. Wonderful said:And doesn't Quartz(?) have preliminary support for GPU acceleration (QuartzGL/Quartz Extreme), but it's currently turned off?
USB is a lot slower than an internal drive. Let it run its course overnight.Futureman said:How long should it take to do the one pass security overwrite w/ an external USB harddrive?
I have a Seagate 1TB USB2 drive and it's saying 14 hours right now. When I did the (I think) 12 pass overwrite on my old iMac's internal drive, it only took around 10 hours. Why so long here?
Wow. It's really that intensive? That's got to be a programming thing, rather than just the fact that you're constantly using the GPU, right?wmat said:It does. You can also enable QuartzGL system-wide. There's still heat issues though, so don't do it. It's disabled for a reason.
Some of the models Apple sells or sold clearly don't handle GPU stress well. It's gotten much better in the last years though.Mr. Wonderful said:Wow. It's really that intensive? That's got to be a programming thing, rather than just the fact that you're constantly using the GPU, right?
I did the same. Upgraded from 2 to 4. It was awesome fast at first. But I'm running Firefox, and just like a goldfish, it grew to fit its new environment. :/Ashhong said:Just wanted to pop in and say that i upgraded my 13" MBP ram to 4gb and its so much better. I would get a lot beachballs previously, which are mostly gone now. Although we will see how it is after i havent turned it off for a few days.
Opera.lunarworks said:I did the same. Upgraded from 2 to 4. It was awesome fast at first. But I'm running Firefox, and just like a goldfish, it grew to fit its new environment. :/
:lollunarworks said:I did the same. Upgraded from 2 to 4. It was awesome fast at first. But I'm running Firefox, and just like a goldfish, it grew to fit its new environment. :/
Dropbox kills battery like no ones business if youre running that. Screenshot of activity monitor processes?killertofu said:This is somewhat unrelated, but I didn't feel like digging up the really old MBP thread.
I've got a mid2010 MBP i7, and ever since I've had it I've only been getting subpar peformance. Maybe 4 and a half hours max.
And that's no flash, 50 percent brightness, blah blah.
So I've taken to Apple, twice. First time they replaced the battery, second time they replaced the Logic Board, to no avail. Now I'm getting kind of annoyed and I bring it once more.
Was it reasonable for me to want an exchange? It's been a couple of months, but still. Over time they've had nearly three weeks with my computer switching parts out. After I bitched at the manager, I grudgingly let them take it once more to run "diagnostics". Four hours is not what the computer is rated for and I feel like I've wasted my money.
And before you guys ask, I was at 50 percent brightness, flash blocker on, browsing wikipedia/facebook and had Word open. Which is pretty much what Apple based their tests on.
Jasoco said:I just contemplated uninstalling HyperDock for a minute.
I was playing MineCraft (Still am) when I switched back to it from the Dock and the popup popped up and HD stole my keyboard. I was able to move the mouse, but the keyboard stopped working completely. Not even Command+Tabbing or pressing one of my application hot keys would work. Not even keys in MC. Just the mouse! Since MC steals the mouse pointer until you enter a menu or inventory screen, I was stuck.
So I pulled out my old MacBook, reconnected the topcase keyboard and powered it on. Reconnected to Wifi and SSH'd into my MBP, but it wouldn't let me killall MineCraft or HyperDock. Then the battery got really low on the MB and I went to plug in the power supply when I accidentally knocked one of my external backup HD's loose causing OS X to steal focus from the misbehaving apps to yell at me about the HD and let me have my mouse pointer back.
It was weird though, because HyperDock never stole my keyboard before. It stole focus, but never the keyboard to the point I couldn't even Command+Tab.
Weird. Haven't uninstalled yet, but am keeping this experience in mind. Hate to think that the only thing I could do to get control back was disconnect a HD without ejecting it. :lol
Definitely seems like something is wrong with that laptop. I have an i5 from the same timeframe and it always gets between 5-6+ hours depending on usage. Keep taking it back until it is fixed.killertofu said:This is somewhat unrelated, but I didn't feel like digging up the really old MBP thread.
I've got a mid2010 MBP i7, and ever since I've had it I've only been getting subpar peformance. Maybe 4 and a half hours max.
And that's no flash, 50 percent brightness, blah blah.
So I've taken to Apple, twice. First time they replaced the battery, second time they replaced the Logic Board, to no avail. Now I'm getting kind of annoyed and I bring it once more.
Was it reasonable for me to want an exchange? It's been a couple of months, but still. Over time they've had nearly three weeks with my computer switching parts out. After I bitched at the manager, I grudgingly let them take it once more to run "diagnostics". Four hours is not what the computer is rated for and I feel like I've wasted my money.
And before you guys ask, I was at 50 percent brightness, flash blocker on, browsing wikipedia/facebook and had Word open. Which is pretty much what Apple based their tests on.
If he is just on facebook and using Word he should be getting better battery life.scorcho said:if you've had both the logic board and battery replaced with the 'problem' still evident, it's likely a software issue or inflated expectations about battery life.
Yes. When you are done installing the Migration Assistant will launch. It will nice everything that is personal into the new OS. Just have the old HD connected up. Or at least a clone of the HD.kaskade said:I just got my hard drive in. 500 gb from 160. I'm not sure how I want to migrate my data. I've done the CCC method before but I think I might just want to do a clean install.
I have an external HDD enclosure. If I do the clean install will I be able to read my old drive and transfer all my stuff over?
Alrighty, that's exactly what I want. Gotta love Mac.Jasoco said:Yes. When you are done installing the Migration Assistant will launch. It will nice everything that is personal into the new OS. Just have the old HD connected up. Or at least a clone of the HD.
lunarworks said:I did the same. Upgraded from 2 to 4. It was awesome fast at first. But I'm running Firefox, and just like a goldfish, it grew to fit its new environment. :/
Dockview is shit in comparison to the polished HyperDock. And ugly as hell to boot. It's actually MineCraft's fault for locking the mouse. But it's not a big deal.Charred Greyface said:dockview![]()
I did it when I got my 13" MBP and was skeptical because it wouldn't let me just run from my old computer's clone. So I installed and ran the assistant and it worked 100% flawlessly.kaskade said:Alrighty, that's exactly what I want. Gotta love Mac.
yea. Chrome.Ashhong said:Yea..I'm sure that will happen eventually. I use Chrome though, which is pretty fast
Dreams-Visions said:yea. Chrome.
why won't anyone try the new Opera Beta? :-( I have 22 windows open right now...and Opera is below 900MB used. Brilliant memory management, cpu usage, features and speed.
not sure. depends on what extensions you need? but Opera does have quite the wealth of plug-ins and widgits.Ashhong said:Does it have as much extension support as Chrome? I refused to go to Chrome from Firefox until I discovered that it had pretty much every extension I need. I don't want to have to learn yet another new browser :lol
worst case: take your laptop to the hardware store and test it on the tools they have.kaskade said:Ughh didn't realize I needed such a small torx head for the HDD nubs. I just went around looking to buy one. Lowes and Home depot both close at 9 and walmart didn't even carry them. Luckily my friend said he should have the one I need.
Yeah, I checked. Small town I live in, everything is weird. I'm going to my friends now. Should be all sorted out. I'll just order a set on amazon when I get back home.Dreams-Visions said:worst case: take your laptop to the hardware store and test it on the tools they have.
also, many Home Depot's close at 10. might want to call to confirm unless you already did that.
Pliers. I just use pliers. Something to squeeze and twist. Never used a torq. Just pliers. PLIERS! I RECOMMEND THEM!kaskade said:Ughh didn't realize I needed such a small torx head for the HDD nubs. I just went around looking to buy one. Lowes and Home depot both close at 9 and walmart didn't even carry them. Luckily my friend said he should have the one I need.
iTunes.ant1532 said:Does anyone know whats the best software for copying ipod songs to a mac?
No I'm talking about like copying my iPod onto another computer.wmat said:iTunes.
Once you've synchronized your library, you can right-click a song and choose to open a Finder at its location on your drive.
Not sure what you want. You can just copy the songs once you've synched with iTunes.ant1532 said:No I'm talking about like copying my iPod onto another computer.
ant1532 said:No I'm talking about like copying my iPod onto another computer.
you can use windows media center, or download the latest release of XBMC (which plex is based on) for Windows - http://mirrors.xbmc.org/releases/win32/mrklaw said:just bought a windows 7 laptop for the kids homework etc. Is there a simple way to stream videos from OSX to it, maybe using windows media centre? I'd like them to be able to watch the famiily friendly movies I've ripped. I use plex on a mac mini, movies are stored on a USB external HDD
perfect solution would be to view only family friendly movies, but just getting anything streaming would be a good start.
Bowser said:This might be helpful: http://www.kennettnet.co.uk/products/musicrescue/