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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


My 15" MBP purchased over the summer has started making a clicking noise when I boot. Everything seems to work fine. I'm sure it's the hard drive, could it be from throwing it in my bag whilst in sleep mode in between classes? Any cause for concern? Back-up etc etc.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
LCfiner said:
heads up, Mac heads. the first beta of Reeder for Mac is available


it’s the best RSS reader on the iPhone and iPad and now it’s a very pretty (but still feature limited) RSS reader on the desktop.

syncs with Google reader.
One of my favorite things about Reeder on my iPad is the ability to expand my section. Let me explain through example. I have a section titled "News" and it's with NYT, Time, ESPN, etc. I can pinch and stretch the tile to make the "News" tile become three different tiles of "NYT," "Time," "ESPN." I can't seem to do that with the OSX version, unless I'm missing something. I hope that feature shows up eventually.


ngower said:
My 15" MBP purchased over the summer has started making a clicking noise when I boot. Everything seems to work fine. I'm sure it's the hard drive, could it be from throwing it in my bag whilst in sleep mode in between classes? Any cause for concern? Back-up etc etc.
spotlight -> main partition -> first aid -> verify disk.


spotlight -> console -> all messages -> search "i/o", if you see anything that looks like "disk0s2 i/o" then you're having input/output errors that usually mean your hard drive is failing mechanically.

a light clicking might be normal during intense processes like loading an operating system.


Bboy AJ said:
One of my favorite things about Reeder on my iPad is the ability to expand my section. Let me explain through example. I have a section titled "News" and it's with NYT, Time, ESPN, etc. I can pinch and stretch the tile to make the "News" tile become three different tiles of "NYT," "Time," "ESPN." I can't seem to do that with the OSX version, unless I'm missing something. I hope that feature shows up eventually.

Nope, reeder for Mac is a pretty darn traditional 3 pane UI with no gestures that I have seen. time will tell if it adds them down the line - especially with the focus on gestures in 10.7.

right now it has more in common with NNW on the Mac than the ipad version of reeder.

one nice touch that I like is the ability to have the dock icon change with the unread count, papers fill in the basket and a number appears subtly on the side of the icon, instead of being limited to a red badge.


cooljeanius said:
That much money for that little storage? I'd love an SSD, too, but I'm not getting one until I can get one that's twice my current hard drive's size (which is 256GB) for a third of that price.
I'd get the 128 if it were at most $200 and was a fast one, not some cheapo model. Just for the speed. But $300 right now is just too much.

But after watching some videos, especially this one:
I am so tempted to get one right now. I have the money, I just need the will. Still, I can wait a few months if prices ever feel like dropping. Would love to have 256 though, but man, so expensive. 128 I could live with, but I'd prefer 256.

Though interesting to note on Crucial's page for the C300, the price per GB is the same across all models instead of it being cheaper the higher you go. For instance, 64GB for $150, 128 for $300 and 256 for $600.

Still, $600 for 256GB is quite expensive. $300 is more swallowable but still, only 128GB. Though it does have read speeds of up to 355MB per second.

I did find a 128 for $200, but it's out of stock:
But only 150MB per second.
cooljeanius said:
That much money for that little storage? I'd love an SSD, too, but I'm not getting one until I can get one that's twice my current hard drive's size (which is 256GB) for a third of that price.
not sure what kind of computer you have, but I just took the SuperDrive out of my MBP and installed my SSD there. so my system is:

SSD in SuperDrive Slot (boot drive) + 640GB HDD.

I install all applications + Windows 7 on the SSD (not game) and use the 640GB drive for storage.

it's the only way to fly. once you get used to apps opening damn near before you can finish taking your finger off the mouse button...you can't go back. It's worth every penny of the $330 I paid for my 160GB Intel SSD. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

fwiw,if I didn't want to be able to dual boot, a 120GB SSD would have been fine...and only ~$200 or so.
julls said:
How do you do that!?
1.) opened the bottom

2.) removed the SuperDrive ribbon and screws necessary to lift the drive out (maybe 4 screws?)

3.) placed SSD in a drive caddy like this (similar can be had on eBay for <$20)

4.) place Drive caddy containing SSD into empty SuperDrive slot and connect to the SATA plug.

5.) Screw down drive caddy with 4 screws taken out in step 2.

6.) Install OSX and profit.


now, to install OSX on it is a bit less convenient, but there are multiple ways. you can:

a.) copy your OSX install disc onto a flash drive, wipe your main HDD (to prevent confusion on which drive is the boot drive...though there are probably easier ways to specify which drive the computer should boot from)

b.) backup your OSX install to an external drive with CarbonCopyCloner/SuperDuper...then boot the computer from the CCC/SD backup (hold option at boot and choose the external)...then run CCC/SD and copy the image onto the new SSD.*

c.) Put your now homeless SuperDrive in an external enclosure or buy an external USB-powered DVD drive ($30-$50), connect the external DVD drive, insert your OSX DVD and install.

*makes a lot more sense doing it than explaining it. it's really easy.

http://www.bombich.com/ <--- CarbonCopyConer

http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html <-- SuperDuper


Dreams-Visions said:
1.) opened the bottom

2.) removed the SuperDrive ribbon and screws necessary to lift the drive out (maybe 4 screws?)

3.) placed SSD in a drive caddy like this (similar can be had on eBay for <$20)

4.) place Drive caddy containing SSD into empty SuperDrive slot and connect to the SATA plug.

5.) Screw down drive caddy with 4 screws taken out in step 2.

6.) Install OSX and profit.


now, to install OSX on it is a bit less convenient, but there are multiple ways. you can:

a.) copy your OSX install disc onto a flash drive, wipe your main HDD (to prevent confusion on which drive is the boot drive...though there are probably easier ways to specify which drive the computer should boot from)

b.) backup your OSX install to an external drive with CarbonCopyCloner/SuperDuper...then boot the computer from the CCC/SD backup (hold option at boot and choose the external)...then run CCC/SD and copy the image onto the new SSD.*

c.) Put your now homeless SuperDrive in an external enclosure or buy an external USB-powered DVD drive ($30-$50), connect the external DVD drive, insert your OSX DVD and install.

*makes a lot more sense doing it than explaining it. it's really easy.

http://www.bombich.com/ <--- CarbonCopyConer

http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html <-- SuperDuper
I had no idea you could get alternatives off ebay for so cheap :lol
This will be useful if I end up getting another Pro next year (sold my old one :()
Dreams-Visions said:
not sure what kind of computer you have, but I just took the SuperDrive out of my MBP and installed my SSD there. so my system is:

SSD in SuperDrive Slot (boot drive) + 640GB HDD.

I install all applications + Windows 7 on the SSD (not game) and use the 640GB drive for storage.

it's the only way to fly. once you get used to apps opening damn near before you can finish taking your finger off the mouse button...you can't go back. It's worth every penny of the $330 I paid for my 160GB Intel SSD. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

fwiw,if I didn't want to be able to dual boot, a 120GB SSD would have been fine...and only ~$200 or so.
I still use my SuperDrive though...
cooljeanius said:
I still use my SuperDrive though...

1.) the middle-of-the-road option: put the SuperDrive in a $10-$15 USB external enclosure like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-USB-Slim-Po...C_Drives_Storage_Internal&hash=item5ad380f26a

This is not a perfect option because there is no front plate to cover the slot. It will look like this: http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/9691/img1645mv.jpg it'll work, though.

2.) the least attractive option: just put the SuperDrive on a bare bones $6 controller and use it when you need it. http://www.centrix-intl.com/details.asp?productid=3022 . It's the ugliest option, but also the most cost-effective.

3.) The most attractive option: buy a ready-made USB slimline DVD drive and put your SuperDrive in a box for storage for $30-$60. for example, http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0044DEDBG/?tag=neogaf0e-20 . Plug in when needed. Store the other 99% of the time.

you have options if you want to go down this route. I can only say that I don't burn a lot of CDs and most of my DVDs have been converted to a digital format, so my utility for a DVD drive is extremely limited.

Mairu said:
I had no idea you could get alternatives off ebay for so cheap :lol
This will be useful if I end up getting another Pro next year (sold my old one :()
yep, lots of people at MacRumors have bought IBM Thinkpad caddies like this


with small modification, it works perfectly. after all, the only thing the caddy has to do is hold the drive in place and connect to the SATA port.
my 8gb of ram for my mbp arrived today from newegg's black friday sale

gonna install it this weekend, any advice? 13" late 2009 mbp

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Dreams-Visions said:
1.) opened the bottom

2.) removed the SuperDrive ribbon and screws necessary to lift the drive out (maybe 4 screws?)

3.) placed SSD in a drive caddy like this (similar can be had on eBay for <$20)

4.) place Drive caddy containing SSD into empty SuperDrive slot and connect to the SATA plug.

5.) Screw down drive caddy with 4 screws taken out in step 2.

6.) Install OSX and profit.


now, to install OSX on it is a bit less convenient, but there are multiple ways. you can:

a.) copy your OSX install disc onto a flash drive, wipe your main HDD (to prevent confusion on which drive is the boot drive...though there are probably easier ways to specify which drive the computer should boot from)

b.) backup your OSX install to an external drive with CarbonCopyCloner/SuperDuper...then boot the computer from the CCC/SD backup (hold option at boot and choose the external)...then run CCC/SD and copy the image onto the new SSD.*

c.) Put your now homeless SuperDrive in an external enclosure or buy an external USB-powered DVD drive ($30-$50), connect the external DVD drive, insert your OSX DVD and install.

*makes a lot more sense doing it than explaining it. it's really easy.

http://www.bombich.com/ <--- CarbonCopyConer

http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html <-- SuperDuper
Thanks. I really had no idea you could do anything like this. I never use my optical drive so something like this would be really nice. Time to start saving :D
^ yep. and if you choose to go down that road, we'll be around to help.

GodfatherX said:
my 8gb of ram for my mbp arrived today from newegg's black friday sale

gonna install it this weekend, any advice? 13" late 2009 mbp

advice? advice for what?

take the screws out, remove the old ram, insert new ram in he sockets. re-insert screws, boot.

you may want to reset the PRAM during the first bootup in lieu of the new hardware.



I'm an idiot. All this time I was sad that the HD caddies were only compatible with 9mm drives, I completely forgot I could put the SSD in the caddy and the bigger HDD in the normal HD slot. Duh! :lol

Guess I know the next few big things I'm buying.

Mac mini for HTPC
SSD for laptop
1.5TB HDD when they're available
HD caddy for optical drive

All for a bit over $1200. Oh goodie.


So I finally bit the bullet and started the return process on my Envy. The allure of the 13" Macbook Air and Mac OSX was just too much. If I don't make the plunge for Mac OSX now, I doubt I'd ever do it. Trying to decide whether or not I should just stick with 4 GB RAM and 128 GB SSD or pony up and grab a maxed out 13"...this will probably be my primary laptop for the next 4-5 years so I'm leaning towards the maxed out 13". Thoughts?

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Bboy AJ said:
One of my favorite things about Reeder on my iPad is the ability to expand my section. Let me explain through example. I have a section titled "News" and it's with NYT, Time, ESPN, etc. I can pinch and stretch the tile to make the "News" tile become three different tiles of "NYT," "Time," "ESPN." I can't seem to do that with the OSX version, unless I'm missing something. I hope that feature shows up eventually.
I got it. Well, there is no gesture to do it but there's a tiny arrow on the bottom left of those tiles. Click it and it expands to list out your individual feeds instead of the entire group.

Love it. Lots of UI improvements still to be made but this is definitely a great start. Finally, a desktop RSS app where people aren't telling me to just use reader.google.com


testicles on a cold fall morning
Jasoco said:
I'm about to pull the trigger on a SSD.

Should I? All the reviews are good. I've seen it working in a MacBook Pro. Should I spend the money? Or should I wait?
just purchased an OCZ SSD with the latest Sandforce controller. boot times aren't that much faster than my previous 7200rpm drive (from 30 seconds to ~20), but response time is far greater once the desktop appears. it's nice to launch Word, Photoshop, iTunes, Safari and Illustrator at roughly the same time and have them all load within 3 or so seconds without slowdown.

from what i've read, the latest Kingston drives utilize the exact same controller that's on the MBA, so performance should be the same - http://www.anandtech.com/show/4010/kingston-ssdnow-v-plus-100-review

hopefully 10.7 will support TRIM, but the GC on the latest controllers really help out.


Bboy AJ said:
I got it. Well, there is no gesture to do it but there's a tiny arrow on the bottom left of those tiles. Click it and it expands to list out your individual feeds instead of the entire group.

Love it. Lots of UI improvements still to be made but this is definitely a great start. Finally, a desktop RSS app where people aren't telling me to just use reader.google.com
Does it show updated items in posts? For example, Daringfireball sometimes makes corrections to his articles after publishing them. If you've already read the post then Google reader won't catch the change. NetsNewsWire gets this right, it even showing the particular parts that have been changed. Can Reeder handle this?

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Charred Greyface said:
Does it show updated items in posts? For example, Daringfireball sometimes makes corrections to his articles after publishing them. If you've already read the post then Google reader won't catch the change. NetsNewsWire gets this right, it even showing the particular parts that have been changed. Can Reeder handle this?
From what I can tell, no. It works exactly like the iPad version with regards to your question.


Dreams-Visions said:
1.) opened the bottom

2.) removed the SuperDrive ribbon and screws necessary to lift the drive out (maybe 4 screws?)

3.) placed SSD in a drive caddy like this (similar can be had on eBay for <$20)

4.) place Drive caddy containing SSD into empty SuperDrive slot and connect to the SATA plug.

5.) Screw down drive caddy with 4 screws taken out in step 2.

6.) Install OSX and profit.


now, to install OSX on it is a bit less convenient, but there are multiple ways. you can:

a.) copy your OSX install disc onto a flash drive, wipe your main HDD (to prevent confusion on which drive is the boot drive...though there are probably easier ways to specify which drive the computer should boot from)

b.) backup your OSX install to an external drive with CarbonCopyCloner/SuperDuper...then boot the computer from the CCC/SD backup (hold option at boot and choose the external)...then run CCC/SD and copy the image onto the new SSD.*

c.) Put your now homeless SuperDrive in an external enclosure or buy an external USB-powered DVD drive ($30-$50), connect the external DVD drive, insert your OSX DVD and install.

*makes a lot more sense doing it than explaining it. it's really easy.

http://www.bombich.com/ <--- CarbonCopyConer

http://www.shirt-pocket.com/SuperDuper/SuperDuperDescription.html <-- SuperDuper

Lifehacker did a how to a while back

I can't decided between the intel or ocz
I'd never even thought replacing the SuperDrive with an SSD was a possibility. Now I know what I'm doing next year.

Since my MBP replaced my desktop, I like having as much storage as possible. But, the speed of SSD is very tempting. Now I can have both!

Anyway, is it possible to boot from the SSD, but assign the "Users" directory to the HDD? It's all UNIX, so there's gonna be a way.


Does anybody run chrome on Mac? I used it for awhile but noticed that every time I watch a video it makes the fans go crazy. Safari and firefox do not make this happen, is this happening to anybody else? Btw I have a 15in 2010 MacBook pro.


njean777 said:
Does anybody run chrome on Mac? I used it for awhile but noticed that every time I watch a video it makes the fans go crazy. Safari and firefox do not make this happen, is this happening to anybody else? Btw I have a 15in 2010 MacBook pro.
Last time I just joked "It's Flash", but really, it's Flash. But have you tried the new 10.2 beta?
It's supposed to cut down on processor usage and thus heat. That is if Chrome will let us install a new version of Flash over the one it has bundled in. (I hate that. Just let us use our own Flash.)

Anyway, on topic of SSD:
The Kingston looks nice too. And the Intel. Dammit. Now I don't know which one to order. I want to buy one of them. The Kingston is also cheaper... Weird that the 128 is $230 while the 256 is $600-700. Oh well, I can live with 128 for the time being.

Either way, whichever one I buy, I'm getting one day shipping so I can play with it tomorrow. I just need to make up my mind!

Of course, I'm only ordering it now because I missed out on the great $600 Mac mini (Newest model, $100 off) deal at PC Connection Express. Was kinda disappointed at that one, they ran out in the middle of the night, but I just didn't have the money in the bank yet. Oh well. I want SSD!

I trust Carbon Copy Cloner works with it and there's nothing special I'd need for it to work flawlessly.

Might just go with the Kingston now...
Jasoco said:
Anyway, on topic of SSD:
The Kingston looks nice too. And the Intel. Dammit. Now I don't know which one to order. I want to buy one of them. The Kingston is also cheaper... Weird that the 128 is $230 while the 256 is $600-700. Oh well, I can live with 128 for the time being.

Either way, whichever one I buy, I'm getting one day shipping so I can play with it tomorrow. I just need to make up my mind!

Of course, I'm only ordering it now because I missed out on the great $600 Mac mini (Newest model, $100 off) deal at PC Connection Express. Was kinda disappointed at that one, they ran out in the middle of the night, but I just didn't have the money in the bank yet. Oh well. I want SSD!

I trust Carbon Copy Cloner works with it and there's nothing special I'd need for it to work flawlessly.

Might just go with the Kingston now...
You might want to wait until January. New Intel drives are just around the corner, bringing slightly faster reads and writes and better prices per capacity.

And you're going to want to do a fresh install with an SSD to make sure your sectors are properly aligned. Not doing so will slow your SSD down.
njean777 said:
Does anybody run chrome on Mac? I used it for awhile but noticed that every time I watch a video it makes the fans go crazy. Safari and firefox do not make this happen, is this happening to anybody else? Btw I have a 15in 2010 MacBook pro.
I do.

Chrome's flash integration is problematic at best. The reason you're hearing the fans kick up is becuase the flash video stress is being put primarily on the CPU...at a rate of what looks like about 50% more than Opera/Safari/Firefox.

Your fans are kicking up because your CPU is well north of 90C. (!)

It's the principle reason why I stopped using Chrome for the time being. Having to micromanage my fan speed so that my shit doesn't hit 100C while watching a webcast is unacceptable.

I'd highly recommend that you give Opera 11 Beta a try. It's the best browser of the lot for OSX. This was a very unexpected result for me, as I never wanted to try Opera (was the last one I tried)...but I can't hate it. Clearly superior memory management + cool flash streaming (temperature) + low CPU footprint + Chrome speeds + all the features you expect from modern browsers (and then some). Only quirk is that the momentum scrolling is a bit awkward.

The Firefox Beta is also solid, though it has some Beta bugs. Flash windows in alternate tabs tend to crash. Memory management isn't as good.


Mr. Wonderful said:
You might want to wait until January. New Intel drives are just around the corner, bringing slightly faster reads and writes and better prices per capacity.

And you're going to want to do a fresh install with an SSD to make sure your sectors are properly aligned. Not doing so will slow your SSD down.
Hmmm.... Better prices you say? Maybe I should wait. I can wait a month or two. I wouldn't want to spend so much and not get a good deal.

Now if only I hadn't missed out on that Mac mini.
Jasoco said:
Hmmm.... Better prices you say? Maybe I should wait. I can wait a month or two. I wouldn't want to spend so much and not get a good deal.

Now if only I hadn't missed out on that Mac mini.
prices and capacity will be better, yes. absolutely.
Jasoco said:
Is January a set in stone date? Or is this just speculation?
not sure. it was supposed to be Q4 2010 originally. not sure what the status is now, tbh.

but the speed increase and price drops should make the extra month or so worth the wait.

when they next generation comes out, I'll be moving my current MBP's SSD to my desktop and picking up one of the new ones.


Dreams-Visions said:
not sure. it was supposed to be Q4 2010 originally. not sure what the status is now, tbh.
Yeah, and 1.5TB HDD's were supposed to be Q3, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of those either.

So maybe I should still get one today? I'd hate to wait until January and find them not even coming out. But then again, I'd hate to get it now and then have it actually happen. Sometimes I hate technology.

In the end it's still may choice to make. But it's pretty tough.
Jasoco said:
Yeah, and 1.5TB HDD's were supposed to be Q3, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of those either.

So maybe I should still get one today? I'd hate to wait until January and find them not even coming out. But then again, I'd hate to get it now and then have it actually happen. Sometimes I hate technology.
well...I'd think that Q1 2011 would be a sound bet. so it's all about whether you want to wait as much as 3 months to enjoy the awesomeness that is SSD.

If you wait, you can benefit from even faster speeds and more space for your money. If you don't wait, you get to enjoy amazing speeds *today*. Just be sure you get a good deal for one. if you dual-boot with Windows 7, I'd recommend the 160GB version. Otherwise, the 120GB is probably ideal. Assuming you're going to keep you're going for the dual drive setup.


Dreams-Visions said:
well...I'd think that Q1 2011 would be a sound bet. so it's all about whether you want to wait as much as 3 months to enjoy the awesomeness that is SSD.

If you wait, you can benefit from even faster speeds and more space for your money. If you don't wait, you get to enjoy amazing speeds *today*. Just be sure you get a good deal for one. if you dual-boot with Windows 7, I'd recommend the 160GB version. Otherwise, the 120GB is probably ideal. Assuming you're going to keep you're going for the dual drive setup.
Eventually I will be going dual. When the 1.5TB HDD's come out that is. But for now, 128 is enough space as I already have a dedicated Media drive (Which I will be cloning to the 1.5TB laptop drive) for everything else. I wanted the mini to be a media server for these Media drives since the MB I used for a while has gotten to the point it is ready to go to the great Mac farm in the sky.

As for a deal, Amazon has the Kingston 128 for $230. Which is better than $300 IMHO. Plus, it's not like I couldn't replace it later on when the new ones come out and sell the old one. It would be worth it for the benefits now for the next few months until they come out with the better ones.
Jasoco said:
Eventually I will be going dual. When the 1.5TB HDD's come out that is. But for now, 128 is enough space as I already have a dedicated Media drive (Which I will be cloning to the 1.5TB laptop drive) for everything else. I wanted the mini to be a media server for these Media drives since the MB I used for a while has gotten to the point it is ready to go to the great Mac farm in the sky.

As for a deal, Amazon has the Kingston 128 for $230. Which is better than $300 IMHO. Plus, it's not like I couldn't replace it later on when the new ones come out and sell the old one. It would be worth it for the benefits now for the next few months until they come out with the better ones.
word. I'm not familiar with Kingston's quality with regard to SSD, so maybe somone else can chime in there. This thread may be helpful


I have an Intel G2 SSD and it's great, but its performance degrades over time. So I have to backup, format, and restore every 10 months or so to maintain peak performance. It's easy to do, but is a small inconvenience.


Dreams-Visions said:
word. I'm not familiar with Kingston's quality with regard to SSD, so maybe somone else can chime in there. This thread may be helpful


I have an Intel G2 SSD and it's great, but its performance degrades over time. So I have to backup, format, and restore every 10 months or so to maintain peak performance. It's easy to do, but is a small inconvenience.
Is this a typical thing? Reinstalling every once in a while?

The Kingston got a nice review from Anandtech.


Dreams-Visions said:
it's neither typical nor a-typical.

you'll want to google "Garbage Collection SSDs" or something like that so that you'll understand their pros...and which drives do and don't do it under OSX.
The Anandtech review says the Kingston has it. And Amazon has a few left that can be delivered by tomorrow if I get one day shipping. I think I might take a risk and buy it. I mean, I spent $600 on a Series 3 TiVo when they first came out. I'm usually an early adopter, I don't see this being any different. lol
Jasoco said:
The Anandtech review says the Kingston has it. And Amazon has a few left that can be delivered by tomorrow if I get one day shipping. I think I might take a risk and buy it. I mean, I spent $600 on a Series 3 TiVo when they first came out. I'm usually an early adopter, I don't see this being any different. lol
sounds good to me.

Personally, I'd also recommend considering the Crucial Real SSD as well.


Dreams-Visions said:
sounds good to me.

Personally, I'd also recommend considering the Crucial Real SSD as well.
I was actually. I even watched/read reviews for both of them. Which is what makes the choice harder. I've spent all day and last night comparing the two. From what I can tell, they're both great choices. But Amazon has the Kingston cheaper, with a transfer kit and can deliver by tomorrow. And Anandtech says the Kingston is good for the MPB since OS X doesn't support Trim anyway and it has aggressive garbage collection. Since I'm off tomorrow, it would be a fun day to do some installing and transferring.
Jasoco said:
I was actually. I even watched/read reviews for both of them. Which is what makes the choice harder. From what I can tell, they're both great choices. But Amazon has the Kingston cheaper, with a transfer kit and can deliver by tomorrow. Since I'm off tomorrow, it would be a fun day to do some installing and transferring.
be sure to let us know what you think of the boot times. :D

oh, and you really don't have to do installing unless you want to. I'd recommend the CarbonCopyCloner method. Unless you don't mind burning the time...you could do your backup now if you have an external drive to put it on, then drop the CCC image on the drive in about 40 minutes with no real break in productivity.


Dreams-Visions said:
be sure to let us know what you think of the boot times. :D

oh, and you really don't have to do installing unless you want to. I'd recommend the CarbonCopyCloner method. Unless you don't mind burning the time...you could do your backup now if you have an external drive to put it on, then drop the CCC image on the drive in about 40 minutes with no real break in productivity.
40 minutes is a bit low. Since the drive I have now has 120GB (Will be offloading some to keep more free space) it'll take a few hours.

I might reinstall anyway, then do a transfer of my home directory (With Migration Assistant) like when I got the MBP just to be safe.

I'll be a guinea pig and bite the bullet. We'll see how it goes!

Edit: Order placed!
Order Total: $251.71
1 day shipping. Should arrive tomorrow.


Woah! Reeder is really nice! I don't have an iPhone or iPad so the Reeder for Mac is my first experience with it, and it makes all the articles look so pretty :)


My Macbook Air arrived :)

Pyrokai said:
Woah! Reeder is really nice! I don't have an iPhone or iPad so the Reeder for Mac is my first experience with it, and it makes all the articles look so pretty :)
That's what Reeder is known for :)
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