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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


I just tried this. I don't think it did anything?

I copy and pasted that line into Terminal and pressed Enter and then it just gave me the name of my computer.

Did I do anything wrong?

I'm not sure if above command is right or wrong, but the second part of that command removes (rm) all files that are database files (.db) in that path.

If it is right, then presumably you'd have to reboot to see the changes.

Personally, I probably would've just tried deleting iPhoto app, and then putting it back.


I'm not sure if above command is right or wrong, but the second part of that command removes (rm) all files that are database files (.db) in that path.

If it is right, then presumably you'd have to reboot to see the changes.

Personally, I probably would've just tried deleting iPhoto app, and then putting it back.

I just restarted and it didn't work.

So if I erase and install iPhoto, will I lose all of the photos I got in it?
Maybe I should move all the photos to my NAS before I do anything.


I just restarted and it didn't work.

So if I erase and install iPhoto, will I lose all of the photos I got in it?
Maybe I should move all the photos to my NAS before I do anything.

You shouldn't. The app is completely separate (applications folder) from the iPhoto Library itself (user/Library/Pictures). Although, I'm not exactly sure if it would delete your library, since I no longer use iPhoto, but I can't imagine that it would. But yeah, doesn't hurt to be safe.

There are two ways you can delete the app:

1) Delete from Applications folder - I imagine the icons then disappear from Launchpad. MAYBE the 'fake' one will remain, maybe both will disappear. If one does remain, see below.

2) click and hold the icons in the launchpad. They start to jiggle with an 'x'. click the 'x' to delete the app. And when you do, either they will both disappear, or the rogue one remains. Whatever happens, now would be your chance to get rid of the extra icon if it remains.

Not you will need a legit copy of iPhoto to reinstall, be it from disc or appstore.

Again, disclaimer: I don't use the new iPhoto, but from logic, I'm guessing that that is who it will work. REad what I have suggest and consider if you think it makes sense. I don't want to be responsible for killing someone's entire photo collection.


It worked! So now I just have 1 iPhoto logo in the Launcher.

Another thing though is, how can I change where iPhoto saves imported (from cameras) photos? And how can I show the photos I have on my NAS in iPhoto?

I see an "Import to Library" - I guess that's the one to import to iPhoto. So that means, that all of my photos will actually end up on my MacBook Air if I import? Can't I just see the photos on the NAS through iPhoto? =/


It worked! So now I just have 1 iPhoto logo in the Launcher.

Another thing though is, how can I change where iPhoto saves imported (from cameras) photos? And how can I show the photos I have on my NAS in iPhoto?

I see an "Import to Library" - I guess that's the one to import to iPhoto. So that means, that all of my photos will actually end up on my MacBook Air if I import? Can't I just see the photos on the NAS through iPhoto? =/

Ok, I'm a self-professed iPhoto 'expert'. It was one of my favourite computer apps of all time, but I only used it up until iPhoto version 8.

To give you my idea of what iPhoto is...

iPhoto is a photo management program. The concept is that you no longer should be managing your photo FILES, just managing your photo themselves, if you get my meaning.

My high recommendation, is to forget managing the files and leave that to iPhoto. Bu default, iPhoto copies all photos passed through it into it's own iPhoto Library folder. It's just a folder, but it's bundled up artificially to discourage you from messing with it. All imported photos SHOULD be copied into it

IPhoto then gives you options to 'view' those photos, be it by import sessions (events), certain metadata (date, faces, places), or some manual arrangement (folders and albums).

Thing is you CAN have iPhoto not copy into it's library, but instead, have it reference images from wherever they,re stored. This is kind of a mess, but it's possible.

Now if you have a NAS, and it's imperative you have those in iPhoto, you can either reference them from there into iPhoto. Note that iPhoto only offers two modes: complete management and copying into it's own library, or referenced management.

THAT said, you can always FAKE it, by using sym links, although that,s even less recommended and requires a certain level of hacking around.

Alternatively, you can keep the whole photo managed, but stored on a NAS, either by sym linking, or by just pointing iPhoto to wh your. Library resides.

Keep in mind that if you're doing it to 'share' photos, it's exactly that that can mess up and corrupt your iPhoto library - if another computer messes with the structure when iPhoto isn't aware of changes.

If it,s for backup purposes, I guess that's ok.

The best thing to to is learn what iPhoto is and what it does before messing with the default setup.

Short version: yes you can change where iPhoto saves photos, but I don't recommend it. Yes there are ways to 'hack' iPhoto into looking at photos somewhere else, but all photos iPhoto 'looks' at have to be imported as part of it's library. iPhoto is a management program and (viewing program for its library), as opposed to a 'viewing' program for files. At least, I feel it's best considered that way.

Do note you can also share photos in other people's libraries on a network too.
Keep in mind that I only use iPhoto for making calendars at Christmastime and use Aperture the rest of the time.

You can store an iPhoto Library on the NAS, and you can have multiple iPhoto libraries (i.e., one on your MacBook Air, one on the NAS), but I don't think it's trivial to migrate things from one to another. iPhoto's big-sibling, Aperture, makes this sort of thing trivial, but it's overkill for many people.

If iPhoto's limitations are too great, consider looking at Aperture or Lightroom.


iPhoto turned my 30 gigs of pictures into 100 gigs of mess... I can't recommend it.

I don't see how it would bloat like that, not if you have it manage. And it doesn't make a mess unless you have some hangup about organising the files yourself. Otherwise yes, that could be a mess, but mostly in your head.

In my experience, it takes all your files and makes one 'file' with who-the-hell-cares-how-it-does-it organisation inside.

All that said, do note that iPhoto editing is non-destructive. That is, every photo that is edited will have two copies, one original master, and one edited version (also note that a portrait orientation image, that is one taken in portrait in camera, and so has a rotation tag, is considered an edit). Also keeps thumbnails for easy viewing.

A little while ago, the power of computers, and the size of hard drives increased past a point than most consumers would really need, unless they required a lot for video, and I felt it was a good thing that software started to utilise that power and space to do things that were actually meaningful, such as organising and managing files for you.
I've just installed a virtual machine (Windows) for the first time. A few questions. I can't remember the size of my HDD prior to the installation but I remember setting the space for Windows at 30GB. I'm assuming 30GB of my HDD is now reserved for that OS? If so, will simply uninstalling the virtual OS recover that hard drive space?
I've just installed a virtual machine (Windows) for the first time. A few questions. I can't remember the size of my HDD prior to the installation but I remember setting the space for Windows at 30GB. I'm assuming 30GB of my HDD is now reserved for that OS? If so, will simply uninstalling the virtual OS recover that hard drive space?
Yes :p
I just looked and found the virtual image. I really should try to use common sense more often. I'm too spoiled to have you awesome guys to answer any question

MC Safety

I think my desktop Mac (Mac Pro) may be having problems with its memory/motherboard or maybe with overheating. I'm getting severe graphic glitches to screen freezes or just plain freezes.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to address this issue? And if the solution is to take it in for repair/servicing, would you recommend taking the tower to the Apple store?

Finally, if I take in the tower for repair, is there anything I need to do as a precautionary measure? I plan to remove all pictures/documents/etc. and don't keep any pornography on the hard drive -- but would appreciate any additional suggestions. (I guess I should back everything up, too.)

Thanks in advance.


I think my desktop Mac (Mac Pro) may be having problems with its memory/motherboard or maybe with overheating. I'm getting severe graphic glitches to screen freezes or just plain freezes.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to address this issue? And if the solution is to take it in for repair/servicing, would you recommend taking the tower to the Apple store?

Finally, if I take in the tower for repair, is there anything I need to do as a precautionary measure? I plan to remove all pictures/documents/etc. and don't keep any pornography on the hard drive -- but would appreciate any additional suggestions. (I guess I should back everything up, too.)

Thanks in advance.

You got the main things. We don't have Apple Stores here, but whenever I brought my computer in to repair, they want Admin privileges....but instead of giving them my password, I tended to just create another admin account and give that to them. You know, if you can manage that in the computer's current state.


I'm at it again. I installed the Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta and it had installed 2 of each. So I dragged everything I could to the trash and erased it, while uninstalling afterward. Now I'm stuck with these 3 icons:


I tried restarting my MacBook Air and using "[ -e ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db ] && rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db" in Terminal.

What is left to try out? :(
I am in need of some help. We have 2 macbooks each with a 120gb SSD. Although incredibly fast, there isnt that much storage for all the movies and music we have. That's why I store the movies on an external hard drive attached to a desktop pc.

I wanted to know if there is a good solution where I can have my macbooks be able to stream the movies that are stored on the external hard drive on my pc.
Also, I like the idea of the Time Machine backup and wanted to know if there's something that would allow me to also backup my macbook.

I found a few products and wanted to know if they would fit what I'm looking for:

Western Digital

I am in need of some help. We have 2 macbooks each with a 120gb SSD. Although incredibly fast, there isnt that much storage for all the movies and music we have. That's why I store the movies on an external hard drive attached to a desktop pc.

I wanted to know if there is a good solution where I can have my macbooks be able to stream the movies that are stored on the external hard drive on my pc.

Just share the drive on the PC. On the Mac, 'Connect to Server' from the Finder's 'Go' menu.
smb://mypc.local/share (assuming your PC has Bonjour installed) or smb://pc_ip_addr/share. Enter the credentials and have your Mac remember them. Make an alias to this volume once it's mounted to get back to it via double-clicking.

The drive you use with the PC matters not a whit to the Mac.

Also, I like the idea of the Time Machine backup and wanted to know if there's something that would allow me to also backup my macbook.

TimeMachine will only work with supported network drives or drives attached to your Mac. I've managed to use it with volumes shared from Linux hosts, but have never tried it with Windows (i.e., the trick for your movies volume above won't work for TimeMachine, without some work, if at all).

An Apple AirPort Extreme with an external drive or a TimeCapsule both work well for TimeMachine.
Just share the drive on the PC. On the Mac, 'Connect to Server' from the Finder's 'Go' menu.
smb://mypc.local/share (assuming your PC has Bonjour installed) or smb://pc_ip_addr/share. Enter the credentials and have your Mac remember them. Make an alias to this volume once it's mounted to get back to it via double-clicking.

The drive you use with the PC matters not a whit to the Mac.

TimeMachine will only work with supported network drives or drives attached to your Mac. I've managed to use it with volumes shared from Linux hosts, but have never tried it with Windows (i.e., the trick for your movies volume above won't work for TimeMachine, without some work, if at all).

An Apple AirPort Extreme with an external drive or a TimeCapsule both work well for TimeMachine.

Thanks! Just set up the sharing and it works like a charm!!


I'm at it again. I installed the Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta and it had installed 2 of each. So I dragged everything I could to the trash and erased it, while uninstalling afterward. Now I'm stuck with these 3 icons:


I tried restarting my MacBook Air and using "[ -e ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db ] && rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock/*.db" in Terminal.

What is left to try out? :(

I have tried installing and uninstalling numerous times now but that didn't work either. =/
Is there anyway to redownload movies you purchased? My hard drive died and some of the movies I got through digital copies I didn't have a chance to redownload. Are they gone or can I get them back somehow?


Partition question via Disk Utility.

I have an 1 TB external.

Partition 1 (P1) = 700 GB
Partition 2 (P2)= 300 GB

I want to re-size P2 to 150 GB and give the other 150 GB to P1. I only have 100 GB of stuff on P2.

With Disk Utility, I can go to the partition tab and easily make P2 smaller by dragging on the visual tool, but all that does it leave an empty grey space - I can't drag P1 to be bigger.

How can I accomplish this without having to reformat? All I am trying to do is adjust the allocations of each partition...


Maturity, bitches.
I love the fact that Flashback deletes itself if it detects the XCode folder. That is rather nice of it you have to admit.


Yeah, that's pretty damn genius.
The latest versions of Xcode from the Mac App Store doesn't seem to create the Developer folder any more though. Everything is packaged in /Applications/Xcode.app, including the other component apps, although it appears a lot of the minor utilities aren't bundled with the Mac App Store version.


Maturity, bitches.
What? But Icon Composer is one of the most useful app from the Developer Tools. Sucks to be an App Store user it seems.

I really should upgrade my version of XCode according to Homebrew, but I haven't got enough room on my hard drive to save the download.
Partition question via Disk Utility.

I have an 1 TB external.

Partition 1 (P1) = 700 GB
Partition 2 (P2)= 300 GB

I want to re-size P2 to 150 GB and give the other 150 GB to P1. I only have 100 GB of stuff on P2

How can I accomplish this without having to reformat? All I am trying to do is adjust the allocations of each partition...

I have done so in the past, so it is possible.

It may because partitions need to be contiguous? X MB of data is alway the the first X MB of the partition (more or less). So p2 is between the free space and p1.

You may be able to make P2 smaller, make a new partition out of the freed space, clone p2 to it and then absorb the old p2 into p1.


Yeah, that's pretty damn genius.

Can't tell if you guys are being serious or sarcastic.

Wat purpose does it serve to delete itself if you have Xcode installed?

Also, Xcode does have a developer folder...it installs inside itself. Not sure if you have to get command line tools or not though.
Whenever I click on the results of a Spotlight search, the Finder window looks like this. Is there anyway to make it 'normal' e.g. the same appearance as a New Finder window?

Whenever I click on the results of a Spotlight search, the Finder window looks like this. Is there anyway to make it 'normal' e.g. the same appearance as a New Finder window?


That's what the Finder looks like with the Toolbar hidden. cmd-opt-t should toggle it (see also view menu). It acts very much like a classic Mac Finder window, except you can have more than one window open for a given folder, which didn't happen in the Good Old Days.


Dragging some epubs directly to my iPad results in iTunes crashing. Am on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and iTunes 10.6.1. Never happened before, pdf's transferred fine, just epubs.

[edit] Work around... copy epubs to GoodReader via iTunes and "Manage Files" - select ePub and "Open in" > iBooks.

Damn. They have to fix this, can anyone try it?
Office for Mac got a big update, including lion full screen support, thank god


So does Full-screen support mean the app is now 100% Cocoa? Or is it simply more Cocoa than before?

Gotta love the posts on MacRumors. "It only took 8 months!!"

Sit the fuck down. At no point were you ever entitled to receiving new features through a software update.

At this point, I had assumed the feature wouldn't be coming until Office 2012/2013 (which I would assume would be released through the App Store).


Not sure what the best thread is to ask.

I am looking for a very basic, simple IM client I can ask the people working on my account team to install on their computers to use at work. Some have Macs, some PCs. Looking for something really simple.

So does Full-screen support mean the app is now 100% Cocoa? Or is it simply more Cocoa than before?

Gotta love the posts on MacRumors. "It only took 8 months!!"

Sit the fuck down. At no point were you ever entitled to receiving new features through a software update.

At this point, I had assumed the feature wouldn't be coming until Office 2012/2013 (which I would assume would be released through the App Store).

I don't know what you mean by "cocoa"


Maturity, bitches.
Not sure what the best thread is to ask.

I am looking for a very basic, simple IM client I can ask the people working on my account team to install on their computers to use at work. Some have Macs, some PCs. Looking for something really simple.

What kind of IM are you after.
Built in is an IRC client called ERC via Emacs. Or you have Colloquy as a stand alone app. /nick [name] /j [room]. It's pretty easy to get started and you don't have to swap details apart from the room name.

Then there is Adium that acts as an all in one for various IM programs like MSN and AOL. Never really played with iChat so I can't give an opinion on it. There's also Skype of course.


aka ThreeOneFour
What kind of IM are you after.
Built in is an IRC client called ERC via Emacs. Or you have Colloquy as a stand alone app. /nick [name] /j [room]. It's pretty easy to get started and you don't have to swap details apart from the room name.

Then there is Adium that acts as an all in one for various IM programs like MSN and AOL. Never really played with iChat so I can't give an opinion on it. There's also Skype of course.

LimeChat is pretty boss too.


I'm having problems converting some videos. I know this doesn't really belong in this thread, but as I'm using a Mac and can't find a better thread (and can't create one either, as a Junior)... Do you know a thread for general computer problems like this one or should I just state the problem here?
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