Roi said:
I have a Mac for almost a year and I just found out that if you hit the spacebar in Finder you can see previews of everything...
That was actually a high level featured addition to Leopard. It's called Quickview. Incidentally, developers can add more files to Quickview, and quickview is what is used during video/presentation/file view sharing during iChat.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Don't get hung up on this. If you use an application a lot, just leave it open and idle all the time. It's not Windows XP. It's not going to make your machine sluggish. You'll appreciate how you can instantly reopen your most used applications without having to wait for a reload.
Also, the red button only closes the window because OS X is window-based as opposed to Windows' application-based design. Cmd+W will always just close the current window, Cmd+Q will always close the entire application. Cmd+Tab will always cycle applications, Cmd+` (the key above tab) will always cycle between windows within that current application. (Or just use a mouse hot corner or your trackpad for Expose and just click on the window you want.)
Yup. When I first moved to Mac, I watched an avid Mac user, and he left pretty much all his applications open. Just closing them when he felt like it. It's a tough habit to break, to close apps when you;re not using them, but I'm sort of there. I still close most apps at the end of the day (I never shut my computer down), and I close iPhoto when I'm done, because early on, when it crashed, it would forget a lot of changes (I assumed it saved on close - that said, I haven't had it crash in ages).
Here's a tip I don't think I've seen: assume you're in Finder and have an MP3 and want to put it into iTunes, but iTunes isn't open. Start dragging that MP3 down to iTunes' dock icon, and while hovering over the iTunes icon, hit Spacebar. iTunes will now open while you still have the MP3 file being dragged. Then drop the MP3 file in when it's open.
You can also do this if the application is already open. If you have Photoshop open and want to open a JPG inside of it, just drag the JPG onto the Photoshop dock icon, and it'll open in it.
Dragging onto the dock is awesome. I believe the spacebar can be used as a sort of force open as well. I drag stuff on to apps on the dock all the time.
You can also drag things between windows in Expose. Start dragging something, open Expose (I find it's easiest to do this with a hot corner or with the keyboard button that opens Expose), and drop the file in another window while in Expose.
If you're on a multigesture laptop, you can click and hold the click and use the four finger gesture for all windows Expose as well. A reason why I think the trackpad is better than a mouse!
The Main Event said:
If you're using Safari, drag your mouse over a word and hit "ctrl+cmd+d" to open a bubble with Dictionary.
And if you keep ctrl+cmd held down, you can mouse over other words for their definitions.
Tobor said:
And now for my favorite little trick for people new to OS X, and something I use literally all the time:
When buying something online or paying a bill, select Print, then hit the PDF drop down and choose "Save PDF to Web Receipts Folder". The first time you do it, the folder will be created in your Documents folder.
This is so cool. Something so simple, but helps you out just that teeny bit. It makes you feel that Apple recognise how many people use certain features. (Of course the lack of other features can boggle the mind).
koam said:
Is there a way, in iPhoto to select an event and change it's location? For example, i have an event for paris but it doesn't know that it's in paris, i want to set all pictures in that event to paris.
Also, again in iphoto, how do i easily set the picture i'm on as my "desktop wallpaper".
Kal stated this earlier, but to add: locations in events can be accessed by clicking the 'i', or just cmd+i. As far as I understand, editing an event location doesn't just append all the photos inside the event, but will tag the photo with the location event if it doesn't already have one.
Share -> Set Desktop.
Furthermore, unless you have a particular need (such as networking a library -not sure if this is possible for iPhoto - I assume it is), I STRONGLY suggest that if you are going to be using iPhoto as your main manager program, that you copy images to the library, and not reference them.
It's possibly better now, but traditionally, a LOT of iPhoto issues are because people try to mess around with the jpegs while iPhoto is looking after them. There really isn't much to be gained by trying to manage your own files either in iTunes or iPhoto. Just let the programs do their jobs, and you never have to look at the files again. Need a file? you can open iPhoto and do practically anything you want to from there.