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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


fireside said:
You can get a 27" iMac Core i7 for 300 dollars less than the cheapest Mac Pro, which has less hard drive space, less memory, and a worse graphics card. And then you'll have to buy a display.

I see. How well does the the graphics card for iMacs do against let's say the newest games out there? At the moment, my GeForce 8600M GT does pretty well with Maya and most my games (Oblivion, Dragon Age...though this one I have at medium settings and still has a slight lag sometimes). Usually play FFXI most of all so I know this will run well enough lol


NeoForte said:
I see. How well does the the graphics card for iMacs do against let's say the newest games out there? At the moment, my GeForce 8600M GT does pretty well with Maya and most my games (Oblivion, Dragon Age...though this one I have at medium settings and still has a slight lag sometimes). Usually play FFXI most of all so I know this will run well enough lol
It should be able to run them fine I suppose. But it's really a moot point, the best card for the Mac Pro is only marginally better than the one that ships with the iMac i7.

However I wouldn't be surprised if the Mac Pro gets an upgrade soon with ATI's Radeon 5870 graphics card or whatever, which is one of the best on the market, but as said by scorcho, you could probably build yourself a great PC with the money you'll save buying an iMac instead of a Mac Pro


Ah ok. Hmmm iMac starting to look more appealing now, also since my room is very small not having a tower would save a lot of space.


Sorry for all the questions as I'm also finding out info for a friend because she too was interested in a Mac Pro for her video game development needs (Maya, Max, UDK). Anyway is there a big difference between the iMac's ATI Radeon 4850 and the Mac Pro's optional EVGA GeForce GTX 285? Or do they come out mostly the same?
Oh man, got some HDD trouble on my MacBook Aluminium.

The thing's been painfully slow for a while now (just the other day, someone's USB stick managed to crash Finder), and Disk Utility told me that it failed diagnostics. I used the OS disk to run a repair, but it failed and told me to backup, format, and restore. I have Time Machine taking backups, but I've not the time to do this at the moment (I use this thing for uni work and playing videos - I can't really sleep in a silent room).

I'm running TechTool Deluxe at the moment and it passed all the initial tests - now I'm just running the surface scan.

What'd I'd like to know is - is there a surefire way I can tell if this is a problem with the software or if the HDD itself is becoming knackered? I *think* I've heard some noises coming from the HDD. I can't be 100% sure though.

Also, is there a way to do a thorough formatting of the disc, just to make sure any underlaying issues are wiped clean?

Thanks for any help...


Judge from your description, I'd say >90% chance the HDD is broken. Time to get a new one. And no, formatting won't help too much. Just remember, data (or your work) is more expensive.


Tranced Shadow said:
Oh man, got some HDD trouble on my MacBook Aluminium.

The thing's been painfully slow for a while now (just the other day, someone's USB stick managed to crash Finder), and Disk Utility told me that it failed diagnostics. I used the OS disk to run a repair, but it failed and told me to backup, format, and restore. I have Time Machine taking backups, but I've not the time to do this at the moment (I use this thing for uni work and playing videos - I can't really sleep in a silent room).

I'm running TechTool Deluxe at the moment and it passed all the initial tests - now I'm just running the surface scan.

What'd I'd like to know is - is there a surefire way I can tell if this is a problem with the software or if the HDD itself is becoming knackered? I *think* I've heard some noises coming from the HDD. I can't be 100% sure though.

Also, is there a way to do a thorough formatting of the disc, just to make sure any underlaying issues are wiped clean?

Thanks for any help...

WARNING/NOTE: If you've used TechTool deluxe, or done a Repair Disk (maybe just a verify disk), BE SURE TO RESTART YOUR COMPUTER. Otherwise Time Machine may not actually back up and will say that it is (will be filled with empty backups).

I noticed this recently, and the issue appeared for some on the Apple Discussion boards. It was narrowed down to running a Disk repair, which I think uses an fschk or whatever it is. I never did it, but I DID use Techtool scan recently, and that probably does the same thing.

So be sure to restart, or all your Time Machine backups after may be empty.


Watching a trailer in QuickTime X, it's finished loading the whole thing. I go to File > Save As... and it defaults to self contained movie file or whatever. Click OK. It then proceeds to download the file again with a Saving... progress bar.

WHAT THE FUCK? In QuickTime 7, if you went to Save As, it'd pull the downloaded video from where ever it's stored in the cache.

How backwards is this shit?
hirokazu said:
Watching a trailer in QuickTime X, it's finished loading the whole thing. I go to File > Save As... and it defaults to self contained movie file or whatever. Click OK. It then proceeds to download the file again with a Saving... progress bar.

WHAT THE FUCK? In QuickTime 7, if you went to Save As, it'd pull the downloaded video from where ever it's stored in the cache.

How backwards is this shit?
Quicktime X is pathetic, even with its nice rewrite. Apple needs to get on updating it.
Hey guys,

great info in here, thanks for all of the tips.

I have a question that's been bugging me for a while now.

Is there any way to make it so the "home" and "end" buttons on the keyboard work like they do on a Windows machine, for example if you press home it goes to the beginning of a field or line of text and if you press end it goes to the end of that field or line of text?

Thank you!!


i got mine today, I7 version. I havent tested it with any hardcore apps so far, except for ableton, traktor pro and maschine, and they all work fine. I'll eventually install WindowsXP during the holiday break; but i dont think that windows7 is even supported official by bootcamp? The monitor itself is glorious. But it's a 27 inches monitor. I must say that after 5 hours of installing apps and testing stuff (it was all music apps), the thing is surprinsingly hot.

So, windows7 and Imac i7? Yes/no, confirm deny?

edit: i just checked, you gotta delete a bunch of *.sys files after bootup, and you need a second display to get past a certain point.. I dont have time for this! :\
Soo...apparently my OSX install is fucked somehow. It won't bootup into OSX, but apparently Bootcamp works. The Apple rep said I should reformat the drive, but I don't want to lose my music or my school work. He suggested Target Firewire mode to use it as an external drive, but is there anyway I can use Windows to get my files? When I navigate, in Windows 7, to my user folder it shows it's blank.
Is there any risk to using my MacBook Pro without the battery? I'm wondering if using AC power and removing the battery will help a bit with the heat and high fan rpm when I play TF2 in bootcamp.
So I tried to transfer some files to my external hard drive last night and kept getting this message -

'The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 0).'

They were mkv files at around 4.7-6.0 gb's. I read somewhere that it's because my hard drive is formatted as FAT32? Is there any way to remedy this without moving everything off my hard drive? I literally have no space on my mac to back up those files.


criesofthepast said:
Is there any risk to using my MacBook Pro without the battery? I'm wondering if using AC power and removing the battery will help a bit with the heat and high fan rpm when I play TF2 in bootcamp.
I can't recall the exact details, but your computer throttles down when a battery isn't present. If I remember, it's not recommended to run your computer without a battery.

Scythian: if you are formatted fat32, the file size has a max limit if 4gb. Just a limitation of fat32. It's why the 5dmkii and 7d can only record 12 minutes of video per clip.
criesofthepast said:
Is there any risk to using my MacBook Pro without the battery? I'm wondering if using AC power and removing the battery will help a bit with the heat and high fan rpm when I play TF2 in bootcamp.
Uh, having a battery in there isn't what's causing the machine to get hot enough to need to be cooled down by fans. Your logic here is hard to follow.


criesofthepast said:
Is there any risk to using my MacBook Pro without the battery? I'm wondering if using AC power and removing the battery will help a bit with the heat and high fan rpm when I play TF2 in bootcamp.

From what I remember Apple has it so that using a MacBook Pro without the battery causes it to use less of it's processing power. I noticed it a lot when I had to keep my battery removed while my replacement was on it's way.
I read somewhere that it did help with heat. Thought it'd be worth a try even if it cooled it down only a small amount.

Didn't know about no battery causing the computer to use less processor, though. That totally makes it not worthwhile at all.

Thanks guys.


criesofthepast said:
I read somewhere that it did help with heat. Thought it'd be worth a try even if it cooled it down only a small amount.

Didn't know about no battery causing the computer to use less processor, though. That totally makes it not worthwhile at all.

Thanks guys.

Here you go:
MacBook and MacBook Pro: Mac reduces processor speed when battery is removed while operating from an A/C adaptor

Products Affected
MacBook Pro, MacBook
If the battery is removed from a MacBook or MacBook Pro, the computer will automatically reduce the processor speed. This prevents the computer from shutting down if it demands more power than the A/C adaptor alone can provide.

Additional Information
Important: It is strongly recommended that you do not use your MacBook or MacBook Pro while the battery is removed. Accidently bumping the A/C adaptor could disconnect power and shutdown the computer. Any information that was not saved on your computer would be lost.

But as Liu Kang put it, the fans are kicking in because the CPU is getting warm from simply being used to high capacity. That said, a warm battery can't be helping it to get cooler.


Scythian Empire said:
So I tried to transfer some files to my external hard drive last night and kept getting this message -

'The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code 0).'

They were mkv files at around 4.7-6.0 gb's. I read somewhere that it's because my hard drive is formatted as FAT32? Is there any way to remedy this without moving everything off my hard drive? I literally have no space on my mac to back up those files.

try copying the files themselves not the folder containing them (if that's what you are doing now). I've been having a similar problem and it seems to work for me.

p.s. Do you have NTFS-3G macfuse installed?


just a heads up that Macupdate is having one of those crazy app bundle sales now.

I don’t particularly need anything on the list (or I already own the apps I would want) but there are some well regarded apps on there like Pathfinder, Speed Download, Yepp and Dragthing that some people might want. 11 apps total

Bundle is 50 USD



LCfiner said:
just a heads up that Macupdate is having one of those crazy app bundle sales now.

I don’t particularly need anything on the list (or I already own the apps I would want) but there are some well regarded apps on there like Pathfinder, Speed Download, Yepp and Dragthing that some people might want. 11 apps total

Bundle is 50 USD


Yeah, I always watch out for the bumbles, but to be worth it, it has to have at least 3 apps that I really want. I missed on Pixelmator, one of the very first bundles, and it hasn't been back since.


anybody using mobileme? i got it for christmas and am just wondering what anybody thinks of it. some of its services (sync bookmarks across comps) are things you can get in free programs but i honestly really value that the program does all of the syncing without having to use several programs and that its a part of the mac os. i'm going to really value the idisk storage as well since my isp recently stopped my free ftp service.
Is anybody having any problems with Time Machine?

It's taking an enormous amount of time to run. It will 'calculate changes' for far too long (longer than it ever has before) and the actual backup will be very slow too. It used to be very fast, but it has really slowed lately. I normally just get fed up and stop it after it has been 'calculating' for nearly an hour or so.


liquid_gears said:
Is anybody having any problems with Time Machine?

It's taking an enormous amount of time to run. It will 'calculate changes' for far too long (longer than it ever has before) and the actual backup will be very slow too. It used to be very fast, but it has really slowed lately. I normally just get fed up and stop it after it has been 'calculating' for nearly an hour or so.

How big are the backups? You can look in the logs for other possible errors. If you've had a crash or reset or something, sometimes it can take a while. Also, reset your computer if you have recently done some disk utility stuff.
mrkgoo said:
How big are the backups? You can look in the logs for other possible errors. If you've had a crash or reset or something, sometimes it can take a while. Also, reset your computer if you have recently done some disk utility stuff.

Awesome! Thanks a lot.

Resetting the PRAM and NVRAM did the trick. It just backed up 120MB in a few seconds.
mrkgoo said:
well...I'm not sure I did anything, but you're welcome.


It was the 'reset' part which did it. My mind just sprung to this, which solved the problem.

Messing around with Disk Utility does seem to screw a few things up though. I'll be more careful when messing around with it in future.


Jet Grind Radio! said:
Soo...apparently my OSX install is fucked somehow. It won't bootup into OSX, but apparently Bootcamp works. The Apple rep said I should reformat the drive, but I don't want to lose my music or my school work. He suggested Target Firewire mode to use it as an external drive, but is there anyway I can use Windows to get my files? When I navigate, in Windows 7, to my user folder it shows it's blank.

Try this (excerpt from David Pogue's "Troubleshooting - Mac OS X: Missing Manual Leopard"):

The easiest way to check your disk is to use the Disk Utility program. Use this method if your Mac can, indeed, start up. (See Method 2 if you can't even get that far.)

Disk Utility can't fix the disk it'son(except for permissions repairs, described at the beginning of this appendix).That's why you have to restart the computer from the Leopard installation disc (or another startup disk), and run Disk Utility from there. The process goes like this:

Start up the Mac from the Leopard DVD.

The best way to do that is to insert the disc and then restart the Mac while holding down the C key.

You wind up, after some time, at the Mac OS X Installer screen. Don't be fooled— installing Mac OS X isnotwhat you want to do here. Don't click Continue!

Choose Utilities→Disk Utility.

That's the unexpected step. After a moment, the Disk Utility screen appears.


You could also skip steps 1 and 2 by starting up from an external hard drive, like an iPod onto which you've installed Mac OS X. Just run its own copy of Disk Utility to check your Mac'shard drive.

Click the disk or disk partition you want to fix, click the First Aid tab, and then click Repair Disk.

The Mac whirls into action, checking a list of very technical disk-formatting parameters.

If you see the message, "The volume 'Macintosh HD' appears to be OK, "that's meant to begoodnews. Believe it or not, that cautious statement is as definitive an affirmation as Disk Utility is capable of making about the health of your disk.

Disk Utility may also tell you that the disk is damaged, but that it can't help you. In that case, you need a more heavy-duty disk-repair program like Drive 10 (www.micromat.com) or DiskWarrior (www.alsoft.com).

I already had a similar problem and I solved it with DiskWarrior, Disk Utility didn't do the trick... So try that if Disk Utility doesn't solve your problem.

If and when you solve your problem run a diagnostic disk program (I use Drive Genius) ti check if your disk has some bad sectors or some other problems, if so, do a full backup ASAP and get a new disk to your Mac.


I have a G4 iMac running on OSX 10.3.9. Lately, it has not been able to read any audio CDs anymore. It processes, then ejects after a few minutes. It can read blank CDs and set up in iTunes, but if I try to burn music, it always fails. My iTunes is on 7 and I can't upgrade to the current version.

Is there anything I can do to have it read audio CDs again? What's the latest version of OSX that works for G4? I looked at Tiger, but Amazon has it for about $300, which doesn't make sense.
Corto said:
Try this (excerpt from David Pogue's "Troubleshooting - Mac OS X: Missing Manual Leopard"):

I already had a similar problem and I solved it with DiskWarrior, Disk Utility didn't do the trick... So try that if Disk Utility doesn't solve your problem.

If and when you solve your problem run a diagnostic disk program (I use Drive Genius) ti check if your disk has some bad sectors or some other problems, if so, do a full backup ASAP and get a new disk to your Mac.
I tried to repair the drive but I kept getting errors. Even when verifying the disk in Disc Utility, I kept having problems. I went ahead and reformatted. Just going to get an application to rip the music from my iPod.


My mail application almost always crashes on startup (G4, OSX 10.5), unless I open a RSS feed article before the program becomes unresponsive...
it says the error is due to Growl's Mail plugin, but I already deleted it. Any advice on how to thoroughly delete Growl? Or any similar stories?

I've got about 6000 mails and 7 RSS feeds, but that shouldn't be the cause...


Is chromium secure to use as my only browser? Unless im missing something you need to use chromium to get the google extensions and it's working brilliantly so i don't need to use FF anymore.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
komarkaze said:
I have a G4 iMac running on OSX 10.3.9. Lately, it has not been able to read any audio CDs anymore. It processes, then ejects after a few minutes. It can read blank CDs and set up in iTunes, but if I try to burn music, it always fails. My iTunes is on 7 and I can't upgrade to the current version.

Is there anything I can do to have it read audio CDs again? What's the latest version of OSX that works for G4? I looked at Tiger, but Amazon has it for about $300, which doesn't make sense.

Holy shit. Just buy 10.5. You can easily run Leopard.


not characteristic of ants at all
Just got a magic mouse. I remember there was a program posted a while ago where you can have custom commands for it or something? Anyone remember what it was called?


K2Valor said:
Just got a magic mouse. I remember there was a program posted a while ago where you can have custom commands for it or something? Anyone remember what it was called?

Better Touch Tool.

A new one has surfaced with a nicer front end: MagicPrefs

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So I have a strange issue. I tried googling it, but I couldn't find any info.

For some reason, I can't open WMV files in firefox, but I have no issue doing it in Safari. When I click the link, it want to download the file instead of opening it in the browser. I do have the latest flip4mac installed.. and i tried to look in the Applications section of Firefox's Preferences, but I have no idea how to fix this.


Primetime21 said:
Just got a brand new Mac Mini and wondering what the best options are for a mouse and keyboard? Best place to buy them and best wireless option?

Excited for my first personal Mac.

Im leaning towards this keyboard/mouse. Even if it is beyond hideous. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FBH35E/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I'd personally recommend this if you can find it cheap in the US:


Easily the second best option behind the official Apple keyboard and with a great mouse too.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
UnluckyKate said:
My MacBook Air just came back from the Apple Care and the session is named " AppleApple "... How do I change the computer's name ?

System Preferences --> Sharing
Thanks, that's done.

But it's still here:


How do I change this one ? Reboot ?
Simple question, I've got my iphone hooked up to this macbook pro, but I can't access the folder that stores the pictures I've taken with it. Can I only do that with the computer that I've registered it with? Which is my desktop computer?

Any other way to get the pictures from the iphone?


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Fallout-NL said:
Simple question, I've got my iphone hooked up to this macbook pro, but I can't access the folder that stores the pictures I've taken with it. Can I only do that with the computer that I've registered it with? Which is my desktop computer?

Any other way to get the pictures from the iphone?

You should be able to get it from anyone's computer if they have iPhoto. iPhoto doesn't recognize it as an iPhone, but just as any other digital camera and so you're not tethered to just one Mac if you wanna rip pictures off of your iPhone.


UnluckyKate said:
Thanks, that's done.

But it's still here:


How do I change this one ? Reboot ?

To know what's going on, you have to understand how it works. The computer has a name, but it's typically associated with the first user's name's computer (i.e. in this case 'appleapple's MacBook' or whatever).

In Unix, users are created with certain privileges, with at least one of those users being an 'admin'. This is probably the case for 'appleapple'.

Now when a user is created, they get an entire folder where all their settings and files will go:

/Macintosh HD/Users/XXXX (XXXX = name of user, i.e. appleapple)

So what is happening here is that in the finder you have shown, the appleapple is a shortcut to the user folder appleapple. Typically, even if you change username or the computer's name, I believe, this will NOT change the user name folder. YOu can just change the name, but it's generally highly unrecommended,a s it can screw with software that has been set up to recognise that folder or even Mac OS X itself.

Depending on how the computer is set up, I suggest a complete reinstall of OS X. If that is not ideal (i.e. you have preinstalled software), then I suggest creating a new user with your own chosen name (it will create a user folder), make them admin, transfer what data you want from them and delete 'appleapple' as a user. You might want to hold off on the deletion part until you are clear there is nothing in the user folder you want.

In short: 'appleapple' was the user from the old computer. Create yourself a new one.

edit: Oh, came back from service (thought you bought a second hand or ex-demo). Looks like they created a new user? Just go into accounts and delete their user. Just double-check that they have simply created a new user, which I think is typical for diagnostics. And smart.
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