In Windows, I can right-click a file, select Cut, navigate to the folder where I want it to go, paste it, and that's that. In OSX, there is no option to cut a file. You can copy it, navigate to where you want it to be, and paste it, but the original file remains where it started, leaving me with two instances of that file.
I was lamenting the lack of cut and paste functionality in Finder in the Mavericks thread this week, and someone told me that before pasting, you can hold the Option key to display alternate commands. When doing this, 'Paste Item' becomes 'Move Item Here'. I had no idea this Option menu existed and I don't know how I would have found out unless someone told me or I was just randomly pressing buttons in menus.
That's fine, but I don't like having multiple Finder windows open, and it doesn't change the fact that something I would consider to be extremely basic file management functionality is so heavily obscured.