The Sum of Zero

Disney+ to Stream Nearly All Macross Anime Worldwide in 2024
Titles include: Macross Plus, Macross 7, Macross F, Macross Delta, more
Note that the original Super Dimension Fortress Macross and the movie Do You Remember Love? will be exclusive to Japan (fuck Harmony Gold).
Also, like most anime that are on Disney+, it will probably end up on Hulu in the US, but that hasn't been confirmed yet.
The titles that will be available worldwide:
- The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012 (the music video derived from the television and film versions of the original Macross anime)
- The Super Dimension Fortress Macross II: Lovers, Again (6 episodes)
- Macross Plus (4 episodes total)
- Macross Plus Movie Edition
- Macross 7 (49 television episodes, plus three OVA episodes)
- Macross 7 the Movie: The Galaxy's Calling Me!
- Macross Dynamite 7 (4 episodes)
- Macross Zero (5 episodes)
- Macross Frontier (25 episodes)
- Macross Frontier: The False Songstress
- Macross Frontier: The Wings of Farewell
- Gekijō Tanpen Macross Frontier Toki no Meikyū
- Macross FB7: Ore no Uta o Kike!
- Macross Delta (26 episodes)
- Macross Delta the Movie: Passionate Walkūre
- Macross Delta the Movie: Absolute Live!!!!!!
Also for those unaware, the music from the series has been available on streaming services worldwide since 2022
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