Hot Coldman
It probably was a B-nis.
Yeah, I got nothing.
So you're saying he needed an a-nis? Wait, what
It probably was a B-nis.
Yeah, I got nothing.
I mean wtf are hoping to get out of this thread ChiTown, really?
What sort of Son refuses to bite his father's penis when asked? He only had himself to blame.
wait didn't the article say the father asked his son to bite HIS penis? does this mean he wanted him to bite his OWN(the son's) penis or his (the FATHER's) penis?
not sure which is sicker
Is it possible to reattach a bitten off penis?
Could he still have kids when he gets older?
The fuck? He asked his son to bite his penis and when he refused, the dude bit his son's penis off? So the father asked the son to bite the father's penis first? what the FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!!!!
The father was believed to be suffering mental disorder at that time.