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Mad Max: Review Thread.

I wish the standards that this game seems to have been held to, which I assume are in large part spurred on by the brilliance of Fury Road, would be applied to more games in general. Everything I have seen previously indicates that this game is every bit the mediocrity that it is being reviewed as.


4/5 from Gamesradar

"Mad Max might be formed from familiar parts of other games, but the car-wrecking, skull-cracking chaos it creates is a rewarding and expansive adventure."


Still on the fence, might wait until $40.


sorry, I couldn't resist using it :p

Wow reviewers finally calling the batman / mordor combat "simple and easy to exploit"? Finally.

It always was simple and easy, it was just new and made them feel good so it got a pass. In the coming months someone else is going to come out with a new simple and easy action combat system, that will get 9s and 10s for a few years, and then that will get old and accurate criticisms will finally stick to that as well.

This is how game mechanic trends work in this industry. Out with the old, in with the new.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
quote from polygon review

After the progressive characterization of this summer's excellent Mad Max: Fury Road, the game's treatment of its few women is especially disappointing. The closest thing Mad Max has to a female lead, a woman not coincidentally named Hope, is a concubine for the villain and a love interest for Max. Her sole purpose in the plot is to make the bad guys more evil and provide motivation for the hero to fight. She's a damsel in distress stereotype, and it's more disheartening after having seen such a great example of the opposite in theaters just a few months ago.


They marked it down for basically turning one of the only female characters into a damsel in distress. They said it was a disappointing treatment after the way Fury Road handled it.

Polygon Review said:
After the progressive characterization of this summer's excellent Mad Max: Fury Road, the game's treatment of its few women is especially disappointing. The closest thing Mad Max has to a female lead, a woman not coincidentally named Hope, is a concubine for the villain and a love interest for Max. Her sole purpose in the plot is to make the bad guys more evil and provide motivation for the hero to fight. She's a damsel in distress stereotype, and it's more disheartening after having seen such a great example of the opposite in theaters just a few months ago.

I don't think it's really a marking down as much as it is a simple aside.


Neo Member
polygon marked the game down because of no female lead

Your reading comprehension skills could use some work. They were comparing the role of women in the game to Fury Road, which did have a female lead. No where do they state or imply that the game is worse because there isn't a female lead. They simply expressed disappointment that following the excellent example of Fury Road, one of two female characters was Damsel in Distress stereotype.


The Gamespot review at the end seems to penalize it for being a Batman combat/Ubisoft quest design style game. IGN, on the other hand seems to either like or not mind those those elements (combat good, quests repetitive). Take from that what you will.

I personally have to side with Gamespot's view. My biggest concern about Max has always been that they would adopt the Ubisoft way of padding open world content with filler, repetitive fluff. Ubisoft has been the worst offender of throwing a bunch of shit on the map and then forcing the player to do at least some arbitrary percentage of it or else they'll be too underpowered for later story content (or, they outright force it to open a specific story area, a la Far Cry).

That alone is enough to make the game about a 7 for me. I'd drop it another point for simply aping an already overused and easy to exploit combat style. So yeah, 6 sounds about right. The car mechanics were supposed to really be the game's saving grace but it would appear that is equally as mediocre.

It'll be a game I try when it hits a price drop, I suppose. If it doesn't sell well, I wouldn't be surprised to see a major drop on THIS year's Black Friday sales.


I think that is what some people like though. You either like those elements for what they are or you don't. For those that do, I think they occasionally just want to beat stuff up and do crazy stuff mindlessly without being stressed. Its not wrong, its just a particular play style. I like playing Dark Souls but sometimes I just want to chill and play Batman. I'm glad to have both styles to enjoy.

I thought it was a reviewer thing to like that type of mindless combat for a while, like it being a means to present no roadblocks for the reviewer getting through the game so they could finish it quicker without stress. I'm just glad someone out there finds that style of combat as worthless as I do.
Gamesrader 4 out of 5 stars

pros: There's a huge open world to adventure through however you see fit
A great balance of on-foot and car action full of emergent stories
Very satisfying character and skill progression

cons: A paper-thin story
Poor mission system and tracking
Too many bland American voices for such an iconic Australian character
Ya, but how many games like this can you play before you get as tired of it all as I am?

I don't think how tired the reviewers are of these games has any bearing on the quality of them. If mordor doesn't catch shit for the same mistakes just because it came first there really isn't any criticism there.


polygon marked the game down because of no female lead

"it is disappointing that this game doesn't have a great depiction of women" isn't "I don't like this game because furiosa isn't in it." come on now.

And it's literally in a sidebar, so it's not the main reason it was reviewed poorly.
I cant take reviews serious after this. I can understand if everyone were giving the games 5's but when amd GI score it much higher I'm left scratching my head.

Ill play it and form my own opinion.


I typically don't buy a lot of games in the last few months of a year. I wait until the first few months of the next year to pick them up. Mad Max is definitely on the list to pick up early next year.
Gamesrader 4 out of 5 stars

pros: There's a huge open world to adventure through however you see fit
A great balance of on-foot and car action full of emergent stories
Very satisfying character and skill progression

cons: A paper-thin story
Poor mission system and tracking
Too many bland American voices for such an iconic Australian character

These pros and cons seem to be at odds with each other. Emergent paper thin stories?


We'll all own this game, once it drops to 50% on Steam. And most of us will probably never play it, too.

The release date is such a bummer. Game probably would've sold well/a lot better, had it released a week ago.


"At the end of the day, Max overtook some bases, ran a couple hundred cars off the road, met some forgettable characters, and buried his fist into the sunburnt skin of the villainous locals. Was it worth the effort? That ultimately depends on how much fun you had in performing these basic, repetitious open-world activities."

I think that paragraph at the end of the Gameinformer review somewhat explains the disparity in numbers. I personally am tired of the by the numbers Ubisoft open world template, didn't much care for Mordor and will pass on this. After Fury Road I wished the game was more than that but the gameplay never looked like the game wanted to actually do more.
Uh guys, Batman came out a few months ago and its combat was praised so I don't think anyone is marking free flow system like something old, stupid, and easy.


Waiting for the Gametrailers review. Is Jim Sterling doing one?

He's one of the outlets left out because of 'limited' codes available.

These pros and cons seem to be at odds with each other. Emergent paper thin stories?

Not really. The story they wrote is poor. The small "stories you write yourself" aka cool things happening while you play keep you playing.

It's like GTA. If friends and I talk about the game it's about the wild random crap that happens during missions or free roam - not the missions themselves.
We really need a better OP. Review Threads that don't update are the worst. Seems like it's getting decent scores though, wish I could see them at a glance.


I don't think how tired the reviewers are of these games has any bearing on the quality of them. If mordor doesn't catch shit for the same mistakes just because it came first there really isn't any criticism there.

Mordor was clearly one of the same types of open world repetition that I've grown tired of. Incredibly overrated game.
I've played it for about 10 or so hours and I'm loving it. I'm a big open world fan so this game is perfect for me. I'd say if you liked the movie and want more Mad Max or you just love open worlds then screw the reviews and pick the game up.


When review's range from 5 to 8.4 it means that game is not for everyone. I am still looking forward to explore Wasteland tomorrow.
BEWARE, gamespot review says what is the final mission of the game. Ugh.
Besides that, the criticism they give is quite valid. Too bad about the dumb and exploitable combat. I still don't know how essential it is during the game, though. They also don't talk much about the story; if it is compelling and/or rewarding.
Wow reviewers finally calling the batman / mordor combat "simple and easy to exploit"? Finally.
It's always been simple. It probably sticks out like a sore thumb launching next to MGS, which has complex, exemplary gameplay. Even if they weren't the same reviewers, I'm sure they saw the perfect scores and thought,"yeah this probably isn't as good". This game would've reviewed better and sold better if it came out a month ago. Seems like if you like typical open world games and mad max environment, you will enjoy the game.
Alien Isolation didn't exactly set the world on fire with reviews but it and The Evil Within were my GOTY titles last year. I recently got around to playing TLoU on my PS4 and it's great experience. Critics and fans of that game alike have said things like "GOAT" "Gaming's Citizen Kane" and I never got that feeling. The Uncharted games and Crash are still very much my favorite ND games. Reviews are just opinions. You have to play it for yourself to be able to know for sure.
Folks, I want to note here that I implore you to take one of two routes in terms of responding to reviews you don't like. Either:

A.) Ignore them.


B.) Be prepared to demonstrate that you've actually read the review and are prepared to address specific, legitimate concerns. This doesn't mean skimming it until you've found a sentence you think is nitpick-worthy.
We really need a better OP. Review Threads that don't update are the worst. Seems like it's getting decent scores though, wish I could see them at a glance.

Give them a chance, it hasn't been long since the embargo lifted. People have real life shit to deal with sometimes.
When review's range from 5 to 8.4 it means that game is not for everyone. I am still looking forward to explore Wasteland tomorrow.
basically. game looks solid in the many hours of game footage available to see for whatever console you want (ps4/xb1 or PC)

in the words of the foreign beggars: still gettin it


Well I guess it's a pass. I'm not going to deal with an average by the numbers open-world game doesn't seem to be doing anything novel.
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