Nevertheless, I cannot abide by a show with such disregard of the dates restaurants were founded. Goodbye, everyone.
I usually miss stuff like this, but I caught the black & white thing. Megan's wardrobe for the show felt similar to Sylvia's black & white outfit in the elevator.- Tom & Lorenzo: Mad Style: To Have and To HoldMuch more via the link.
don't tell me you thought Peggy's group got the ketchup account too lol.Didn't sit down and watch the episode until last night. Goddamn & Don's douchebaggery. The last scene with Megan transitioning into him with Sylvia was pretty sad.
I also felt bad for Stan with Peggy and her firm swooping in on Ketchup. Especially since her ad was garbage compared to Stan and Don's.
Favourite subplot was Joan's. Personally, any episode with lots of Joan is better for it.
I usually miss stuff like this, but I caught the black & white thing. Megan's wardrobe for the show felt similar to Sylvia's black & white outfit in the elevator.
How do you mean? I just meant that Stan seemed really into it and was enjoying the fact that it was an exclusive pitch. Was probably a let down to see the competition there. Ted's talk about the little guys going after the slice of pie made it sound like Heinz chose some big firm (I might have missed him saying someone specific, I can't remember).don't tell me you thought Peggy's group got the ketchup account too lol.
You're correct. There was a fair bit of confusion about whether Ted's team won in this thread and elsewhere.How do you mean? I just meant that Stan seemed really into it and was enjoying the fact that it was an exclusive pitch. Was probably a let down to see the competition there. Ted's talk about the little guys going after the slice of pie made it sound like Heinz chose some big firm (I might have missed him saying someone specific, I can't remember).
Ah, okay. Yeah, I wasn't totally clear on who got it but Ted's speech seemed to say it wasn't them. Like Krauser said, you don't usually see him sounding gloomy :lolYou're correct. There was a fair bit of confusion about whether Ted's team won in this thread and elsewhere.
On a random note, I think Peggy's concept was intentionally broad after her failed attempts to woo Heinz beans with more artsy approaches. She probably assumed that the entire company was as dumb and square as Raymond.
Don's concept was too much for the client; Peggy's was too little. But Peggy probably came closer to getting it.
Wow. Can't believe they got such a huge detail wrong. Significant oversight. Not sure how I feel about the rest of the season now. :/
Wow. Can't believe they got such a huge detail wrong. Significant oversight. Not sure how I feel about the rest of the season now. :/
Noticed that when it aired, can't say it bothered me lol.
- Tom & Lorenzo: Mad Style: To Have and To HoldMuch more via the link.
Welp, I'm done with this show.
Same. Fuck this shit. Weiner has lost my trust and dollars.Welp, I'm done with this show.
Wow. Can't believe they got such a huge detail wrong. Significant oversight. Not sure how I feel about the rest of the season now. :/
Cosigned. They have a great sort of chemistry and camaraderie together that just adds extra weight to simply the sight of them sitting together in the room before any lines are spoken.I wish the show had more scenes with Roger and Bert. They work so well together, and almost always manage to make me laugh.
What's the deal with Roger and Joan? Always wondered why things cooled so much between them since Kevin was born. Not sure if it's just the writers choosing to focus on other storylines more or if they are waiting to show something later on. I can't imagine she's terribly pleased with his seeming consent over the Jaguar affair (which we know isn't true but she doesn't) nor his decision to let Harry go off in his rant for not being included in the big boy playroom.
- Tom & Lorenzo: Mad Style: To Have and To HoldMuch more via the link.
Harry is like a grown up Millhouse
Completely forgot about her and I knew I recognized her when she first appeared. She's Scotty from the other amazing TV show, Suits.
is that like a mad men parody
I mean this in the best way...Vince really fits Pete to a T. He seems a thoroughly decent fellow but man, everything from the self deprication to the worship of Hamm at the very end is so classic of that stifled male power complex that Pete struggles with on the show. He's either super meta with his method-like acting or was a genius stroke of casting: maybe a mix of both?
The Flood
Peggy makes plans for the future; Roger courts a potential client.
Took the words right out of my post.Peggy movin' on up.
american joke I don't get?Hahaha when they finish the second ave subway hahah