Ken acted pretty slimy in season one, but he cleaned up somewhere along the way.
I think he treated the females like crap in season one but then again everyone did.
Ken acted pretty slimy in season one, but he cleaned up somewhere along the way.
He got along really well with Joan when they met at the bar last season.
I think he really respected her until she slept with the Jaguar guy.
I hate and love that. Sucks we can't get them together and alone more often but when they do it always seems amazing. It's almost too much for the viewers considering how commanding they are lol.That's what I mean. Have you ever seen Don get along with any woman really well before? Totally a bizarre experience for him. Joan, like Don, dives headfirst into the social and sexual stereotypes about her gender in order to handle the people around her, so they actually understand each other -- and the fact that they're both putting on an act -- really well. As a result they almost never interact. I think there are only two episodes in the whole show where they have a sustained conversation with nobody else around -- the Jaguar one and the one with the lawnmower -- and both times they have really interesting conversation.
I really don't think Peggy & Stan's friendship is trashed. I think there was a strain, but rewatch that scene. Stan is smirking as he flies that bird. Peggy smirks back.
That's what I mean. Have you ever seen Don get along with any woman really well before? Totally a bizarre experience for him. Joan, like Don, dives headfirst into the social and sexual stereotypes about her gender in order to handle the people around her, so they actually understand each other -- and the fact that they're both putting on an act -- really well. As a result they almost never interact. I think there are only two episodes in the whole show where they have a sustained conversation with nobody else around -- the Jaguar one and the one with the lawnmower -- and both times they have really interesting conversation.
I don't think Don disrespects Joan now. I mean, she goes into his office to complain that the Jaguar guy's in town, and Don follows that up by deliberately torpedoing his idea. I think he respects the firm less.
More via the link.When Im creating a show my first rule is that Ive got to love my characters. They may be flawed they should be flawed but ultimately I love them and care about them. And hopefully, I can convey that to the audience and theyll love them too.
Again, the characters dont have to be particularly loveable. Sweet and earnest and always-doing-the-right-thing is also boring. The best characters are complex. They may have internal battles between good and evil. They may be scoundrels but deliciously so. Or they cant get out of their own way. Or lifes dealt them a bad hand. Or Hitler was their nanny growing up. I dunno there are endless possibilities.
And often times the more layers the better.
But lately Ive observed a disturbing trend. (Now the rant begins) Series creators are making their characters so hateful that I stop caring.
- Writer/critic Ken Levine rants about the likeability issue: My problem with MAD MEN this seasonMore via the link.
- Writer/critic Ken Levine rants about the likeability issue: My problem with MAD MEN this seasonMore via the link.
I don't think we've quite gotten there with Mad Men, but is there is a breaking point for every character/show? A point of no return?For this show, I'm still rooting for Don. He's usually been likable, particularly last season. He may (in the course of just the last three episodes) become completely irredeemable, or at least gone down a path where he's not likely to shape up. But it doesn't matter. He's as fascinating to watch besting his demons as he is giving in to them.
Yeah, it's the MASH/Cheers guy, not the Bioshock guy.i figured that was the bioshock guy before i clicked the link. thankfully it's not
where's the vase gif
Yeah, it's the MASH/Cheers guy, not the Bioshock guy.
So for years we felt for Don, even looked the other way when he did dishonorable things like cheat on his wife with every woman other than Bella Abzug. The hope was always that hed figure it out, finally be comfortable in his own skin, and that all of his good qualities would rise to the surface and hed become a better father, husband, employer, and stop wearing hats already in 1968. And if he slipped up a little, well hes only human and weve come to expect that. Betty is trying to throw Hansel & Gretel in an oven, shes a lost cause. But there was still hope for Don.
Dear plucky Peggy has turned into a cold-hearted bitch. Shes becoming Don. And along the way shes betraying trusted friends to advance her own career. She's gone from saddle shoes to jack boots.
Joan has slept with an oaf who looks like Shrek to become a partner. Roger has no relationship with his daughter and is basically drinking himself into oblivion. Pete never learns. He only has affairs with women who are nuts.
- Writer/critic Ken Levine rants about the likeability issue:
i have to say, he's right if you watch your shows solely because you idolise the characters, but he complains that more & more shows are making their characters unlikeable and i couldn't disagree more.
more and more, and not just in tv, but in recent movies as well, characters and especially villains are given back stories to try and justify their evil doings/misgivings in a bid to make them more human and likeable, to make them more relate-able.
but whats wrong with just having plain assholes or straight up bastards for characters? too often writers explore characters and events that would be better left how they are/were (darth vader in the star wars prequels comes to mind, or bane in dark knight rises).
don to me is the complete alpha positive male, he takes what he wants because he can. he's hugely successful career wise, but he cheats because he strives for something different. even when his current wife is unbelievably hot he always thinks the grass is greener, he just can't help himself, but he does it because he can. maybe one day a woman will sweep him off his feet and he might be faithful for a year or two, but ultimately he will revert back to doing what he does.
people can change, but come on, most people don't.
What's the reason why he started cheating again? Just because that's in his character?
Sorry but that's not good enough. Especially after he was singing praises about Meg the previous season.
Weiner said that a theme of Season 6 is whether not people can actually change. I think Don in Season 5 showed a significant amount of change - he was nicer and loyal to Megan, and even Peggy at one point complains about how nice he is to clients. And throughout Season 5 you keep thinking, "This isn't Don." He tries to change, but it's obvious that he's trying to be something he isn't, and over time you can see how unhappy he is in this skin. In Season 6 he regresses to his true self, and I think that's great.
Some people can change. Don is not one of those people.
lol, he abandoned her at a Howard Johnson
how is that not good enough? that IS Don, ok he shouldn't be solely defined by his cheating but it is a part of him. he was singing praises about megan because it was that stage in the marriage, the golden years, the honeymoon. we don't know for sure but he may have stayed faithful to betty early on, but it wears off.
its realistic in my eyes. how many celebrity marriages fail? not saying that don is a celebrity, but if you're at the top, and you can have everything you want, that fresh feeling of love, that first spark that eventually dulls, why wouldn't you just move on to the next one?
and remind me again why doing something because it's your character is not a good reason? it's the perfect reason, its why anyone does anything.
I was going to look up what an old spanish was. That is hilarious.
I think my main problem with it is the abrupt-ness. Last season ends with a woman asking him if he's with anyone and then this season he's randomly smanging a friend's wife. They're just skipping the plot forward.
The likeability issue is an interesting one for television. There's a school of thought that says that it's almost impossible to make an unsympathetic main character on a show regardless of how nasty they are, simply because of the intimacy and familiarity that's part of the medium. People who stick around to watch will tend to grow to like the character, regardless of the intentions of the creators. That's why, say, All in the Family was so controversial not just on the right but also on the left; many people couldn't handle how it gave humanity to a racist, even though he was shown to be such a buffoon. At a certain point the dissonance is too great for some viewers and they have to bail out. That's kind of why I (sorry to admit) bailed on The Sopranos; too many reprehensible characters that I didn't want to stick with for more than a couple seasons, despite the brilliant acting.
I don't think Mad Men is at that point yet, though. Don's shittiness this season is nothing new; he's been an asshole from episode one, and his redemptive "arc" has already had many major backslides over the years. And he is never triumphing because of his bad actions--it's clear that bad things are going to happen to him this year. So as much as I shouted at the screen this past week due to his staggering hypocrisy, I know it's part of a plan.
I think my main problem with it is the abrupt-ness. Last season ends with a woman asking him if he's with anyone and then this season he's randomly smanging a friend's wife. They're just skipping the plot forward.
That line was amusing to me since Don does live in the cheating pad all the time."I live here, Pete."
Maybe30 Rock and Mad Men take place in the same TV universe.
Holy shit, just realized that Mad Men is a play-on-words of "Ad Men".
Don Draper is a play on Don D. Raper
and Dick Whitman is Dick W. Hitman. Hence why he killed Shelly Johnson last season.
As long as he doesn't kill anyone I think there is always a possibility of redemption. It won't excuse shitty things he has done in the past but that doesn't mean he can't be a better person in the future.I don't think we've quite gotten there with Mad Men, but is there is a breaking point for every character/show? A point of no return?
Yeah, it's the MASH/Cheers guy, not the Bioshock guy.
Who the fuck uses ketchup for anything any more unless it's their only option for something red. It's all about BBQ sauce.
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