Nothing will ever match the final episode of The Prisoner. Nothing. I really wanted LOST to end in a similar "LETS GO FUCKING CRAZY" aspect.
And yeah, definitely matched this episode. Don is so fucked up. I'm not sure if the end of the episode is Don actually making his first step this season to dealing with how fucked up he is.
The end of the Prisoner was epicly weird. To think that it aired on TV is amazing.
And I don't think Don's taking a step anywhere, unfortunately. I'd love to see him come to catharthsis and resolution, but that doesn't seem to be the modern style of TV storytelling.
So can we finally determine that Stan >>>>> Sal?
(I've personally known it for ages, but I know we've got quite a few Sal fans.)
I am a Sal fan, but I agree with this. I want both.
Hey, with Gleason dead, don't they need another artist?
I get people's dislike of the flashbacks in general, but this particular episode wouldn't work without them.
The oatmeal ad, Sylvia, and his experience with the motherly prostitute were all tied together. You couldn't really cut one of them out without the whole thing falling apart.
There's a lot of complaining in the reviews about them, too, but how else do we know stuff about Don's past? I like them, personally, even if they do spell things out pretty broadly. I guess you can't feel clever understanding Don if they actually tell you (that's directed to reviewers).