It was way too hard to keep on topic with getting the leagues situated and organized in the other thread so might well make us another Fantasy thread to get this setup and going.
The tentative plan is to make the Auction league with a $25 buy in, and the Redraft league just be free for fun.
We'll shoot for 12 people in each. If we can't get the full 12, we'll go down to 10 cause any less and that's baby territory.
If you're interested in joining one, or both leagues just reply letting me know.
Draft date and time can be decided later on.
Auction League
Redraft League
Redraft Waitlist
The Bukafax
The tentative plan is to make the Auction league with a $25 buy in, and the Redraft league just be free for fun.
We'll shoot for 12 people in each. If we can't get the full 12, we'll go down to 10 cause any less and that's baby territory.
If you're interested in joining one, or both leagues just reply letting me know.
Draft date and time can be decided later on.
Auction League
- Ferny (Joined)
- Somnia (League invite sent)
- Eznark (League invite sent)
- Splat (League invite sent)
- Pheenix (League invite sent)
- FMT (League invite sent)
- Livewire (Joined)
- Brent (League invite sent)
- Az (League invite sent)
- Drizzler (League invite sent)
- DM (League invite sent)
- Vyer (League invite sent)
Redraft League
- Ferny (Joined)
- CB (League invite sent)
- Somnia (League invite sent)
- Eznark (League invite sent)
- FMT (League invite sent)
- Livewire (Joined)
- DM (League invite sent)
- Lkr (League invite sent)
- Dominican Power (League invite sent)
- CyberpunkGod (League invite sent)
- Vyer (League invite sent)
- Lonestar (League invite sent)
Redraft Waitlist
The Bukafax