I really enjoyed the DLC. It is just a shame you are kinda forced into ploughing through the main game to raise cash for the bar renovation and herb growing missions/activities though.
Yeh I agree...it was a poor design choice. The herbalism is a great source of income, but you won't have access to that until after the 1st DLC, which at that point, you wouldn't have enough cash to make a dent on Sammy's repair bills (unless you were grinding the truck/car delivery side missions during your 1st playthrough)
For the majority of players it means a forced grind at the end of the 3rd DLC. As i mentioned earlier, I just left my PC running to get the required cash doing the herbalism and checking in every 15mins or so to collect the cash (remoting onto home pc from work ftw)...but alot of ppl wont be in a position to do that or feel assed...so I feel many will skip the repair at the end.