I have a good feeling that there is an investigator.
Call it woman's intuition.
Then mock it because it's one hell of a sausage fest.
Darryl is genderless tho
I have a good feeling that there is an investigator.
Call it woman's intuition.
Then mock it because it's one hell of a sausage fest.
Then mock it because it's one hell of a sausage fest.
You should vote me if you want me lynched. That would be good townie behavior.
You fishing for something brother?![]()
It's funny that the midnight launch-themed Mafia is a sausagefest.
Edit: I'd just like to point out that this is like a real mid night launch. Everyone in line is a male.
VOTE: Blargonaut
He hasn't posted since the game has started, and hell, I want to see if I am responded with via a riddle.
Ugh, I was hoping to prod Blarg last, I don't know if I'm ready for whatever he's bringing.
Oh don't worry. I am 100% certain I will regret this
sorry Sorianchan
happy, roy?
I have a feeling he's absent because he's working something up.
Not really, no. I'm providing my guess to the group, I'll fucking slap any of you idiots if you role claim in any way right now.
Don't do that. It's not the same.
If you're town, speculating about roles can only help mafia narrow their search down.
*whistles in boredom*
Ho hum ho hum. Ok, anyway, so I was hoping Ouro would bring thing up for me with his random Salva vote:
but he didn't so I'll ask.
I don't like this post. I'm always in antithesis to people who say that we should no lynch day 1. It's a waste of time and possible information for town. My question is more, do you really think that we don't have an investigative role? Because my only assumption is that a shorter game would give a weaker investigator so only partial information, alignment only probably.
Salva, we nearly lost.
Like, it went down to the fucking wire specifically because we pissed away day 1 instead of taking out franconp.
Salva, we nearly lost.
Like, it went down to the fucking wire specifically because we pissed away day 1 instead of taking out franconp.
Salva, we nearly lost.
Like, it went down to the fucking wire specifically because we pissed away day 1 instead of taking out franconp.
(Continuing previous post).
I believe there is something special about this game, so I think lynching this time on day 1 might be a better course of action.
I also want to know what blarg has to say, people might dislike his playstyle but its telling on how people react to it, and I find it weird we have heard pretty much nada from him.
Vote: Blargonaut
I know they say that you shouldn't read too much into other game performance.
But consistently no lynch until now because this game 'is special'
is it special because in the land of no fun allowed, you are the special king with a special crown and a special chair?
Special Notes
The flavor in this game is very silly and using it to guess someones alignment will make you look even sillier.
Hmm, first you said that you would do a lynch(evict? line bump?) because there were less players, now it's because you think there is something special? I don't think this is worth prying at the moment but I smell something here.
I think its special because of this:
This got me thinking what exactly are we up against, short games mean either crazy amount of powers or very few very limited powers. This is why info is far more important than in a long game were the risk of getting a ordinary townie is higher. Here the odds of getting a town are lower when lynching, so for me it makes sense to start with a lynch.
Why is this? Smaller amount of players would probably mean less mafia members to balance it out, right?
This got me thinking what exactly are we up against, short games mean either crazy amount of powers or very few very limited powers. This is why info is far more important than in a long game were the risk of getting a ordinary townie is higher. Here the odds of getting a town are lower when lynching, so for me it makes sense to start with a lynch.
I enjoy the philosophy of no lynch vs. lynch on day 1 so I have a question based on everything you've said so far. You feel that lynching day 1 is useless in the other type of GAF games because the chance of hitting an ordinary townie are high but then you also mentioned when you first brought this up that we can feel safe lynching because there is probably no investigator. Those ideas seem to go against each other because it sounded like your fear in no lynch was hitting something important by accident.
Gaaah, I tried to quote and somehow I edit it, sorry, let me post it as it was:
How are they against each other?
Normally when I am Pro No lynch, is because I want the PR to get any information possible in the first day. In big games there is usually at least one detective and one other information gatherer of some kind and usually the chances of Mafia killing him in the first night are really low.
In small games, there is usually at best ONE Investigative role, 2 in PR crazy games, and for this is also possible we don´t even have one, but the game is short, so the chances we lynch him are not that important because mafia has a way better chance to get to him, we are more pressed for time, so the risk is worth it.
Of course there is always the fear of hitting someone important, but I am based more on the chances of mafia killing a important role on the first night.
I could go more into detail but I think I explained my reasoning in a comprehensible matter, I know is not the usual way to play (automatic lynch seems to be the norm), but it has worked for me.
Gaaah, I tried to quote and somehow I edit it, sorry, let me post it as it was:
How are they against each other?
Normally when I am Pro lynch, is because I want the PR to get any information possible in the first day. In big games there is usually at least one detective and one other information gatherer of some kind and usually the chances of Mafia killing him in the first night are really low.
In small games, there is usually at best ONE Investigative role, 2 in PR crazy games, and for this is also possible we don´t even have one, but the game is short, so the chances we lynch him are not that important because mafia has a way better chance to get to him, we are more pressed for time, so the risk is worth it.
Of course there is always the fear of hitting someone important, but I am based more on the chances of mafia killing a important role on the first night.
I could go more into detail but I think I explained my reasoning in a comprehensible matter, I know is not the usual way to play (automatic lynch seems to be the norm), but it has worked for me.
Who hasn't posted yet?
-The goddamn
-Lone_prodigy (did actually confirm post 30 minutes before the start, but hasn't posted yet after the start)
To be clear: this is just to get a overview of who we still miss, nothing more.
I understand this vote because Kark hasn't posted yet.
I'm just trying to get people off my case since I'm probably not gonna be at the gates today. I don't personally agree with early vote pressure, I think it's better to let people talk first before threatening to kill them. We certainly had the time in this day phase. Gives a lot of people excuses to not talk imo.
SalvaPot who's mafia?![]()
Please also share the link to the no-fun-allowed chat with us.
SalvaPot who's mafia?![]()
I probably should have thrown my vote on Retro or Prodigy because I find it more curious that they haven't posted.
Hey, sorry. The wife decided to re-tile our shower today so that's been taking up my free time. Also, in general weekends are super busy for me. (Which is why ONUW runs mid-week.)
I agree on day 1 lynch, and I'll try to post reads later on. I'm always mildly suspicious of Sorian, though, just because it's so easy to assume that he is town.
I don't think we're going to get much of anywhere today, tbh. Nobody wants to play their hands day 1. I'll be around, but I won't respond to anything unless I see there's something I can do or say.
If I had to guess, I´ll say haly.