Last minute thread title suggestion:
InJacetice: Bolas Among Us
InJacetice: Bolas Among Us
So why is Commander considered to be casual? And is a pre constructed deck a good idea?
Ugh. Yet another reason to avoid draft leagues.Holy shit. Players are admitting to running scams in MTGO Draft Leagues.
Tierra del Fuego in the real worldDespite it being a Tropical MesoAmerican Plane, we've evidently got glaciers (see Glacial Fortress).
works for meLast minute thread title suggestion:
InJacetice: Bolas Among Us
Meh, the spoilers are going to depress sales of both Hour of Devastation and Ixitlan. What a fuck up.
Lore wise, I find it a bit silly that the gatewatch managed to take out two Eldrazi titans without breaking a sweat but Bolas seems to obliterate them effortlessly. Whilst I'm all in favor of kicking the crap out of the Gatewatch, I'm still not keen on Bolas as the ultimate enemy simply because he's seemed like a cartoon villain for most of his appearances in magic.
Really want to see the Locust god though, that will be cool... ;-)
That's because the Eldrazi ain't shit after they lost AnnihilateLore wise, I find it a bit silly that the gatewatch managed to take out two Eldrazi titans without breaking a sweat but Bolas seems to obliterate them effortlessly.
Remember when Ajani just walked up to Bolas and Bolas couldn't do shit to him?Meh, the spoilers are going to depress sales of both Hour of Devastation and Ixitlan. What a fuck up.
Lore wise, I find it a bit silly that the gatewatch managed to take out two Eldrazi titans without breaking a sweat but Bolas seems to obliterate them effortlessly. Whilst I'm all in favor of kicking the crap out of the Gatewatch, I'm still not keen on Bolas as the ultimate enemy simply because he's seemed like a cartoon villain for most of his appearances in magic.
Really want to see the Locust god though, that will be cool... ;-)
Remember when Ajani just walked up to Bolas and Bolas couldn't do shit to him?
isn't that almost modern sideboard playable? Kills DS and all the lilis.I'll probably write up more later but LOLOLOLOLOL at the past 24 hours of Magic "news"
yeah but also hitting Lili gotta be worth something.If Fatal Push hadn't been printed, I think it would have been reasonable sideboard. But board slots have a lot of pressure on them right now, so I don't think it'll see Modern play.
I will go on the record saying that YOU are stupid and shouldn't be used!I will go on the record and say the Scorpion King gifs are stupid and shouldn't be used!
TIL opinions can be wrong.I will go on the record and say the Scorpion King gifs are stupid and shouldn't be used!
Not an exact time. Supposedly after round 15 of GP Vegas.Do we have a time on the Hour preview stream?
I concur.I will go on the record and say the Scorpion King gifs are stupid and shouldn't be used!
isn't that almost modern sideboard playable? Kills DS and all the lilis.
Went 3-1 yesterday in Chaos sealed yesterday with a Karn ramp deck. Most fun format I've ever played at a side event lol.
Checked out the massive artist area, went and walked around Vegas a bit then entered a last chance trial modern tourney with the Jeskai list I've been on for 2 weeks now and went 4 0 to earn 2 byes. Could have slept in today thanks to them, but I'll head over early anyways.
Now 10-1 across all side events. I hope my main event runs go as well.
5 mana and rotatingSo Thalia's Lancers is so hot it's on fire now right? Fetches any planeswalker when they get errata'd.
Playing limited and modern. Kind of want to play modern more as I really like Jeskai right now, so, in a way, I don't want to day 2 sealed lol. Will see how the pool is at least. If I 7-2 or worse, I'll drop. 8-1 would be a tough call. 9-0 and I'll stay in.
Winning the trial got my 2 byes in all remaining main events, so I didn't actually have to choose where to put them which would have been a bit awkward.
Real happy for Paul. He got 2 kids a steady job is great for him.
LSV already works on Eternal, doesn't he?I predict LSV joining in the future as well.
5 mana and rotating
So Thalia's Lancers is so hot it's on fire now right? Fetches any planeswalker when they get errata'd.
Tutor generals are the worst.Also, Sisay EDH stays winning.
His thumbnails on his youtube channel are the worst lol