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Magna Carta for PlayStation 2 - New pictures


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jiggle said:
This game is not a port of the PC version. New casts, new stories, and new codes? This was pointed out to me twice, so I've finally remembered. :)

Neways, I like how it looks. It could look better, of course. Not all games can be Final Fantasy.

Yeah, it most certainly isn't a PC port. Be glad...the PC version was not a very good game and looked much worse than this version does. It did have a fantastic soundtrack, though...


I think it looks enough good...Don't see the base of your comments Shompola...
About the art I cannot really say which one is best because this is a thing that is 100% taste-based, but I prefer Magna Carta's art by a long shot.


Fafracer forever
To those of you criticising the "bad graphics engine", "shit rendering technology" etc, this game is running on Unreal tech. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fafalada said:
To those of you criticising the "bad graphics engine", "shit rendering technology" etc, this game is running on Unreal tech. :p

Surely the PC version did not run on Unreal...

I have NO IDEA why they would choose Unreal technology for an RPG. Not only is the engine not suited for PS2, the engine isn't even suited for the needs of an RPG. That's very disappointing...

Had it been original tech, I might have had SOME hope for decent animation and presentation...


Fafracer forever
dark10x said:
Surely the PC version did not run on Unreal...
I honestly don't know about PC version.

Anyway PS2 version should be put in perspective - this was made (at least initially) with a team that had no people with prior console experience. Which I suspect is the main reason behind their choice of middleware too.
Plus, Unreal tech is pretty popular with Korean game companies as well.

I agree that the tech is not the best choice for PS2(or consoles in general) though.


dark10x said:
I have NO IDEA why they would choose Unreal technology for an RPG. Not only is the engine not suited for PS2, the engine isn't even suited for the needs of an RPG. That's very disappointing...

Most Japanese-style RPG's place a big emphasis on visuals. Usually, this translates to the need for an engine that can display complicated level geometry while animating multiple character models in real time, with an acceptably long draw distance. Given the visual demands of the genre and the inherent customizability of Unreal engine tech, I don't see where you get 'the engine isn't even suited for the needs of an RPG' from. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tellaerin said:
Most Japanese-style RPG's place a big emphasis on visuals. Usually, this translates to the need for an engine that can display complicated level geometry while animating multiple character models in real time, with an acceptably long draw distance. Given the visual demands of the genre and the inherent customizability of Unreal engine tech, I don't see where you get 'the engine isn't even suited for the needs of an RPG' from. :p

I'll put it this way...

I have yet to play any Unreal based game that even begins to prove the engine to be a solid choice for building a console style RPG. Especially when dealing with a console, you are bound to have many lengthy loading junctions, akward animation, and all kinds of other limitations. On the PC, many issues would disappear...but I still don't think the engine would work very well for a console style RPG. I mean, think about the way the Unreal engine actually works...and consider the needs of a JRPG. Too many limitations arise...
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