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Major Nelson is joining Unity Community Management


in pursuit of happiness
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When you think things can't get any worse... they find new ways to dig deeper.

This guy is absolute trash at PR and community outreach. He was already completely ignorant about games on the consumer side, he's gonna be even worse for developer relations.
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Dont you just love it when 2 things you hate join together?
I have wished nothing but the worst for Unity after having to deal with their tools and the cursed performance of their engine after a mere few weeks. It seems my prayers have been answered.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
The Major going deep undercover to fuck up Unity so MS can buy them later after Unity is fucked.



When I pronounce his name, I say it as if the "H" is silent. Larry Erb. Sounds more sophisticated. Like, "Excuse me, my name is Larry Erb. May I have some Grey Pupon?"


Gold Member
Unity stock at an all time low of $16 today. Losing shit loads of money every quarter.

Ballparking some high level charts, it IPO'ed at $90, hit $170 in Nov 2021. And it's been a steady downward slope the past 2.5 years with their 6,738 employees as per Yahoo profile link.

Good luck trying to make money on this company.

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I enjoyed Major Nelson until he attached Affiliate Code to every post he created. I wonder if he was making the money or microsoft on that.


Dave Chappelle Unity GIF

I wonder what happened to that install fee business model they tried to pull last year. Maybe he can explain, he’s excellent at talking shit.
I enjoyed Major Nelson until he attached Affiliate Code to every post he created. I wonder if he was making the money or microsoft on that.

I would imagine it was to measure his performance rather than him pocketing money, maybe he got some commission or someshit.
Any news on Albert Penello? He was here on Gaf defending Xbox One against PS4 at launch. He also made some noise during this generation when he stated that Series S will outperform PS5.
not certain, but the crossing guard at my niece's school looks a helluva lot like him...


Gold Member
Any news on Albert Penello? He was here on Gaf defending Xbox One against PS4 at launch. He also made some noise during this generation when he stated that Series S will outperform PS5.
He's been at Amazon since 2018. Surprised he'd get into console brand wars when he already left for Amazon.


Unity stock at an all time low of $16 today. Losing shit loads of money every quarter.

Ballparking some high level charts, it IPO'ed at $90, hit $170 in Nov 2021. And it's been a steady downward slope the past 2.5 years with their 6,738 employees as per Yahoo profile link.

Good luck trying to make money on this company.

How do they turn it around though? We finally got to where people are able to make actual games on Unity and the management just implodes at almost the exact same moment.


Does this mean were gonna have a steady stream of positive or neutral Unity threads on the daily first page?

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
in pursuit of happiness

Can't stand the guy.

Fake, obnoxious, full of himself, plus, lol at his pretentious profile pic.

I don't get why we're still talking about him, his whole schtick was that he used to be a car salesman PR bullshitter for xbox and...that was pretty much it.

I don't care about internet personas but whereas I can respect someone like D.Jaffe for at least creating something (GOW), this guy...nope, he didn't create anything, he didn't contribute to anything, he's literally a nobody.
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