So here's the deal. Yesterday, my computer's hard drive starts cackling, and decides to reboot on it's own. It has problems starting up, and when it finally does successfully go up, Windows XP does some sort of C: Drive repair, where it analyzes all of the existing data, and allocates all of the free space.
Now, here's the problem. When my computer finally booted up, all of the stuff that I had on my desktop, and in the My Documents folders were gone. The weird thing is though, they should STILL be there, because the amount of free space on my hard drive never changed (from before and after the crash). So in other words, there's about 4-5 gigs of stuff in my computer that I can't find. I've tried system restore, and tried looking for the stuff manually, but can't find a damn thing. In addition to this, a bunch of my programs disappeared, including iTunes. Fuck.
My question is, what can I do here? The data must still be somewhere in the computer, because the free space in my C: never changed. WTF is going on?
Just to note, upon start-up, my PC scans my HD, Mouse, Keyboard, and USB ports, and forces me to press "F1" before allowing me to resume. This never happened before. Anyway I can get rid of it?
Thanks in advance, guys.
Now, here's the problem. When my computer finally booted up, all of the stuff that I had on my desktop, and in the My Documents folders were gone. The weird thing is though, they should STILL be there, because the amount of free space on my hard drive never changed (from before and after the crash). So in other words, there's about 4-5 gigs of stuff in my computer that I can't find. I've tried system restore, and tried looking for the stuff manually, but can't find a damn thing. In addition to this, a bunch of my programs disappeared, including iTunes. Fuck.
My question is, what can I do here? The data must still be somewhere in the computer, because the free space in my C: never changed. WTF is going on?
Just to note, upon start-up, my PC scans my HD, Mouse, Keyboard, and USB ports, and forces me to press "F1" before allowing me to resume. This never happened before. Anyway I can get rid of it?
Thanks in advance, guys.