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Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappearance

Just watch the first minute. If that don't make you go....

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

I'll say, I've operated the flir cameras and worked with radar/weapon systems like the ones in that footage, and that very authentically looks how I'd operate my equipment, so seeing that seems pretty compelling.

It's pretty insane footage. The gravity tracks from those objects are very interesting and how the explosions itself is endothermic.


Gonna leave this here too having found this a couple days later.

Love the CC guys and that's exactly the kind of breakdown I like to see. It's all very interesting stuff.
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Gold Member
I thought this was debunked already? Shit looks like 90s vfx.
Also that portal effect you see reminds me of the same effect on Diablo 1 lol


Gold Member
huh just looked at their other videos... did alex jones join anonymous?

Animated GIF

or maybe they're just trolling.
Gravity tracks???
I don't really know what the hell they are. It looks to be something that essentially equates to a "tunnel" or some shit. You can kind of make them out in the flir footage.
Yep, Aliens have come thousands of light-years to steal a Malaysian airliner.
What I like about that video, which I don't really track or follow conspiracy video in principle, but is that I don't think it's ever mentioned as Aliens.

The fact that 2 separate governments have footage though is odd in that it almost exactly means that it was a scheduled event of some sort. It's fascinating.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
The IR footage was cool but the video was ruined by that dude spouting pseudo science and other BS. I think at one point he also mentioned LK-99 ...
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Just watch the first minute. If that don't make you go....

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

I'll say, I've operated the flir cameras and worked with radar/weapon systems like the ones in that footage, and that very authentically looks how I'd operate my equipment, so seeing that seems pretty compelling.

It's pretty insane footage. The gravity tracks from those objects are very interesting and how the explosions itself is endothermic.


I believe the U.S. military zapped it & were testing some next-level tech, a plane can't just disappear without a trace for this long, thanks for coming to TED talk.
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Gold Member
Nonsense. Aliens capable of interplanetary travel don't need to learn Bernoulli's principle by taking a comparatively basic airliner to study.

Occam's Razor says 370 disappearance was caused either due to a catastrophic malfunction or by human action.


Gold Member
The CGI 'professionals', I suspect, were the ones that made it in the first place.
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Seriously though kinda odd that for such high quality work whoever created that footage would end up using some stock 90s VFX for the "teleportation" portion of this (not saying that they did but that's what the debunkers were saying)

Is there any explanation for the REST of the footage?
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If you have Spotify or whatever seriously give this a listen.

And yeah he's neutral and also talks about the rotating orbs vids. Besides the lithium battery burning and a particular group from a particular corporation on board.

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Seriously though kinda odd that for such high quality work whoever created that footage would end up using some stock 90s VFX for the "teleportation" portion of this (not saying that they did but that's what the debunkers were saying)

Is there any explanation for the REST of the footage?
That was what stunned me the most. There is 2 separate governmental footage and all of it syncs perfectly and some of the "visual effect" certainly seem underwhelming. But it also lends more credibility to all of it tbh. It's amazing footage, and I really want to see it thoroughly debunked. If it is fake, I'd be so curious how it was actually done. And if it's real, why aren't more people curious about it at least.


"If you were faking it, this is not how you would fake it".
Yes, you would fake it to look fake!

I loled so hard....


Hold onto your panties
I'll comment...again. From books, documentaries and verified professionals (FAA & NTSB in particular); I've personally reviewed over 100 accidents with aircraft. MA370 crashed in into the Indian Ocean.

Why no debris? Bodies? Oil slick?

Transponders were turned off manually from what we can tell prior to the crash. Consider ValuJet flight 592 which crashed violently into the Florida Everglades in 1996. Flight 592 impacted the swamp at over 500 MPH. Of the very little wreckage the team was able to extract, they never even found remnants of the female pilot's body. An ocean impact with a plane that large at high velocity would have shattered everything (bodies, hull, the lot) into micro debris within seconds of impact. Given the fact that there wasn't a 24-hour turnaround to the exact crash site (since finding it without a beacon took time); the majority of debris sank to the bottom of the ocean.

How did it crash?

That's the only real mystery. The three most likely suspects though:

- Pilot suicide (transponder was manually flipped off)
- Possible cargo fire (not unlike Valujet 592)
- Pilot error (which is unlikely)

However, just like any major incident with loose ends you're going to have conspiracy nuts trying to tie things together.


I just cannot with the UFO=Extraterrestrial, community anymore.

Debunk, after debunk, blurry pictures, people that are paid to state something, even politicians, bird bones, lizard bones, to balloons and drones, and military X programs. Folks who are genuinly interested are far and few between, most seem like QANON believers, they will believe any edited video you toss at them.

Just drop it, there is no fucking way any "aliens" are visiting us, almost everything can easily be explained away at a moments notice, the rest is BS and fake just like the 370 crap that has been circulating. Even the VFX guy came out on reddit.

There are 18 BILLION HDR cameras currently watching our planet. Not a single one has captured a alien.

There are 8.1 BILLION humans living right now, not a single one has been able to produce any evidence that can be taken at face value.

Do the math.
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