Al-ibn Kermit
Junior Member
I don't necessarily agree.
I'll talk about London as I'm from there. There's already been a sharp rise in anti-muslim sentiment since the tragic event in Woolwich. Muslims abused, verbally and physically.
I understand why that is the case. Doesn't justify it.
What was the response like after September 11th?
Right after 9/11 (which was a much bigger thing than this knife attack obviously) there was a large anti-Muslim fervor among the general population and the media. It seemed that those who bought into the paranoia actually saw anybody who was a foreigner and brown as a threat as I can remember stories of Indians and Sikhs specifically getting attacked in public.
But it also motivated other religious organizations and people who personally knew Muslims to stand up in their defense. I think the islamophobia from this attack would probably mostly blow over in a month or so. These stories don't make people racist as much as it makes them feel more brave and righteous to insult and attack Muslims.