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man hoobastank is the biggest pussy band ever

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i remember these guys from a few years ago. their music was pretty crappy back then, but at least it wasn't pussy rock. now i just saw their video on mtv hits, and holy crap it sucks balls. it sounds like adult contemporary shit or something you'd hear on a christian "rock" station. what happened to these guys? did the record company force them to go the way of incubuus and sugar ray and NOT do hard stuff?


Drunky McMurder
FrenchMovieTheme said:
yeah thats the one im talking about, the new one. all i remember is it goes "im not a perfect person" etc. so so retarded

I think it's called "The Reason" or "Reason" and it makes me die a little inside every time I hear it. I actually miss when they sounded like they were trying too hard to be Incubus Jr.

And my roomate likes that song. Ouch. He likes Trapt's "Headstrong", too...I think I need a new roomate.

Hoobastank's 1st CD IS better, than The Reason, but The Reason isnt bad if you subtrack the single from it.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i remember these guys from a few years ago. their music was pretty crappy back then, but at least it wasn't pussy rock. now i just saw their video on mtv hits, and holy crap it sucks balls. it sounds like adult contemporary shit or something you'd hear on a christian "rock" station. what happened to these guys? did the record company force them to go the way of incubuus and sugar ray and NOT do hard stuff?

I was just thinking the same thing about 3 Doors Down. Well Except that I like their old stuff and somewhat still like the new.


So how exactly would some rube direct a music video? BTW, The Reason is a quality pussy song. Thank you for your time.


i honestly thought hoobastank was some kind of southern ghetto culture hip hop supergroup until i saw their white asses on leno. wha tthe fuck!
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i remember these guys from a few years ago. their music was pretty crappy back then, but at least it wasn't pussy rock. now i just saw their video on mtv hits, and holy crap it sucks balls. it sounds like adult contemporary shit or something you'd hear on a christian "rock" station. what happened to these guys? did the record company force them to go the way of incubuus and sugar ray and NOT do hard stuff?

Yeah, remember when they spelled their name with a 'u' and played some really funked out jazzy punk shit? With saxophones and everything? It's not the same band at all.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Hoobastank is a shity ass band. I hate that Reason song that clogs the airways.

And WTF kind of name is hoobastank?


Hitman said:
Hoobastank is a shity ass band. I hate that Reason song that clogs the airways.

And WTF kind of name is hoobastank?
I read somewhere that Hoobastank is one of the member's middle name.

So in question, what kind of parent would give their kid Hoobastank as their middle name?


force push the doodoo rock
i agree with this thread.

Hoobastank is not only the shittiest band this side of yellowcard, their name is stupid and their stupid infinity logo is also.......stupid.
sp0rsk said:
Hoobastank is not only the shittiest band this side of yellowcard, their name is stupid and their stupid infinity logo is also.......stupid.

Hey... At least Yellowcard plays John Williams' "Binary Sunsets" from Star Wars on the violin at the start of their live show. I also ran into the drummer at another show where they weren't playing, and he saw me with an old school Yellowcard shirt on and gave me the gangsta love handshake. Then we chatted for a bit at the merch table later. Cool chap. So anyway, I think Yellowcard is a much better than Hoobustank, which has always been dreadfully horrid, even during their They Don't Make Basketball Shorts Like They Used To period, which I don't even think you can buy that album anymore. Like they're trying to completely sweep it under the rug.
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