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man i hate ps2 online gaming

playing ratchet & clank and killzone the last few days reminds me of why i enjoy XBL so much and hate ps2 online gaming. seems that people are already using gameshark online in both games, and aside from that the lack of universal buddylists and other features makes the entire experience less userfriendly

i feel like not even playing games online on ps2 because whats the point? i could be giving 110%, playing my best game, and some a-hole is glitching or has unlimited life code on and i'd never know it through the course of things.

thumbs down to YOU ps2 online gaming!

p.s. dont say "just play with friends!" because, thanks to the lack of universal buddylists, i have no idea who is possibly on and what game they are possibly playing at the current time. boourns, only xbl can save you now


I really hope "Sony Live" goes into place by the time the PS3 is released. MS is leaving Sony in the dust as far as the online gaming experience...and the fact that a game like R&C3 is Sony exclusive..on a real online service they'd be making a killing.


You guys dont have DNAS in the US?

Or has DNAS been cracked? I have never ever experienced cheaters while playing PS2 online here in Europe.


Been cracked for a while. People have been able to play copied PS2 games online for months now, and I'm sure have found ways of cheating as well.
My main problem with on-line gaming at the moment is the lack of anything I want to play.

I've logged too many hours into Socom 2, a game I really don't enjoy very much, but is fun to play against people. There I've rarely encountered cheaters. I've seen them, and they've spoiled some games, but overall I've had a good time.

I just want Japanese developers to pull their head out of their asses, with regards to on-line PS2 games, and start delivering the goods. I want an on-line fighter that isn't Mortal Kombat or Godzilla (which is at least fun, which is more than I can say for MK).

I just want more games that are true to console roots, and less dumbed down for consoles PC genre stuff like military sims and FPS games.

More stuff like PSO plz! Still my favorite on-line console game to date.

Monster Hunter missed the boat by a few marks. No voice chat. No ability to warp back to town to get vital items. No lock on. Hopefully this will be fixed in Monster Hunter 2.

On-line gaming on consoles has a long way to go, and hopefully it does enough to differentiate itself from on-line PC gaming. Because if I wanted that shit, I'd but a damned gaming PC. >:|
A little OT, but...both console and PC online gaming needs to seriously have more co-op adventures...however, not necessarily MMOs...
"I just want Japanese developers to pull their head out of their asses, with regards to on-line PS2 games, and start delivering the goods. I want an on-line fighter that isn't Mortal Kombat or Godzilla (which is at least fun, which is more than I can say for MK)."

SNK recently confirmed that KoF 94-2000, Last Blade 1/2 and Mark of Wolves will be online for the PS2.
SNK recently confirmed that KoF 94-2000, Last Blade 1/2 and Mark of Wolves will be online for the PS2.

Yeah, unfortunately it's like that "...in bed!" gag you use for fortune cookies.

So in truth it would read:

SNK recently confirmed that KoF 94-2000, Last Blade 1/2 and Mark of Wolves will be online for the PS2....in Japan! :p

I'd love the see them released here with on-line play intact, and I recall reading Ben Herman saying they were going to bring over on-line PS2 fighters; but I'll believe it when I see it.

On-line MotW would certainly make up for no on-line SF:AC on the PS2.

I also agree that we need more co-op games. ^_^

A new War of the Monsters and Twisted Metal are M.I.A. and if not this gen, they had damn well better be PS3 launch titles. On-line out of the box.


MightyHedgehog said:
A little OT, but...both console and PC online gaming needs to seriously have more co-op adventures...however, not necessarily MMOs...

It is a lot off-topic, but likely worth a thread of its own. Online needs to be more fun and less about kicking the next guy in the balls. Frankly I'm bored of being #15341 in the rankings. How is that relevant or inspiring to me?
Back on the topic...PS2 online isn't very good...compared to XBL, this is true, IMO. I'm certain that PS3 will debut with Sony's version of subscription service, though...it's just a given. Until then, the PS2 online experience is never going to be a good as it could be. To PS2's credit, there are a few games in genres that haven't been really touched at all on XBOX in the online arena. Notably, the co-op adventure type.

Musashi Wins!

Littleberu said:
Yeah, because they are no cheaters on XBL, of course.

It's absolutely nothing like PS2 in that respect. And nothing like PC in your other.

I love some of the PS2 games online, I play them a lot, but I'd pay Sony a yearly fee in a second to get rid of all the cheaters. And having a universal buddylist when you turn your console on is worth the price alone to me.


Sure, Xbox may have its share of cheap bastards playing Madden or camping in Rainbow Six 3 or whatever, but the amount of cheaters on PS2 (particularly SOCOM 2...) is a joke. I'm tired of playing against cheaters with IW-80s with Grenade launchers. Sure, I may still kick their asses because that's how much they suck, but that's besides the point...
I do NOT agree. Sony NEEDS an universal buddy list for every game, but I do not agree to pay for this service. XBL IS stealing, the reason there are less cheaters is only because there is a lot less people playing. SOCOM 2 is a 30k people/per night game, guys. It's just normal that some people cheats.

Just like people cheated in Madden.

but I'd pay Sony a yearly fee in a second to get rid of all the cheaters.

They CAN'T. You can't get rid of the cheaters. They'll always come back.


But when you're charging money and have the ability to cancel or ban a paid-for account, people will think twice...
Littleberu said:
I do NOT agree. Sony NEEDS an universal buddy list for every game, but I do not agree to pay for this service. XBL IS stealing, the reason there are less cheaters is only because there is a lot less people playing. SOCOM 2 is a 30k people/per night game, guys. It's just normal that some people cheats.

Just like people cheated in Madden.

They CAN'T. You can't get rid of the cheaters. They'll always come back.
much less cheaters is worth my money to xboxlive
Moose said:
But when you're charging money and have the ability to cancel or ban a paid-for account, people will think twice...

Huh. It takes approx. 10 min to get back on XBL if you get banned.

much less cheaters is worth my money to xboxlive

The thing is, you're not paying for that, you're not paying for a closed server service, like BNet for Diablo 2. You're paying for a server browser and some MSN clone. That's why I call that stealing. The reason there are less cheaters, it's only because there are a lot less people playing. Just wait until Halo 2. Or you could even see a lot of glitch exploiters in Splinter Cell or R6.


Littleberu said:
Or you could even see a lot of glitch exploiters in Splinter Cell or R6.
Umm. There's a HUGe difference between people taking advantage of glitches and people using gamesharks to get infinite life and such...
Only online PS2 games I played were Monster Hunter and FFXI. There was no cheating in either one.

Monster Hunter has a DNAs authentication before you log on.
WULFER said:
Little, suck it up pay a little fee and get on with superior gaming.

Nah, I don't own an Xbox. Maybe next year, but currently I don't have the money for one.

Umm. There's a HUGe difference between people taking advantage of glitches and people using gamesharks to get infinite life and such...

And most of the time, it's people taking advantage or glitches. I didn't see a lot of people using a gameshark while playing Socom 2 or MH. Seriously.

Ranger X

Anyway, blame the makers of the games. Sony, instead of putting a drastic and severe TRC rules for develloping their games online, decided to let the develloper free (to please them a little more i suppose). What happen though is that no develloper is giving you the same quality or homogenic menus and fonctions. Just a couple of develloper seems to do it right. Insomniac did gave us a great game here.
People playing TOCA2 can also notice that Codemasters gave us quality too. Everything from Xbox live is there, your buddy list even tell if your friend is online playing another game. But since the other game is not well done and can't receive your message, this fonction is TOCA2 is quite useless. But i hope people understand that the quality of the online play on the PS2 represents what the develloper decided to give you and if they werent' so stupid and lazy, the experience could be as good and homogenic as on Xbox Live

I hope Sony will ram in the devellopers with a severe TRC for develloping online games on the PS3...
I'm glad that there's no service in place. Yeah a little cheating is a small price to pay.

I rest easy knowing that I paid $50 for Monster Hunter and if I decide to boot it up 6 months from now I dont have to worry about my "Sony Live" account being expired.
Doom_Bringer said:
you can't stop cheaters

look at battlefield 1942, punkbuster support still there are some cheaters running around
can't stop it, but can way limit it ...is worth my $$$ Everytime I log on, I don't even consider someone is cheating.
If they do set up a Sony Live it should be optional. They could have special dedicated servers for people who want to pay the monthly fee. Would you guys go for that?


PS3 better have a built in ethernet port.

The reason Xbox Live works so well is that you only spend a split second logging into Live, than the 30 seconds it takes for the PS2 to initialize Network Adapter settings and then log in.

Sony definitely needs to step up their online structure into one service with universal friend lists and messaging.


Has problems recognising girls
Reasons like this are why I rarely play online anymore. I haven't really experienced Xbox Live cause there isn't a title out that says "holy shit I want to play it online right now". Not to disrespect onling gaming at all, but the best times when I was playing online was with friends that I could easily hook up with in real life to play a LAN or just splitscreen.

I hear all the "online gaming is the future" talks but I won't agree with it all until they set two things straight - a) the constant cheating in games, and b) the constant stupidity of gamers who in general are just wankers behind a faceless icon.
littleberu either you don't have an X-box, don't have X-box live, or both, because there is no way in shit you should be justifying the crap on ps2 online. killzone and R&C came out a few DAYS ago, and already people are using gameshark. not "taking advantage of a glitch in the game", i'm saying they are using infinite health, etc online. how can you back that?

i would much rather deal with "taking advantage of in-game glitches" than deal with literally using a cheat device to gain an advantage.

you say there are less cheaters on XBL because there are less people on at any given time. well, i disagree. the only game you use as an example is Socom. what other game does any great number of people ever play on ps2 online? madden? well guess what, there weren't "30,000" people on killzone last night but someone still managed to use gameshark. so your theory of "less people = less cheating" doesn't really hold much water.

stop being a cheap ass (or be a cheap ass and search for a cheap price on xbl, they exist :D ) and pay the $5 a month for a highly superior online service. you'll thank me later


not an idiot
seismologist said:
Only online PS2 games I played were Monster Hunter and FFXI. There was no cheating in either one.

wtf? how could you possibly know that? granted it is sometimes easy to see when someone IS cheating, but to say they aren't is another thing.

p.s. I agree... PS2 online sucks ass and i'm very glad XBL charges for it's service (yes I am glad). I believe these charges alleviate a lot of little punks that would otherwise be playing if they did not have to pay.


Hardly any games use the HDD anyway... it's not a big loss.

And French, I have been playing R&C3 online since release a ton... I have yet to see any kind of cheating.



I've put tons of hours into Madden, Socom II, and Burnout 3 and I haven't run into any problems or cheaters. The experience is the same as PC online gaming.


Gold Member
Online PS2 cheats I've seen people use:

Madden: Never fumble, never miss a pass, cannot be tackled.

SOCOM/SOCOM II: Invincibility, infinite ammo, guns that fire rockets instead of bullets.

NFSU: People had the fastest cars unlocked immediately and could lap anyone instantly.

MVP Baseball: 100% homeruns with every swing.


Better service = XBox Live (by far!!)

Better price = PS2 Online

Better pick-up games = XBox Live (by far!!)

Better long-lasting games = PS2 Online (FFXI, Monster Hunter, etc)

PlayOnline (FFXI's service) rocks though. Sony really should just use that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Littleberu said:
Yeah, because it'd be stupid to bitch about XBL if you pay for it.

When I purchased Pandora Tomorrow, I received a free year subscription to XBL. It's a very polished, kick-ass service. There aren't too many XBL games I really wish to play, though, but the actual service is beautiful.

Ranger X

The service is nice but the only thing that really makes it secure it's how it's organised.
If Sony give the develloper a nice and tight TRC set of rules to make online games next gen, it could be the exact same as Xbox Live service.
Microsoft make you BELIEVE you have to pay. And i see that you feel more secure by paying while it's not your investment that protects you but the tight TRC rules of Microsoft regarding online games using Xbox Live.
A free Xbox Live quality service can exist, easily. But big business will never offer you that and i also believe that Sony will charge next gen if they put up a service similar of Xbox Live.
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