I really like Man of Steel, it's one of my favorite super hero movies of the past two decades.
The casting is really good. Cavil is spot on a Superman while Michael Shanon is great a Zod and really does a great job adding some depth and menace to the character. Also, Antje Traue does a really great job as Faora.
I like the storyline and I think they do a great job building Clark up while he's wandering around looking for answers culminating in him finding the ship and getting the suit. That first scene where he takes off is iconic and one of the best superhero moments on film. I also really like how menacing they make the arrival of the other Kryptonians - they managed to make it unsettling and creepy, playing up the uncertainty and bordering just a little on horror tones with the creepy broadcast.
Costume design was spot on. Zod and his crew look menacing in their full gear while Cavil looks impressive and suitably contrasting in his suit.
Characters are brilliantly done, but there are notable flaws. As I mentioned Zod is really good and they manage to flesh out the character and give it a bit more depth. Faora is a perfect example of how to do a strong female character without pandering - she doesn't play on her gender, she's just a really good soldier and can handle herself really well. Comes across intimidating and the fight between her and Superman is well done with her kicking his arse due to greater skill. Superman is pretty good but I'll agree with the critisism that he's a little bit too dark and should be a bit more hopeful and positive. Martha Kent is great, really like her in this one but Jonathan Kent is not so good and his character is inconsitent and illogical bordering on stupidity (yes, the tornado).
I'll also defend the fights. This movie at least had the balls to show the collaterol damage that would occur if beings like this fought. I remember at the time of the movie people were critisizing the film for how Superman allowed such destruction to occur but it's far more honest than the likes of Avengers. If beings like that fight, shit is going to get destroyed. Superman was just learning his powers and had no formal combat training but was fighting experienced soldiers. This is highlighted in the fight against Faora where she's almost playing with him because of her combat skill and experience and again during the fight with Zod where he demonstrates how much faster he can adapt to his newfound powers. Superman was outmatched and these fights occurred in populated areas - there wasn't an option to move it elsewhere and the resulting damage is what you'd get. I'll never understand how Avengers gets away with claiming such low casualties from it's end fight with an entire army invading.
The score is also great. That scene where the battle with the terraforming machines is coming to a peak, perry is trying to console Jenny as the destruction is abaut to hit them and Superman rises up and makes the push to get up, fly upto and destroy the machine - absolutely brilliant.
Yeah, there are flaws and it has an awful flashback moment but overall I think it's one of the better superhero movies and get's way more shit than it deserves.