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Mandalorian Season 2 | DIsney+ | October 30th


Cane we purrrleaaaaasssee stop giving this grifting shithouse attention? Starve her of the oxygen of attention she craves and she'll crawl back into the cesspool she came from.

She is great example for toxic feminism that already made her irrational.

She can only focus on the bad stuff that personally believes is "bad for women". If this would be healthy feminism.... she wouldnt just focus on the boobs (for example: the last thing i pay attention too in Mandalorian is the boob armor) but instead praise it for strong female importance in Mandalorian culture.

They are not only capable warriors but also great weapon smithes that are normally mostly man in history.


She is great example for toxic feminism that already made her irrational.

She can only focus on the bad stuff that personally believes is "bad for women". If this would be healthy feminism.... she wouldnt just focus on the boobs (for example: the last thing i pay attention too in Mandalorian is the boob armor) but instead praise it for strong female importance in Mandalorian culture.

They are not only capable warriors but also great weapon smithes that are normally mostly man in history.

She's like a boil that keeps coming back every now and then. Her mantra that 'everything is toxic unless I say it isn't' just isn't something I can subscribe to really.

Grifters like her and Quinn and their ilk are the people who've totally ruined the fun element of gaming for me.
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And absolutely fleece people out of money with kickstarters.

Always worth quoting;

Fleecing people with crowdfunding is one thing. Getting interviewed on the Colbert Robert and ABC News?

And then she appears at the fucking United Nations along with fellow cunt Zoe Quinn.

I do not understand the fascination they had with grifters like her and Quinn.


Jesus she even got on Colbert? Can't watch right now but for fucks sake. I will later and try not to retch.

Back on topic, I hope baby Yoda is eaten by something at some stage this season.

Preferably a Rancor.

That or he mind controls a Rancor and kills Mando and his buddies.
Be specific about your about your first claim. I think you could be misunderstanding or misquoted me.

The prequels were bad, but that wasn't my point. Lucas dealt with OP character arcs well enough to move the plot fine, even thought it was convoluted and badly written at times. He's just not a capable writer anymore though. Revenge of the Sith was something though in terms of pulling together that story and managing several extremely OP characters. I mean try and name some examples of movies that many iconic characters that all needed a bowtie.

You missed my point with the IG. He wasn't OP because he could easily be outsmarted or tricked. You can "why not" about many things in stars wars, half the shit is bad science or doesn't make any sense at all. Even simple things like the Mandalorian visors don't make sense, incredibly limited FOV just to look cool.

I mean if you like Mando and the current direction that's fine. I like it but the character is a clumsy dumbass half the time that's not well written. I like it because of the adventure.

And theres nothing wrong with showing force users being OP when mando trips over his own feet. Theres no risk to his legitimacy because we see him get fucked up constantly already.

You just haven't convinced me outside of your own personal opinions. You dont like wizards, you want cowboys etc. But many of the movies did Jedi's badly. Hell Boba Fett was a complete clown in the OT, but he got a second chance.
The point is simply the same why Batman doesn't make sense in a universe where Superman exists.

If you have Jedi with the power level we had during and after the prequels, they would wreck everyone's shit up of of the characters we have seen so far in Mandalorian.

Batman vs bank robbers is interesting.
Spiderman vs bank robbers is bullshit, even if they have 'a clever trap' set up for him.

Wizards vs cowboys is a completely different discussion, but so far everything has been wizards in SW movies, how about letting us fans of the more grounded part of that universe have fun once in a while before you get your OP magic wuxia monks with light sabers again. Will be soon enough.


Gold Member


The point is simply the same why Batman doesn't make sense in a universe where Superman exists.

If you have Jedi with the power level we had during and after the prequels, they would wreck everyone's shit up of of the characters we have seen so far in Mandalorian.

Batman vs bank robbers is interesting.
Spiderman vs bank robbers is bullshit, even if they have 'a clever trap' set up for him.

Wizards vs cowboys is a completely different discussion, but so far everything has been wizards in SW movies, how about letting us fans of the more grounded part of that universe have fun once in a while before you get your OP magic wuxia monks with light sabers again. Will be soon enough.

I think the problem is that the Jedi in the movies got steadily more and more OP as time went on. I mean, in A New Hope we only had Darth Vader and Obi-Wan as examples and the most they could do was a Force Choke and a Mind Trick. The Empire Strikes Back added telekinesis into the mix along with some precognition. By Return of the Jedi we had Palpatine's Force Lightning and that seemed to be a pretty good set of powers for these people who can use the Force to give them an edge in combat but not really wreck everyone's shit up as you say.

Come the prequels, the cartoons and the sequel trilogy now we have completely OP Jedi who could do even crazier things that they're practically superheroes now as you say. So yeah, I'm glad we have a Star Wars TV show focusing on a protagonist who has no connection to the Force and is mainly just a highly trained soldier. The Force is still there in the form of the Child but is mainly kept in the background with an air of mystery. It's a concept that is quite alien to the main character and the show reflects that.

I just hope Ahsoka's appearance doesn't throw the show's structure out of whack and we're suddenly thrown into a narrative involving the Force once again. We've had 9 movies with that. We don't need it now.


I'd say Ashokas appearance in the series will be brief, same as the Death Watch Mandos but will lead up to something else.

Maybe the rumoured Ashoka series or something.

Ashoka will point Mando to someone else, she isn't a Jedi anymore after all. Would fit the structure of the show.
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Something I found a bit odd and I’m not sure if it’s been discussed. For the last 8 episodes, Mando has been trying to get the child back to its “planet” or “kind.” It was weird to hear him say he’s trying to get it to a “Jedi.” This is the first I’m hearing of him making that “leap”.. assuming his kind is Jedi.

Did I miss something in a previous episode.


Something I found a bit odd and I’m not sure if it’s been discussed. For the last 8 episodes, Mando has been trying to get the child back to its “planet” or “kind.” It was weird to hear him say he’s trying to get it to a “Jedi.” This is the first I’m hearing of him making that “leap”.. assuming his kind is Jedi.

Did I miss something in a previous episode.

At the end of season 1 the armorer Mandalorian had told him that the powers that the child had sounded like those of the Jedi.


The point is simply the same why Batman doesn't make sense in a universe where Superman exists.

If you have Jedi with the power level we had during and after the prequels, they would wreck everyone's shit up of of the characters we have seen so far in Mandalorian.

Batman vs bank robbers is interesting.
Spiderman vs bank robbers is bullshit, even if they have 'a clever trap' set up for him.

Wizards vs cowboys is a completely different discussion, but so far everything has been wizards in SW movies, how about letting us fans of the more grounded part of that universe have fun once in a while before you get your OP magic wuxia monks with light sabers again. Will be soon enough.

I mean Jango and obi wan fight is something to bring up in the clone wars. Obi was powerful at that time and while that fight wasn't great from a choreographed standpoint, it showed about where Lucas viewed top tier Mandalorian fighter versus a powerful Jedi. Now, windu fucked him up fast but to me it just looked like Jangos fault more than Windus "power."
I just think there is room there to make any Jedi under a Windu vulnerable to a badass Mandalorian. The problem is Mando isn't that guy. Hes an idiot that looks and sounds cool.
I mean Jango and obi wan fight is something to bring up in the clone wars. Obi was powerful at that time and while that fight wasn't great from a choreographed standpoint, it showed about where Lucas viewed top tier Mandalorian fighter versus a powerful Jedi. Now, windu fucked him up fast but to me it just looked like Jangos fault more than Windus "power."
I just think there is room there to make any Jedi under a Windu vulnerable to a badass Mandalorian. The problem is Mando isn't that guy.
Sorry, I hated all the Prequel crap, and didn't bother to watch anymore of it.
And what you describe is exactly why I hate it.

He's an idiot that looks and sounds cool.
He is not "an idiot" just because story wise is not up to the ridiculous power level that shittied up Star Wars over the last twenty+ years.

Is Han Solo also an "Idiot" because he would not stand a chance in a stand off with your level9000 magical lasermonks?
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Sorry, I hated all the Prequel crap, and didn't bother to watch anymore of it.
And what you describe is exactly why I hate it.

He is not "an idiot" just because story wise is not up to the ridiculous power level that shittied up Star Wars over the last twenty+ years.

Is Han Solo also an "Idiot" because he would not stand a chance in a stand off with your level9000 magical lasermonks?

Well the prequel scene itself isn't exactly my point. And there scenes in OT where Jedi arent exactly mowing down hordes of enemies too. They're not invulnerable by any stretch.

I'm not calling mando an idiot because hes not force sensitive, that's ridiculous. The force is not intelligence or common sense. Hes written as a bumbling moron half the time that constantly needs rescue, twice in the most recent episode. With the pirates especially that knocked baby yoda into the water. "Here have a closer look at our monster, friend." Mando wasn't the least bit skeptical of those ultra shady characters knowing their line of work and how valuable his armor is? Like what?

Or in the same episode where he charges out of cover with the two explosive detonators just to throw them 8 meters? Wtf, he could have thrown them from where he already was.

Or a hundred little things I've noticed throughout.. Even his shiny armor itself is ridiculous. Here I am, look at me from a mile away. Dumb. Zero thought process went into to him.

He always falling down, getting scammed on stupid shit. Then he'll turn around and murder like 10 guys. Just doesn't make any sense.

So yeah a little bit OP, short lived jedi is fine. Not like they're really trying very hard.
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Obi Wan had a rough life if he aged like that in 19 years.
Bo-Katan a good one.

I don't know what Bo-Katan's age in the prequels is supposed to be, but I don't find it completely out of sense that she looks like that 25 years later if she was like around 25 during that earlier time.
There are some very good looking 50 year old women around, and since she is also from another world, it's also completely possible she ages a bit slower than other races.
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Bo wears a mask a lot thus protecting her face from the elements and keeping her fresh.

Obi lives a hard life in a harsh desert environment and probably can't afford sunscreen or moisturiser. British skin isn't built for dry desert environments.
Yeah, look at Boba. He's in his early forties and looks worse than Kenobi before him.


So i've catched up with episode 3 and I can't wait for more.
I love the setting and characters and i'm happy the finally made a great SW project eithout Jedi. And now i hope that Ashoka won't become a main in the show. I dig the idea of seeing her and her having a role in the story, but please don't make it wacky space wizards again.

That said i wonder if there is anything in the new expanded universe where she meets up with Luke. It makes a lot of sense for her to know him 🤔

The show got accepted by my wife, who is not too fond of SW. Broader target audience is great.
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Gold Member
Meh, Katie is only nine years younger than Ewan, I'll allow it.

The boob armor thing is ridiculous though, given how custom fit it is (witness how silly Justified looked wearing Fett armor made for a much shorter man) it makes sense it would accommodate breasts or pecs (she does realize that male armor molds the pecs...right?). A quick internet search shows mandalorian boob armor going back since....female mandalorians!

I'm trying to avoid looking at how chesty women look wearing current body armor, probably 99% NSFW :p

Edit: Yup!

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Meh, Katie is only nine years younger than Ewan, I'll allow it.

The boob armor thing is ridiculous though, given how custom fit it is (witness how silly Justified looked wearing Fett armor made for a much shorter man) it makes sense it would accommodate breasts or pecs (she does realize that male armor molds the pecs...right?). A quick internet search shows mandalorian boob armor going back since....female mandalorians!

I'm trying to avoid looking at how chesty women look wearing current body armor, probably 99% NSFW :p

Edit: Yup!


Very womanly. The crotch especially is divine.

Photoshop is a truly wonderful thing.
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So the TV shows are pretty much fixing how shit the movies have been, right? Seems that way to me.

Originally when Ahsoka was first introduced I was like (James Rolfe voice) "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING" and years later after seeing a lot of core scenes with her especially her face off against Vader I kind of wish I watched the CG show. I also understand the fans plight that her VA isn't playing her but the same way Mark Hamill only ever voiced the Joker and never physically played him she WILL eternally be Ahsoka now and forever.



Nice. A solid hour of action directed by Carl Weathers, who returns as Greef Karga along with Gina Carano as Cara Dune.

Some revelations regarding the overarching plot are revealed, and looks to set up the rest of the season for a thrilling ride.

Gina Carano - Yes! She kicks ass as always and it's nice to see that Cara has settled on Nevarro and has become the new Marshal, which I take it is the local law enforcement of each planetary settlement much like Cobb Vanth was on Mos Pelgo. She may not be the best actress but as a physical presence she's always convincing to watch. Whining SJWs can fuck off with the talk of firing her, she always a welcome presence on this show.

Carl Weathers - I've always liked Weathers, even way back in the Rocky movies and Predator. He may not be leading man material but he's always great as a supporting character. And like Carano, he makes a convincing action hero when he wants to. Also, it's nice to see that Greef Karga has cleaned up his act somewhat, turning Nevarro into respectable colony with schools even! Character development for the win.

Horatio Sanz - I know some people were complaining about Sanz's character might become a regular in the series pliot. Thankfully, he was put under carbon freeze before that happened. While Sanz as Mythrol does have some funny moments (particularly when Greef gives him abuse over his debt), I can't imagine watching a whole series with him before he becomes annoying. Hopefully this is just a one time thing and he doesn't become a recurring character.

Balls to the walls action - Where this episode shines. Some great set pieces here, particularly the sequence where our heroes drive the armored carrier and are chased after by speeder bikes and then TIE fighters.

No guard rail - Lol. Is the Empire the cheapest and most incompetently run evil organization in the galaxy when they don't even put guard rails on a reactor control? Nice lampshade hanging from Mythrol there.

The dreaded M-word - Oh dear. Now we know why the Empire wants Baby Yoda, courtesy of Dr. Pershing. And it's quite obvious that it's Moff Gideon who wants a transfusion of the Child's midichlorian rich blood. Ugh. Saying that word makes me cringe and I really wish we didn't go back to that mistake Lucas made with regards to the nature of the Force. Keep the Force a mystical presence and not some magic gene bullshit.

The Empire's oldest trick - So one of the mechanics placed a tracking beacon on the Razor Crest while it was down for repairs. At least they can be clever once in awhile.

Very well done episode. Hopefully the real life bullshit surrounding the show hasn't jeopardized it's future. I really want this show to keep going because of how great it's been.


Enjoyed the scenes with the Child this episode. Also great to see some of the old gang back together.

are they trying to make "ForceTroopers" or just grow new dark jedi in a tank? Were the ranks of guys at the end robots or death troopers?


How is the action in this show consistently better than anything we saw in the ST?
Sure the budget doesn't always look completely movie quality but the set piece are so much cooler and better shot than anything in the ST.

Gina was looking deliciously thicc and that ending was pretty interesting as well. Show just keeps on getting better for me.


Gina seems to be getting Thiccer every episode 🤔

OK episode though I'm getting increasingly bored of the no stakes fights with masses of Stormtroopers.
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Really liked this episode. Started out as just another mission ep but it tied in to the larger plot really well. Loved seeing the speeder bike and tie fighter chase, some great action and humour in there. Can't really fault it. It's just the right mix of new and old stuff, what the ST should have been.

The reference to midichlorians was about the only thing I didn't like, but at least they'd didn't actually say the damn word. "M count" is way better.


Gold Member
Gina definitely piling the pounds on, mobility was affected and it was distracting at least twice lol. Anyway, good episode like most. Ending is set uo nicely now with the tracker


Really liked this episode. Started out as just another mission ep but it tied in to the larger plot really well. Loved seeing the speeder bike and tie fighter chase, some great action and humour in there. Can't really fault it. It's just the right mix of new and old stuff, what the ST should have been.

The reference to midichlorians was about the only thing I didn't like, but at least they'd didn't actually say the damn word. "M count" is way better.

George's ST that YouTube claims is a stolen masterpiece was going to be all about midichlorians. I'm not kidding.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Agreed with Kadayi Kadayi , this one was a little weak with the incompetent stormtroopers dropping like flies. Inconsistent, too, since Super Heavyweight Gina and Carl get pinned down by two stormtroopers for no apparent reason right after casually mowing down 50 of them.

Some interesting setup for the rest of the season at least.


Agreed with Kadayi Kadayi , this one was a little weak with the incompetent stormtroopers dropping like flies. Inconsistent, too, since Super Heavyweight Gina and Carl get pinned down by two stormtroopers for no apparent reason right after casually mowing down 50 of them.

Some interesting setup for the rest of the season at least.

Haven't stormtroopers always been incompetent? I think the OT movies make it clear that they're just a bunch of conscripts with inadequate training but make up for it with their sheer numbers. Add to the fact that they're outfitted with some pretty shitty gear and the safety standards of their facilities are questionable at best (the aforementioned no guardrails joke). Taika Waititi made a point to poke fun at their awful aiming skills with the two scouttroopers who punched Baby Yoda in the season 1 finale.

Really, they're just cannon fodder for their Imperial commanders like Moff Tarkin, Vader and Gideon who are the real threats to our heroes.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Haven't stormtroopers always been incompetent? I think the OT movies make it clear that they're just a bunch of conscripts with inadequate training but make up for it with their sheer numbers. Add to the fact that they're outfitted with some pretty shitty gear and the safety standards of their facilities are questionable at best (the aforementioned no guardrails joke). Taika Waititi made a point to poke fun at their awful aiming skills with the two scouttroopers who punched Baby Yoda in the season 1 finale.

Really, they're just cannon fodder for their Imperial commanders like Moff Tarkin, Vader and Gideon who are the real threats to our heroes.

The previous ep had some good action with the Mandalorians vs Imperials despite all that.


The previous ep had some good action with the Mandalorians vs Imperials despite all that.

Perhaps. But I've long ago accepted that the Imperial troopers will always be faceless mooks for the heroes to mow down. It's one of those things you have to accept when you get into a series like Star Wars.

But I do think the movies show what a downgrade the Storm Troopers were compared to the Clone Troopers. The Clones at least were great soldiers and hey, they wiped out most of the Jedi no problem. But it makes me wonder why Palpatine didn't continue using Clones after he took over the Republic.
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