I've not watched anything with Ashoka, but she was pretty great. Rosario Dawson nailed it in terms of being an interestingly character.
Really good episode, the Master she was looking for is obviously a set up for a future storyline (or spin off?). We have Bo Katan looking for Moff Gideon, Mando's quest and this.
Place your bets, do you think we will seea recast Luke turn up?
I actually have mixed feelings on this episode and am not sure it really delivered for me.
looked kind of dorky and all I could see was theAshokaactress in cosplay
I also didn't think much of theand again thought it looked pretty shitty.lightsaber choreography
Oh andsounds like a shitty Dragon Ball character or something.Drogu?
A lot of it looked incredible though and I still think a lot of the shots in this season are arguably better than the ST (maybe it's just because I prefer the look of the older vehicles, troopers etc.)
I probably made the mistake of getting myself too hyped for it based on some of the comments I read here/online before watching it and it may be better on second viewing.
At the moment it's my least favourite episode this season although I'm still excited to see where the show goes next given some of the revelations in this episode.
shes only getting juicier.Is it my imagination or did Gina Carano blow up since last season.
She was practically waddling when she had to run the last episode.
wtf was that episode? someand they named the kidjedi with tentacle hair? what kind of name is that meant to be?grogu
Lol that run killed me. When she went for the marauder or whatever it’s called. I appreciate her thickness but yeah, she looks double the size from last season’sIs it my imagination or did Gina Carano blow up since last season.
She was practically waddling when she had to run the last episode.
Damn, I didn’t recognize Hicks from Aliens until a few scenes in.
The master isGrand Admiral Thrawn, which means we may also see Ezra is either this or a rumored Ahsoka spinoff series.
I was actually looking around to see if anyone else had posted this, but I read a Kotaku review of the episode after I watched it, and the events they referred to in the article DID NOT HAPPEN in the article at all, in fact the characters referenced weren't even in it nor were the supposed revelations. It was pretty wild, I'm surprised this hasn't picked up yet - either they are revealing stuff from a future episode mistakenly, or the author didn't do his job and relied on fake leaks to publish. Now the article seems to have been scrubbed from existence. Did anyone else see this?
I didn't recognise him at all, and it was bugging the shit out of me as to who it was. It was only when the credits came up I was like 'Hot Damn'. Always feel that dude needed a better agent because he was great in the Terminator, Aliens and the Abyss, just never really broke out.
Not sure about the article, and we know who Ashoka is looking for because she names him. I was referring to whenBaby Yoda reaches out with the force later in the season, Luke could turn up
I don't know, not a fan of this episode..
First off, I never watched any Clone wars or Rebels.
Asohka looked super stiff, like she could not move her head or the tentacles fall off.
Which would be okay if she COULD HAVE MOVED SOMETHING IN HER FACE.
Damn, what a wooden piece of plank performance. Is Asohka in the animated series that boring and lifeless? I don't really see what people like about her if that's her.
That end fight on the bridge looked a bit like what some fat neckbeard nerd dreams wet at night. Some parts of that choreography were plain stupid though, and Asohka could have cut off imperial lady's fingers easily in that locked stance by just swooshing sideways a few inches without losing the lock.
The rest was okay.
I just really hope we don't get too much of a simple continuation of those two animated series.
I kind of want Mando to stay its own thing.
I guess that's where it's headed to now, though..
I feel like season 2 just sets up storylines at this point for 2-3 Star Wars series to run in parallel.
...They are going to use the Netflix/CW model aren't they.I was thinking this as well.
There are strong rumours that Boba is getting his own show, Obi-Wan is definitely getting one and I think Ashoka is rumoured as well.
I imagine there will be some crossover between them and that we are gonna get a Star Wars TV 'universe' that's almost MCU like in its approach.
Awesome episode. I fuckin loved it. But just when you thought the plot was getting Mando somewhere, Ashoka changes her mind....
Is this really the last we’ll see if her in this show? Probably for a while, I think it’s pretty obvious they’re gonna go with Dark side Yoda when this whole universe of shows comes to an end. Game of thrones type twist. Not really sure if Disney has the balls to make the cute mascot turn dark though. How would that even work lol
my guess is by the end of the show Grogu will simply be reunited with his people, we will find out they are the Whills and are living in secret, and perhaps implied that Yoda was a bit of a renegade as their ethos is quiet non-interference. They will take responsibility for Grogu and we will not see him again until or unless there is a new story line that starts 100 years in the future, when Grogu will be a young man. So well past anything we have seen to date in any media. But on the journey there will have been major star wars lore unlocked and explored, and perhaps a spinoff series or two launched. Would not be surprised in season 3 if we see Din join up with Bo-Katan and we start seeing the actor they're paying take his helmet off fairly often...
Also the planet this episode took place on looked exactly like the planet from the beginning of TROS, where Kylo is fuckin shit up. It could just be another planet that was destroyed by the same group though.
Oh yeah shit. Very similar look besides the colouringThe planet Kylo was on was Mustafar.
Rosario did well. Michael Biehn was a total waste. Cool ep overall.
Rosario did well. Michael Biehn was a total waste. Cool ep overall.
At least Timothy Olyphant made an impression as Cobb Vanth in the season opener. Biehn here felt wasted. They really should have let him play the role like Johnny Ringo.
I didn't even notice it's him while watching...Terrific stuff. Michael Bhien looked a bit rusty tho.
This episode was everything omgogmgogogdhfjjasjtusjtatjiehriajhMFMFMHMkfdkgkgidirjyepl