Kaname is perfect, favorite character in this manga thus far and will save the day. Dont like the other character's design at times (so tall). Also Kaname's face is so funny when he gets that silly look.
Loved it my baseball jump desires finally realized.
Slowly reaching the point where I stopped reading the scans so I'm pretty excited to see new stuff.
Introduction of Lev, which is one of my favorite characters, for some reason and Yachi <3
Need to buy volume 10 to 12 asap.
Closer to him letting go of the idea he can become better immediately and going back to him being the tactician and helping Yuma get points while Chika providing cover.
So going back to the strategy that got his team the most points in their first match, before he started trying to go toe-to-toe with people beyond his league.
I'm not sure about this "Kitora has low Trion" revelation, since from what we were told, Kitora had an enlistment score that was close to Yuma's, and she always seemed like she never had issues of the sort. But I guess it can be explained that she manages to cover he weakness with team work and planning.
In which way should I approach Black Jack the series?
I know there was a Manga in the 70s, some OVAs like Berserk later on... a movie and two anime mini series (one looking chibi).
Plus there is the prequel that started this year that people are watching. But I don't know which method is the best way to start this series.... Will I be okay if I just start the prequel or would the prequel be more enjoyable if a new the main series? There is also that sidekick that he has in the main series which he doesn't have in the prequel.
Knowing the main series might make the prequel more enjoyable but... the prequel isn't Tezuka and deals with how BJ became BJ, so might as well read it and then trust yourself into the true Tezuka.
Buddy Strike 1
Terribly generic title and the premise is not that much more interesting either, at least Kaito's art it still decent. I don't see this going anywhere.
In which way should I approach Black Jack the series?
I know there was a Manga in the 70s, some OVAs like Berserk later on... a movie and two anime mini series (one looking chibi).
Plus there is the prequel that started this year that people are watching. But I don't know which method is the best way to start this series.... Will I be okay if I just start the prequel or would the prequel be more enjoyable if a new the main series? There is also that sidekick that he has in the main series which he doesn't have in the prequel.
Buddy Strike 1
Terribly generic title and the premise is not that much more interesting either, at least Kaito's art it still decent. I don't see this going anywhere.
Buddy Strike 1
Terribly generic title and the premise is not that much more interesting either, at least Kaito's art it still decent. I don't see this going anywhere.
I hope it lasts at least 25 chapters or even 50+, would they really cancel a baseball series when baseball is about to start up during this serialization?
Traps...nice but I would have preferred a character. Previous invasion arc already gave us a situation in which Mikumo could only survive to succeed, so I dont see how traps will really aid him in future conflicts so if hes left alone again he will lose.
Knowing the main series might make the prequel more enjoyable but... the prequel isn't Tezuka and deals with how BJ became BJ, so might as well read it and then trust yourself into the true Tezuka.
Soma got Eizen in his game, lol. Prepare to lose since you are now going to have to get your own food judged. Judges minds wont be able to fool their bodies.
Valkyrie of Sidonia (NSFW)
Knight of Sidonia doujin by Dowman Sayman.
I must say, Tanikaze react just like what i expected if he ever encounter the scenario in this book. Too bad he skip out bear x Tanikaze... shit about to get wild!
Soma got Aizen in his game, lol. Prepare to lose since you are now going to have to get your own food judged. Judges minds wont be able to fool their bodies.
So I watched a few episodes of the anime and then decided to read the original manga
In the anime there is this little girl that hangs out with Dr.BlackJack and I always wondered who she is and why is she living with him... heck she once said she wasn't a child but an adult which confused me even more so I just believed she was joking. A bunch of non realistic stuff occurs in this series but that just gives it some charm.
I read 3 chapter of the Manga and...
the was a scene of a surgery for something called Teratoid Cystoma were they go and jump the shark and say it is a tumour with a attitude that could posses people in order to prevent it from being cut.... Well to add to the crazy this tumour is the twin sister (in organ parts) of the person with the tumour... He eventually makes the tumour "twin" agree to operate on her if she is not killed (she is organs though).... well low and behold later on he goes all Mr Frankenstein with the released organs and recreates the other twin as a child and decides that she can stay with him since she has no place to go.
So I watched a few episodes of the anime and then decided to read the original manga
In the anime there is this little girl that hangs out with Dr.BlackJack and I always wondered who she is and why is she living with him... heck she once said she wasn't a child but an adult which confused me even more so I just believed she was joking. A bunch of non realistic stuff occurs in this series but that just gives it some charm.
I read 3 chapter of the Manga and...
the was a scene of a surgery for something called Teratoid Cystoma were they go and jump the shark and say it is a tumour with a attitude that could posses people in order to prevent it from being cut.... Well to add to the crazy this tumour is the twin sister (in organ parts) of the person with the tumour... He eventually makes the tumour "twin" agree to operate on her if she is not killed (she is organs though).... well low and behold later on he goes all Mr Frankenstein with the released organs and recreates the other twin as a child and decides that she can stay with him since she has no place to go.
So I watched a few episodes of the anime and then decided to read the original manga
In the anime there is this little girl that hangs out with Dr.BlackJack and I always wondered who she is and why is she living with him... heck she once said she wasn't a child but an adult which confused me even more so I just believed she was joking. A bunch of non realistic stuff occurs in this series but that just gives it some charm.
I read 3 chapter of the Manga and...
the was a scene of a surgery for something called Teratoid Cystoma were they go and jump the shark and say it is a tumour with a attitude that could posses people in order to prevent it from being cut.... Well to add to the crazy this tumour is the twin sister (in organ parts) of the person with the tumour... He eventually makes the tumour "twin" agree to operate on her if she is not killed (she is organs though).... well low and behold later on he goes all Mr Frankenstein with the released organs and recreates the other twin as a child and decides that she can stay with him since she has no place to go.