Murcielago 37-38
Yo,Kuroko's been so busy killing only really fucked up villains and doing police work to save little girls and shit that we forgot she's A FUCKING PSYCHOPATHIC MURDERER. I mean shit, these chapters were basically "Oh man, Kuroko gettin' dat pussy, she's so funny and such a bad-ass I wonder what bad-ass thing she'll - oh, she just straight up murdered a high school girl by stomping on her head after penetrating her with an umbrella handle then forced the others to kill each other with baseball bats. I forgot she was a monster." Like, it's not even out of character it's just that for like 40 chapters she's been doing stuff that makes you root for her and laugh and go FUCK YEAH so much that you don't remember the entire basis for her character is that she is SUPER FUCKED.