Manga News/Discussion |OT~| How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!

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Glass Mask 75-78

As fucked up as Maya situation is, I find it odd the author is ignoring that Maya did decide to go party in the beach at night of her own will, even if it was a set up, the characters are acting as if she went against her will, which is pretty jarring.

There should be some element of self reflection by Maya part.

Well too bad Tsukikage, you're wrong, she DID went out to hang with them!
That's how she, unfortunately, ended up in a situation where someone drugged her.


Unconfirmed Member
Kanojo wa Rokurokubi 1-12

A slice of life series about a high school girl with an extendable neck, with a crush on her normal (?) childhood friend. Comes equip with other youkai, like someone who can change her face into other people's faces.

It was super cute.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fairy Tail

Oh Ultear somehow got young and hot again that checks out

Fairy Tail 474

If I disregard that this reveal kinda destroys one of the few emotional and heavy moments in Fairy Tail, it was actually kinda surprising and fun.
And those hips.

The Fairy Tail Rule of Cool and/or Hot: nothing bad can permanently happen to a cool and/or hot character.
Gokukoku no Brynhildr 166

Oh come on. Of all the girls in this story you could've chosen as Eve, you picked the one who's actually less appealing than a melted witch. Also this is now confirmed as the most awkward 'bring your child to work day' ever.
Food Wars! 155

Its hard to say if Kurokiba Ryou will win or not, they really have nothing to lose since they didnt really care about their society and its just honour on the line. They can always regain honour by just beating them gloriously in a rematch. Though with Ren going all the way to unleash his hi ougi, perhaps Ren will lose since theres nothing more for him to do.

Taku watch, great panel.
World Trigger 132

Calling Kazama youngest guy was silly and child since he is the oldest one up there.

Good dialogue less action panels.

BLack Clover 50

Sums up this whole arc. This fight was great all around.

The ending reflection mirror proved it.


Unconfirmed Member
Nisekoi 206

Tsugumi's too precious for damned words.

I'm glad she's not wasted on some dumb fuck like Raku, even though Chitoge will be (but Raku and her aren't that bad together since he doesn't act like a clueless dumbass like he did with all the other girls.)

Nisekoi 206

Tsugumi ought to have been a male character, would have greatly enhanced the storyline.
I was really hoping she was a male character in the beginning too, just because I didn't want it to degenerate into a harem (which it obviously ended up doing).


Kubera s2ep167

Damn, I hadn't expected her to be so damaged
Might not be looking too good for her in this fight either


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Tokyo Ghoul:re ch. 65

Arima working that dude over does nothing for me. Kaneki's smile seems so insincere, although that's probably because we haven't seen him show emotion in awhile.

Gisèle Alain ch. 26

Of course Colette has her own yuri harem.


Nisekoi 206

So we left with 2 Girl now. Wonder what Author should do next. I doubt he go straight to go for end game now. I am expecting filler before we go there.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I like how they've systematically rejected all 4 of the obviously not-winning haremites and exactly one of them actually managed to tell Raku they wanted him, and she was like 20 and his teacher so it was probably illegal anyways.

I really hope that instead of heading into stupid fucking shenanigans, they address and wrap-up the Ruri and Shuu stuff. Something tells me that they just won't. I still have a suspicion that he will never choose between Chitoge and Onodera and while he might say something, he'll probably say it to both of them and not actually decide.

You know, despite the fact that he has an actual functioning relationship with one of them which is also integral to avoiding serious gang violence, and also that girl is rich as fuck and the other one works at a bakery.


Manga News/Discussion |OT| Daily Dose of Cotton Candy
Manga News/Discussion |OT| Angry Grimace-Kun and Passionate Zweizer-Chan
Manga News/Discussion |OT| Calculating Density of Harem Protagonist
Manga News/Discussion |OT| Good Alternative to Cookbook


Manga News/Discussion |OT| MangaGAF-chan wa Onna no ko!
Manga News/Discussion |OT| Daily dose of cotton candy

Edit: goddang it rrvv you stole my idea!
So was Tenjou Tenge ever worth a read? I read the first like...10 chapters and watched the anime and while vaguely entertaining I felt like it would power creep and wear out it's welcome super quick. I mean, does Bob ever become more than a jobber?

Or should I just watch the OP on repeat for the next hour like I've been doing for the past 4?



The Demon King has been defeated and now the Demon World is running a competition to choose a successor. A muscular, high-level human named Helck has joined the competition claiming that he wishes to destroy all humans. Is he serious?

Red Vamirio, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the entire Demon Empire, is monitoring the competition and cannot trust him. What's the secret behind Helck, and the Human World?


Helck is a webcomic authored and drawn by Nanao Nanaki. It started publication at Ura Sunday (same site where Mob Psycho 100 is) in 2014. Link:


At first it looked it was a gag manga that pokes fun at a lot of RPG tropes with its over powered hero and it was a pretty good hook. But as the story progressed the hero backstory is developed, new characters are introduced, a conflict established making the story serious and darker and the world is expanded. It made it a better a manga because even when the story gets darker, the manga retained its comedic elements.

The characters in this manga are entertaining as they have their own silly quirks and personalities. Some of the characters have their own backstory and connections with other characters which gives them depth and make you care for them. They also develop as the story progresses leading to some great moments.

The world building is well done as the characters goes to other places and some secrets about it are revealed. There is also a lot of it to be revealed in the future too making you curious about other places of interest.

It is also interesting that in this manga humanity are the bad guys and the demons are the good guys.

In short, It is a engaging and entertaining fantasy shounen with likeable characters and a good plot that at first indicated that it would be a gag manga.

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