Manga News/Discussion |OT~| How can I Ignore Such a Magnificent...THREAD!

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So was Tenjou Tenge ever worth a read? I read the first like...10 chapters and watched the anime and while vaguely entertaining I felt like it would power creep and wear out it's welcome super quick. I mean, does Bob ever become more than a jobber?

Or should I just watch the OP on repeat for the next hour like I've been doing for the past 4?

Tenjou Tenge and Air Gear, which are both by Oh! Great, also both devolve into incomprehensible garbage with pretty art. It's less about power creep (which it has) and more about being a complete stream of nonsense with super complex drawings all over the place.


So was Tenjou Tenge ever worth a read? I read the first like...10 chapters and watched the anime and while vaguely entertaining I felt like it would power creep and wear out it's welcome super quick. I mean, does Bob ever become more than a jobber?

Or should I just watch the OP on repeat for the next hour like I've been doing for the past 4?

Haven't read it past like the first 10 chapters but if it's anything like Air Gear then my opinion is that you are good with what you saw.
On a kind of related note: Not long ago i've seen a new chapter of Air Gear and it seems that it's continuing @__@
Tenjou Tenge and Air Gear, which are both by Oh! Great, also both devolve into incomprehensible garbage with pretty art. It's less about power creep (which it has) and more about being a complete stream of nonsense with super complex drawings all over the place.

Haven't read it past like the first 10 chapters but if it's anything like Air Gear then my opinion is that you are good with what you saw.
On a kind of related note: Not long ago i've seen a new chapter of Air Gear and it seems that it's continuing @__@

As someone who read Air Gear, yeah, that's what I figured. I love the dude's art, and his girls pretty much kickstarted me into puberty, but I pretty much only read Air Gear for the art.


Nisekoi 206

Well everything went exactly as I thought it would from the start. Side characters always doomed.

So it's fine. Everything's fine.




I'm pretty sure Komi will take us through the entire last year of high school before giving us a resolution at the very end.

I'm guessing he'll end up dating Kosaki at some point, then a dramatic thing will happen to Chitoge (ex: has to go back to America), he'll want to do something but is holding back because of Kosaki, at which point she'll NTR herself and tell him to go after Chitoge.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 1

I can't handle how fab Reinhard looks in this. It's ridiculous. His eyebrows and eyes are so profound it looks like they have shark teeth. Even Dio Brando would ask him to turn down his blonde flair.

Look how Reinhard and Annerose are compared to Kircheis. Like I'm only 16 episodes into the anime but is it revealed at the end that Reinhard is Jesus Christ?


Legend of the Galactic Heroes 1

I can't handle how fab Reinhard looks in this. It's ridiculous. His eyebrows and eyes are so profound it looks like they have shark teeth. Even Dio Brando would ask him to turn down his blonde flair.

Look how Reinhard and Annerose are compared to Kircheis. Like I'm only 16 episodes into the anime but is it revealed at the end that Reinhard is Jesus Christ?

I really dig the pupils in this manga tbh, yeah maybe the eyelashes are too shoujo-esque for my taste but put those eyes in a less childish artstyle (like the anime has) and you get something really good.

Also congrats, you are in for a wild ride.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
His lash game so strong his pupils have lashes.
So was Tenjou Tenge ever worth a read? I read the first like...10 chapters and watched the anime and while vaguely entertaining I felt like it would power creep and wear out it's welcome super quick. I mean, does Bob ever become more than a jobber?

It went the way of any Oh Great! manga.

seemed simplistic enough then went off the deep end with the crazy and somewhat incomprehensible shit.

IIRC Bob got better but ultimately couldn't compare to the rest of the cast or his best friend.

Also the MC got hella broken as time went on (which had the added benefit of looking cool as shit) especially in the manga once it passed the timeframe of the anime.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 2-3

Swagger is very important.

I may joke, but the art is actually good in this. Very very shoujo yes, but good.

I assume this follows the novels more, but I don't remember these lines about Kircheis thinking of Reinhard and Annerose as "Angels" or the line about Annerose being inducted into the Kaiser's harem. But considering it seems to follow their Military Academy life so far , maybe its a different novel or I just haven't gotten to that in the anime because the first chapter was the same as the early childhood flashback with Annerose being taken away. Although the next chapter is about Yang and the Battle of El Facil.


Glass Mask 78-83

The author is really trying to push Maya demise, I don't understand why Daito isn't selling thw angle of Maya being incapacitated over her mother death, it would have sounded a lot more believable and easily to relate than saying "She was practicing all night" .

The obsession that the other teather has to destroy Maya is over the top, toi the point of being comically evil. Sending people to a random play to talk about her dead mother (and no one besides Maya heard them talking despite them being in the middle of the teather) was way too over the top.

Ayumi actions and performance during this were very satisfying. But it's disappointing that the author decided to make Norie a mediocre actress rather than someone truly talented that got defeated by Ayumi.
OK listen to me, this is going to sound crazy but

guys...what if....

no guys seriously pay attention....

what if SPOTTED FLOWER is a "what would happen?" spin-off where the author is drawing what is the "EXPECTED" outcome because the main manga is going another route? more like a curveball or very detailed fanfic from the author themselves.

think about this, what is the MAIN theme so far of this manga? fujoshis and BL! (forget the other stuff like the drama and shit). so with that in mind, and the current going ons and love i crazy?

little by little being confirmed what i suspected
Coppelion 1 - 233 (End)

Serious survival drama about JSDF wandering an irradiated Tokyo searching for survivors.
Crazy action adventure drama about superpowered high school girls wandering an irradiated Tokyo searching for survivors.

Heard the manga finished recently, and I remember being entertained by the anime a while back (after accepting that it wasn't what it initially seemed) so I decided to marathon through this. Aside from a few hiccups in terms of hilariously bad foreign politics and global affairs, it was pretty damn enjoyable. Most characters were fairly likable and had a bit more depth than I expected, given the setting.

One thing I will note is how quickly the psuedo-science goes from "somewhat grounded" to "who the fuck cares". I thought the anime went ridiculous when giant robot spiders and schoolgirls shooting electricity showed up, but that ends up being only a drop in the bucket compared to how crazy shit gets. I will praise it for trying to keep things internally consistent though.
Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! ch.255-258

So if there's anything I'm getting from this, besides Misuzu not catching a break from Cotton Candy, is that measurements are quite a big deal.
Why must you destroy my ship? Well at least I'm ok with Chitoge even though she was third for me, behind tsugumi and haru. Damn It.


Although I always knew deep inside she would never win. Also Onodera has no chance in hell.


Huge Nickleback Fan
MangaGAF Ot: delicious in thread

Helck 63
Cliffhanger sucks.
But yes, i expected that to happen. No way everything goes that smooth.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes 1

I can't handle how fab Reinhard looks in this. It's ridiculous. His eyebrows and eyes are so profound it looks like they have shark teeth. Even Dio Brando would ask him to turn down his blonde flair.

Look how Reinhard and Annerose are compared to Kircheis. Like I'm only 16 episodes into the anime but is it revealed at the end that Reinhard is Jesus Christ?

Fujisaki Ryu drawing become far more fabulous and bishonen as time goes. I wonder how the audience will receive the new anime logh adaptation if its using Fujisaki ryu design?

little by little being confirmed what i suspected
I never doubt that spotted flower is Kio Shimoku official fanfic.


i'm so sad i don't like current era genshiken/spotted flower :(

Going to admit given my desired coupling aint happening (which always was Madarame/Angela) I more and more want Spotted Flower to be the true future. Still enjoying it though.

Sweet Guy 43 - Was only a matter of time before he met a girl like this.


Kingdom 463

Those are some good parents.
Too bad with every background of an enemy general we get I grow less interested in them.


Glass Mask 84

And we came full cycle, people were so mean to Maya that she regained her ability to act
Honestly it was a bit hard to buy everyone and anyone bullying Maya for no reason, throwing real stones? Which actor would put their carer stake for the sake of a prank they had nothing to gain from.

Glad to see this arc coming to an end.


Nisekoi 206

Another girl out, good that it was by her own decision, not so good that it was because of Chitoge, though a fitting end for Tsugumi.

And then there were two.


As someone who read Air Gear, yeah, that's what I figured. I love the dude's art, and his girls pretty much kickstarted me into puberty, but I pretty much only read Air Gear for the art.

While the art is obviously the only thing about Oh Great! to be taken seriosly, Air Gear is kinda fun.
If you're drunk.
All the time after chapter 20 or so.

Tomo-chan 258

No fear.
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