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Hi Score Girl ch37

To be fair a dating sim is a pretty bad example to follow, especially if you're pining for someone like Oono.


Why would you do this.
Strange Babys 3

My memory's kinda hazy, but didn't the lead duo already effectively hook up in the one-shot? Those events are referred to in the main story so it's not like it's been retconned out of existence. Her dating this other girl is silly, since it's evidently not where her heart really is. So now we just play the waiting game until either the inevitable happens, or I get bored of the mediocrity and drop this.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Finally finished building my new manga shelves!

I only left out One Piece (both Brazilian and Japanese tanko) and my Togashi collection, which remain in my bedroom.

Thankfully I think I still have enough room for... 5 more years or so :p

Big One

Finally finished building my new manga shelves!

I only left out One Piece (both Brazilian and Japanese tanko) and my Togashi collection, which remain in my bedroom.

Thankfully I think I still have enough room for... 5 more years or so :p
How many books is that? Looks bigger than mine! Impressive stuff.

I thought about doing something similar but I don't really have enough books to where that's necessary tbh.


One chapter a day...?????

It's the right call. You gotta savor it.

Finally finished building my new manga shelves!

I only left out One Piece (both Brazilian and Japanese tanko) and my Togashi collection, which remain in my bedroom.

Thankfully I think I still have enough room for... 5 more years or so :p

That's a pretty cool setup. It's rare to see bookshelves that have space to spare.
The Promised Neverland 24

Holy shit that was intense.

We going into end game now.

Isabella got some legs on her to reach them that quickly. Considering she went through the same shit as the kids I'd imagine she's in peak physical condition.


Finally finished building my new manga shelves!

I only left out One Piece (both Brazilian and Japanese tanko) and my Togashi collection, which remain in my bedroom.

Thankfully I think I still have enough room for... 5 more years or so :p

Where you buy the bookshelf?
iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - Comic Anthology cool / cute / passion

Collection of standalone comedic shorts featuring the various Cinderella Girls factions. My reading experience here was largely a reprise of when I read KanColle anthologies and have to sift through the chapters to find ones with decent characters, with the varying art styles helping to hold my interest along the way. There were a couple of gems scattered throughout, plus I improved my intel on some of the lesser known idols, so it was time fairly well spent.

Also bullying Momoka is the worst thing a human can do.

Seriously, it's worse than littering, not eating your vegetables or telling someone to read Hot House.
Finally finished building my new manga shelves!

I only left out One Piece (both Brazilian and Japanese tanko) and my Togashi collection, which remain in my bedroom.

Thankfully I think I still have enough room for... 5 more years or so :p

Looks like you got a lot of space there, though some of those look pretty tight at the top. How long are those shelves?

I still need to find a better solution for all my stuff, as its currently a mess.
Here's what I have in my room. The top two shelves are two rows deep.


Finally finished building my new manga shelves!

I only left out One Piece (both Brazilian and Japanese tanko) and my Togashi collection, which remain in my bedroom.

Thankfully I think I still have enough room for... 5 more years or so :p

Brazilian manga prints looks very good.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
The Promised Neverland ch. 24

Man. Just the way Isabella calmly tells Ray what happened with Krone while she's walking right behind him was so good.
Finally finished building my new manga shelves!

I only left out One Piece (both Brazilian and Japanese tanko) and my Togashi collection, which remain in my bedroom.

Thankfully I think I still have enough room for... 5 more years or so :p

Im always afraid of hanging shelves what if earthquakes or some other vibration wont they tumble down. Will those still sag?


Should I read Sakuranbo Syndrome or will it just piss me off?
It'll probably piss you off, but it's good catharsis. Think of it like a has syrup on his dick Ichigo 100% and just enjoy the nonsense.

At least it's less disheartening than that manga where the guy emits marbles or something every time he climaxes.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
How many books is that? Looks bigger than mine! Impressive stuff.

I thought about doing something similar but I don't really have enough books to where that's necessary tbh.

I have no idea! I need to count them up.

That's a pretty cool setup. It's rare to see bookshelves that have space to spare.

Thanks! The random piles of manga I had lying around were driving me insane, so I planned ahead this time, haha.

Where you buy the bookshelf?

I made it myself with my old man's help! They're actually just wooden boards we treated and painted, then stuck to the wall with multiple support pins each (so that they handle the weight of all that paper without bending).

Looks like you got a lot of space there, though some of those look pretty tight at the top. How long are those shelves?

I still need to find a better solution for all my stuff, as its currently a mess.
Here's what I have in my room. The top two shelves are two rows deep.

They all have around 22cm between them, although the top two are taller to make sure the tallest volumes (eg. JoJo) fit. The shelves are 5m long, and cover up the entire wall!

Brazilian manga prints looks very good.

There are some US prints in there, but yeah, I'm actually very proud of our local output. Both major Brazilian publishers (JBC and Panini) have been improving year after year.

Im always afraid of hanging shelves what if earthquakes or some other vibration wont they tumble down. Will those still sag?

There are no earthquakes in Brazil! At least not close to the coast. Our buildings aren't even built with them in mind. So if an earthquake does hit where I live, it'll probably be the end of times and I won't be too bothered with my manga collection hitting the ground.

In terms of minor vibrations, they should be able to handle it. We may even have exaggerated a little in terms of how many support pins we set up for each shelf, but it's better to be safe than sorry.


High Score Girl 37

Having your mom backseat a dating sim sounds like the most miserable existence.

Although I suppose I can't blame Haruo for losing so badly, isn't Shiori supposed to be a notorious pain in the ass to romance in Tokimeki?
Astra Lost In Space 2-24

So the Viz pod cast has talked about how great this series is

And they weren't wrong

If you are a fan of 7 Seeds and haven't read Astra you need to stop what you're doing and read it considering it's free on Viz's website.

Astra Lost In Space is a sci fi survival manga about 9 kids who on a school trip are sucked into a space phenomena and end up 5000 light years away from home near an abandoned ship, the Astra. Using the ships computers they're able to chart a course for home that has them planet hoping in an attempt to keep food and water supplies up. However danger is a foot as evidence rises that a traitor is among them one who may have no intentions of ever getting home.

Astra's strength lies in it's 9 characters, they're all really well developed and balanced where you find yourself enjoying all of them which also makes it trickier to guess who the traitor is
it's probably Aries if there even is a traitor since my guess is Aries isn't human she's an android or a clone
. The series moves at a fairly brisk pace 24 chapters in and they're on the 3rd of the 5 planets they need to visit before they can reach home. As a big fan of sci-fi I appreciate the effort the mangaka takes to ensure each planets has a reason for all it's weird alien decisions.

Additional speculation on the plot
The series has mentioned the idea of clones and introduced a chapter with the parents back home and a strange new law about dna sampling the population. I'm wondering if the 9 Astra passengers are all some kind of science clones to be exceptional recreations of their parents since 7 of the 9 are for sure "failures" for whatever reason. The only two who aren't are Aries who's background is a mystery and the little girl who's name I forget and that while she could be lying I get the impression she genuinely doesn't understand the sinister behind the scene events going on around her. I'm not convinced Aries is truly a traitor but she's likely not a clone like the other 8 and if my android theory is correct it would explain how she could cut the cables to disable the long range communications and not know about it. She's also one of the students who only recently transferred.


High Score Girl 37

Having your mom backseat a dating sim sounds like the most miserable existence.

Although I suppose I can't blame Haruo for losing so badly, isn't Shiori supposed to be a notorious pain in the ass to romance in Tokimeki?

Well she's the main girl after all...
Just got to Chapter 16 in Sakuranbo Syndrome and I can already tell I'm going to hate this because he got together with the girl he liked and they're in a relationship now and he's still mansplaining shit and there's like 70 chapters to go.

Edit: Guess I'll read Astra instead.
Sakuranbo Syndrome 22

Man, I can already tell that I'm going to hate the way this manga goes because Asou is a fucking amazing woman and the MC is lucky to fucking have her.

Good Night World 52




Edit: Sakuranbo Syndrome 24

Oh my god, fuck this Earth, Asou doesn't want kids and hates them marry her you fucking simp or give her to me somehow through some sort of manga magic what the fuck


It'll probably piss you off, but it's good catharsis. Think of it like a has syrup on his dick Ichigo 100% and just enjoy the nonsense.

At least it's less disheartening than that manga where the guy emits marbles or something every time he climaxes.

Nijidama is the one you're thinking of. It's from the same author and is part of the same general series but it was the first manga. Sakuranbo Syndrome is his second one. Gaze Upon this S is the third (full) one. He's been doing a few collaborations with others and been doing a lot of period series recently.

I thought Nijidama was the best of the Cupid mangas myself as the interactions and story development were more natural and better conveyed the ideas he was exploring. Sakuranbo and Gaze are pretty decent but start getting a little out there.

It will probably piss you off with the choices the characters made in the end.

I think he's one of the better seinen romcom mangaka but his stories tend to have a particular flavor of schadenfreude.

Yeah, he's one of my favorites. I've talked about him on the forum back when those series were still running. He's one of the few authors that actually involves sex and related topics as a meaningful part of the story, usually. You don't get many others that actually explore that stuff at all. They'd usually just do it for shits and giggles or as a some sort of plot device.

But there's definitely a lot schadenfreude in there, lol. Gaze Upon this S is really strong (or maybe more sad and disheartening...), on that front and makes it his roughest of the Cupid series. I'd highly recommend Ore x Yome for folks that want to get a taste of his style without the schadenfreude. It's a bunch of short stories in the same vein as his Cupid manga.

Fun Fact about Taku Kitazaki: He's had a handful of assistants over the years and most are pretty famous, at least in Japan anyway. Masahito Soda, (Capeta and Me-gumi no Daigo), and Tarou Nogizaka (Iryu ~Team Medical Dragon~), Motohiro Katou (Q.E.D. Shomei Shuryo), and Wakoh Honna, (Nozoki Ana) were all his assistants at one point.

Sakuranbo Syndrome 22

Man, I can already tell that I'm going to hate the way this manga goes because Asou is a fucking amazing woman and the MC is lucky to fucking have her.

Good Night World 52




Edit: Sakuranbo Syndrome 24

Oh my god, fuck this Earth, Asou doesn't want kids and hates them marry her you fucking simp or give her to me somehow through some sort of manga magic what the fuck

Asou is too good for Agawa. She's easily one of my favorite manga characters in this genre.


Promised Neverland was nuts this week, it can only be a rush to the end of the arc from here

Yeah I've been meaning to read Baby Steps, I've heard a lot of good things about it and it sounds dope.
It's easily my favorite sports manga, really really really good. Unfortunately the release pace isn't close to the Japanese pace but what can you do


Neo Member
Gintama 621

At some point, I should stop being surprised by the literal parade of characters that return to the manga in this arc. But I haven't yet, and I still get giddy over every moment. It's going to be so sad when this ride finally ends.

Gintama 621

At some point, I should stop being surprised by the literal parade of characters that return to the manga in this arc. But I haven't yet, and I still get giddy over every moment. It's going to be so sad when this ride finally ends.


I'm just waiting for Takatin to appear and destroy some aliens with his French Bread.
Sakuranbo Syndrome 53

Gotou-san got a fat ass.

You know, even with the couple girls throwing their pussies at him, this manga isn't nearly as anger-inducing as most led me to believe.

I think Shouta had it right, even when it's doing tropey or annoying stuff, it's still handling it's plot, characters and sexuality in a surprisingly fresh and unique way that you don't often see in manga.

So for all that, I'm enjoying it.

Asou still fucking top tier character though.

It's also really good proof for when people say that if a relationship or love is requited that that is the end of the manga is total bullshit. There's so much you can write and do when people are in a relationship and the constant putting off of it is just super weak writing. I long for a shonen where the main couple a couple and they write around it.

You know who fucking did that? Shaman King.


Love Tyrant 1-21

Been reading this here and there over the past few months just because of how easy and effortless it was to get into, it's nothing special at all (at all (at all (at all))) but it's nice brain-free comfort food. It's a pretty generic harem romcom. The tsukkomi is pretty weak most of the time but it does have its moments, like flat out telling the MC that he doesn't matter. will probably just continue checking in once in a while, maybe

Dating a Team Magma Grunt ch1-2

Also checked this out again from the beginning on a whim last week. This is still the best thing.
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