Manga News/Discussion |OTC| Delicious cooking not in thread.

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Terra formars 145 - 176

Alrighty, glad the mars arc is over and ending with my favos ((Alex, Akari, Marcos)) surviving.

The Rahab hypothesis is the most interesting part of the whole thing, hope more is spoken about it later.

Earth arc is off to a nice start. Glad to see our favs fighting on Earth against the hidden Cockroaches.


If BIGOT is too much i think bigOT or BIGot are nice alternatives otherwise i dunno... i still don't know what the C in OTC stands for lol
|OT| Jump? How cute. (
I really got nothing....

Slim Demon King Reincarnation: Still quite fun and a laugh. Shame the end of the novels becomes just a bore..

My Hero Academy: Too Strong... Also I'm invested in where we're going from here.

One Piece: Still my favourite title in Jump at the moment.. maybe because all the others have been a bit hit or miss of late where this seems to be back in full swing.

Tokyo Ghoul re: Did anything actually happen this chapter?

Fairy Tail: Kill me... what has been going on this arc?

Neverland: For some reason I never want to read the next chapter and have to make myself worked up to read this.. I always enjoy it thoroughly but i'm guessing the tension unnerves me somehow.

Tzeentch: An Autobiography
Daemon's Plan
Still pretty generic and a fun dumb read.. but I'm assuming it's dead in the water. Sad.. so much wasted potential.

Is everyone just a reincarnation or descendant of the first generation of anti-daemon warriors?? That kinda takes some of the cool away for me...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna

Basically a Rito chapter.

Also, results of informal poll:

Chisaki gets 267 votes, followed by Yuuna (140), Sagiri (133), and Hibari (67).


|OT| Don't read ***** ****
|OT| Thread cancelled, wrap it up, better luck next time.

You'd probably have to do BIG_OT or something if you really didn't want someone to read it the wrong way, but it seems like it'd be on thin ice.

|BIG_OT| The promised neverland


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I Am A Hero ch. 251

So this dude has multiple people inside him? And he'll change appearance depending on who takes over.

From underwear model to dad bod though, RIP the dream.


Unconfirmed Member
I know I barely post here anymore/mostly lurk, but I think BIGOT in the title would prob not fly so well.

That and I'm tired of Tomo-chan shitposts.


And up to date with Astra. Good stuff.

Astra Lost In Space 2-24

So the Viz pod cast has talked about how great this series is

And they weren't wrong

If you are a fan of 7 Seeds and haven't read Astra you need to stop what you're doing and read it considering it's free on Viz's website.

Astra Lost In Space is a sci fi survival manga about 9 kids who on a school trip are sucked into a space phenomena and end up 5000 light years away from home near an abandoned ship, the Astra. Using the ships computers they're able to chart a course for home that has them planet hoping in an attempt to keep food and water supplies up. However danger is a foot as evidence rises that a traitor is among them one who may have no intentions of ever getting home.

Astra's strength lies in it's 9 characters, they're all really well developed and balanced where you find yourself enjoying all of them which also makes it trickier to guess who the traitor is
it's probably Aries if there even is a traitor since my guess is Aries isn't human she's an android or a clone
. The series moves at a fairly brisk pace 24 chapters in and they're on the 3rd of the 5 planets they need to visit before they can reach home. As a big fan of sci-fi I appreciate the effort the mangaka takes to ensure each planets has a reason for all it's weird alien decisions.

Additional speculation on the plot
The series has mentioned the idea of clones and introduced a chapter with the parents back home and a strange new law about dna sampling the population. I'm wondering if the 9 Astra passengers are all some kind of science clones to be exceptional recreations of their parents since 7 of the 9 are for sure "failures" for whatever reason. The only two who aren't are Aries who's background is a mystery and the little girl who's name I forget and that while she could be lying I get the impression she genuinely doesn't understand the sinister behind the scene events going on around her. I'm not convinced Aries is truly a traitor but she's likely not a clone like the other 8 and if my android theory is correct it would explain how she could cut the cables to disable the long range communications and not know about it. She's also one of the students who only recently transferred.

I'm not sure I'm buying into the android theory, but them being some sort of clones or DNA experiments could be. We've learned that 2 are adopted and Aries isn't blood-related to her mother either. It also makes Yun-huas upbringing more interesting to look at: Her mother taught her to not stand out at all - but she herself is famous. That might imply there is something wrong with Yun-hua as well.
I have no idea who the traiter could be.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Joke OT:
Trump's greatest hits (please put that part where Yujiro make trump his bitch)

Serious one:
How many pages of manga you've read today?
We're like, read manga, you know?
Mr. Truck is unbreakable
Washizu is still not dead yet...
Still waiting for anime adaptation
A fistful of cock
And up to date with Astra. Good stuff.

First rule of mystery series is introduce the mystery villain before the concept of a mystery villain is introduced that way the audience is least likely to suspect them. Aeris is the first character the audience sees which plants the seed that she's our main character when it quickly becomes a story focused on Kanata as the lead. The other 7 cast members are all introduced at the same time which is why I don't think its any of them since we're initially meant to be suspicious of them, Kanata even dismisses Aeris as a likely suspect because of her suit failing. She was a late transfer like the little sister and the series has gone out of it's way to establish that her mother is actively interested in finding her unlike the other parents we see. The series has done everything to ensure we don't suspect Aeris which is why I more and more suspect her. Her photographic memory is one of the biggest reasons I think she's an android since its an insanely good ability and unlike the rest of the cast it's the only ability that hasn't had any establishment as to why she has the ability. Her being an Android would also give her a way to be the traitor and innocent if her programming subconsciously told her to sabotage stuff and not remember it.

If we assume she isn't an android and just another clone the like others that they attempted to hide by grouping them together to escape the dna sampling, her photographic memory also might hint at her being the traitor. The cuts and dismantling of the communication board were perfect which means the traitor would need to have excellent skills... or a photographic memory to be able to mimic exactly the things to permanently ruin the device. Going back to my original premise of "introduce the mystery villain before the concept of a mystery villain is introduced" her photographic memory is introduced after the stuff about the communications board is told to the audience and after we've been told to not suspect her.


With how long it took for this thread to finish relative to the previous ones there's a distinct possibility the next one won't actually finish before the next lunar new year.

With my experience in badly written mystery manga, I'm putting my bets on it being the hand puppet.
I hope it's not Aries, she seems a rather obvious choice.
OT - A Day in the Life of Truck-kun
Change this to |OTK| Truck-kun's Daily Life and it gets my vote. BIGOT was a Tomo-chan ref (and also kinda topical), but yeah, probably not a good look for the long term.

Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san 48
This is going to happen.

Spoilers: It didn't happen. Liking all the screen time Hibari's been getting recently. This chapter just confirms that Kogarashi was possessed by the spirit of Rito in the past.
Gets my vote. Although it would be better if it was "You are reading ***** ****? How Cute..."

I like this. Though the grammar sounds a bit off saying 'You are reading *******?'
But then again I'm pretty woozy and on cold medicine right now.

Nothing. I'm not sure what the letter at the end of the OT even stands for at any time.

Ah, ok. In every thread I've always wondered what the letter was for, and though it might be some reference I wasn't getting from the title.

[OTT] - Seo Kouji says 'Despite your hardships, keep on Truckin'
The C is for Cooking

That's good enough for me~

Mousou Telepathy 126


Man, early on in this I was all about accepting Hayato and being like "Lotta dudes have pervy thoughts about girls around them but it doesn't indicate they're deviant or a shitty dude" but 126 chapters in I'm seriously amending that with "Hayato is kind of a shitbag"
With how long it took for this thread to finish relative to the previous ones there's a distinct possibility the next one won't actually finish before the next lunar new year.

With my experience in badly written mystery manga, I'm putting my bets on it being the hand puppet.
I hope it's not Aries, she seems a rather obvious choice.

If it was obvious the viz pod cast and weekly manga recap might have combined more then 1 person who guessed that person. In the latter they seemed to dismiss the guess.
I really do find the chapters of Grand Blue focusing on his shitty friends to be the worst ones. They're still funny but holy shit do I hate that trope.

Also, he's still the worst for not trying with Azusa. She is seriously the best.
Saki Hasemi and Kentaro Yabuki's 2009 To Love-Ru/To Love-Ru Darkness manga is preparing to a climax! (Insert ecchi pun here). Rito Yūki is going to have to choose from the harem girls sooner rather than later, as Jump Sq. is advertising the launch of the story arc in its next issue. The magazine with honor the development with a To Love-Ru cover.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You can just use: "Oh, you're reading manga? How cute..."

Or for full irony: "Oh, you're reading japanese comics? How cute..."


If it was obvious the viz pod cast and weekly manga recap might have combined more then 1 person who guessed that person. In the latter they seemed to dismiss the guess.

Seems obvious in the context of the genre, not the actual evidence presented. It's basically the same reason you've mentioned, whoever they try to make the least suspicious tends to be the culprit for maximum surprise value, and also essentially why characters like
might as well have been screaming innocent on design alone.
You Will Hear the Voice of the Dead 7
THEN WHO WAS BOY? Despite reaching the wrong conclusion, the MC probably stopped his classmate from getting exploded with his excavation work, so I guess you can consider it a good end. If you ignore the suffering/untimely deaths of NPCs at least. And the sudden decrease in the house's sale value.
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