Mozuya-san Gyakujou Suru 10
Every chapter, it's so very hard to pick just one or two pictures from it because there's so much material, because they're shoujo-length and seriously full of text and pretty good art. You will not see a full-page panel unless it's going to be very, very detailed
The series keeps conveniently forgetting the "mental disorder" aspect of the tsundere just to bring it back in full force. At one point I still thought it was just inconsistent writing, but now I can't ignore the idea that it is deliberate and we're meant to let generic tsundere moments slide for a moment just so the author can later force the reader to take a serious look back at it.
The anime-savvy nurse treated Mozuya like she's a generic tsundere ojousama (in her defense,
Mozuya totally is one) and cute because of it, only for Mozuya to, for good reasons, to give her a verbal lashing and call her out on this incredibly offensive and unprofessional behaviour.
The last pages heavily implied that Mozuya's putting on a heavy layer of self-delusion to keep her facade of peacefulness going currently. She's a walking time bomb, and someone will end up in a hospital if she realizes that she's happy for once, rather than keep telling herself she hates hanging out with everyone.
Also, that nurse,
She has more problems than Mozuya