I looking for jackets where only the sleeves are leather like this one, any suggestions?
Alexander Wang
The ToJ varsity jacket a few pages back is similar;
I looking for jackets where only the sleeves are leather like this one, any suggestions?
Alexander Wang
Holy shit these things are so fucking warm. Also, I think if I wore these outside I would be arrested. I'm getting some major dick-age.
The LX7 has a timer and a great continuous autofocus (C-AF) setting. Set that shit and start posing!
A question gentlemen.
So, for a slightly higher up boot, would anyone have any recommendation? I saw that Clarks has some sort of urban outfitters exclusive that sorta looks cool , but if there is a better option I'd love to hear it. Thank you!
What's your price range like? If you can afford them, the Wolverine 1000 Mile and Red Wing Iron Rangers are some of the hottest (and best) boots on the market right now.
For what it's worth, I'm not a huge fan of the ones you linked.
is the jacket distressed/washed? if not too much, just grab a seam ripper and go to town
That's right, I remember you telling me the story of when you told the sales guy you were going to de-patch your Naked & Famous jeans and he almost fainted.yeah, I do that with my n&f jeans (sorry bros), and after a wash you can't even tell.
wait, I looked up a couple... is the patch riveted? this will definitely show even if you pry them off.
yeah, I do that with my n&f jeans (sorry bros), and after a wash you can't even tell.
wait, I looked up a couple... is the patch riveted? this will definitely show even if you pry them off.
The tool would come in handy for this reason alone. I can't tell you how many jackets I've seen that have been ruined by epaulets.Seam ripper is a handy tool to have. Took the epaulets off my coat with a ripper and it looks so much better.
The ToJ varsity jacket a few pages back is similar;
that jacket you posted seems like it's all leather, just looking for the sleeves to be
uh..wool body leather sleeves.
Hey Fashion-GAF, I'm searching for a new messenger bag and could use some help (I'm currently sporting one from Crumpler but I think its time to grow up).
My current favorite is this one from Diesel:
Unfortunately I've no idea if 280€ is a fair price for that kind of a bag and I dont know how reliable Diesel actually bags are (I want to use it everyday).
kraftwerk, weren't you working at a bicycle repair shop just like a year or so back. how do you have all this money to blow now
And since you asked about reliability, I can vouch for Brooks products. I have been dealing with them for years, They should put 'Brooks' next to the definition of quality in the dictionary.
Team un-tucked/casual Friday.
holy shit what a difference from when you started posting.
Lookin good man.
Solid.Team un-tucked/casual Friday.
Some of those shirts look awesome, particularly the floral print one. I'll have to see if I can find any of them nearby.Aww yeah, one of my favorite stores downtown just posted this;
Heard great things about Gitman shirts; in both quality and fit.
Time to blow my tax-money!
Sounds incredible. I'm somewhat thankful I don't plan on going there anytime soon, because with my college student budget it'd be absolutely torture. Take some pictures of the city if you can.oh my god, thats what i call a day in fashion heaven.
despite the ugly weather - it was raining all day - i had quite a bit of fun here.
the inner city layout is confusing, at least for me. big streets with interconnecting small streets in no regular pattern, stores of the same brand - dolce and gabbana is a good example - are separated. there is a store for mens, a store for womens, one for kids, one for accessories... and so on.
i first went to tom ford in the morning cause that was my main cause for coming to milan.
the store has four stories. ground level has perfumes, first level accessories, second has womens, third has mens rtw and fourth is the mtm stuff.
i went right to the fourth and took all my time to look through the different cuts, they have five, the fabrics for suits, i was told there are over 500, and the shirts.
on the rtw mens level you can find anything and i mean anything you certainly don't need. rtw clothing, high level accessories like crocodile leather purses, bags for 40k, umbrellas with crocodile leather handles, shoes, oh my god the shoes. words can't describe it. pullovers, cardigans...i think you got the point.
the womens level has the above mentioned for women, except for the accessories. they are on the first floor. very classy style, dresses to die for, tops to die for, shoes to die for. thank god i'm male.
i didn't check the ground level because time was running short and i had some other things to do, mainly eating something.
again, this is basically a temple. if you google tom ford you can't find many pictures of the actual stores. and when in the stores the last thing you think about is taking pics. and its forbidden too.
to be continued
Odd question but how are the sales associates in those stores? Do they stalk you around the store in hopes of making sales? Or do they mind their own business and provide assistance when needed?second part for tonight.
my mind was clear when if had left fords store. i knew that no matter where i'd look i would probably not find another store that would be most exclusive and at the same time be so comfortable that you almost feel home.
the next part of the journey was wandering through the streets and after two or three stops wondering where i was. one look at the map, not a single clue. one look at the shopping map, oh ok, theres this store, ok i'm right here.
the dolce and gabbana mens store has a ground level plus two more stories.
ground level has accessories, the first floor is called the black tie floor and finally the second floor holds all the rtw casual stuff. i did buy one pair of socks without looking at the ridiculously high pricetag, which i later noticed, was a mistake. this will be by far my most expensive pair of ribbed red socks. they also had a dressing gown which i almost bought but the sleeves were too short sadly.
i also went to the dolce womens store which has a quite unique architecture. its a ground level store divided into two parts. these parts are connected through a short underground passage which is also part of the store.
as for the prada store, they carry mens, womens and accessories. this is of course not the only prada store in milan. there is one other right infront of my hotel and another accessories-only store. the main store is large to say the least. walls full of shoes, rtw stuff, glass, chrome, stainless steel.
speaking of glass. most of the stores i saw today had more or less the same architectual design. the walls of the store are often made of glass so you can see, when looking outside, small parts of inner yards. nicely arranged with stones on the ground etc. as for me i could only see rain. and wet stones.
to be continued
thanks I've never heard of Brooks before but the second bag looks fantastic, I'll seriously consider getting it (it's already my new favorite).
Aww yeah, one of my favorite stores downtown just posted this;
Heard great things about Gitman shirts; in both quality and fit.
Time to blow my tax-money!
It was snowing half of yesterday and now it's like 60 degrees...
Outfit looks great, dude. Solid fit on the jacket. The scarf brings everything together. Good look.Ended up buying the leather jacket, so here is my waywt:
Honestly it's kind of hard to tell based off the lighting/filter in that photo (my eyes also suck). I can't really see the detailing that is in question. It doesn't look like it's anything too out of the ordinary though. Wear it out someday and see how you feel.So I'm going through my closet and trying to organize shit and found this thing my Mom bought my last year... I think I struggled to think if it was something I could pull off or not. It's almost like an outer jacket... except it's cotton, so it's not. And all of the pockets and stuff make it feel like it's from Final Fantasy or something. Am I looking too into it? Is this thing acceptable?
In that price-range I would consider this one from Brooks;
And since you asked about reliability, I can vouch for Brooks products. I have been dealing with them for years, They should put 'Brooks' next to the definition of quality in the dictionary.
Speaking of bikes, is this the same Brooks that make bike saddles? I have one of those; so stiff when you start riding, though it eventually molds to your body..
Honestly it's kind of hard to tell based off the lighting/filter in that photo (my eyes also suck). I can't really see the detailing that is in question. It doesn't look like it's anything too out of the ordinary though. Wear it out someday and see how you feel.