I don't know what the fuck Antonio just said but it made me laugh
It translated to "If you think this is great, you're going to love my feud with Santino next month!"
I don't know what the fuck Antonio just said but it made me laugh
Taker is pretty much the best he can do, maybe except some neckbeards wanting him to face Antonio Jobaro.
I don't think any fan of Punk or Cesaro's would want either to face off in a pointless match with no build.
What the hell is Cesaro wearing.
What the hell is Cesaro wearing.
I don't think any fan of Punk or Cesaro's would want either to face off in a pointless match with no build.
Ryback is still wearing the singlet that has pictures of Rollins/Reigns/Ambrose on the back.
Ryback is still wearing the singlet that has pictures of Rollins/Reigns/Ambrose on the back.
There is nobody else for him to have a build up with.
Mark Henry to wear Sexual Chocolate attire?
Cena will be taken out by The NationMark Henry to wear Sexual Chocolate attire?
Halle Berry is just an operator. What is she going to do?
It'd be nice if at least one wrestler that's been around a while to actually come out to their older theme
Halle Berry is just an operator. What is she going to do?
I know, I wasn't disagreeing with anything other than your suggestion that anyone would want to see the potential of a Punk vs Cesaro feud wasted on a match with no real build (y'know, 'cause they're both awesome). If Punk couldn't be in the title match, then Undertaker is the next best thing and anyone would be crazy to think otherwise.
He did last time they did this
He was a face so it worked but is he a face now? I don't keep up with wrasslin much.
I just hate Cesaro fanboys. They are comprised of the same people that hated Ziggler when he was doing nothing. Cesaro has done even less to date. Not saying he doesn't have the tools, but he just is boring as sin overall.