This cannot be the end.
They're all gonna beat up Orton at the end of Raw.
A master plan? It was all a ruse? A SWERVE if you wheel?They're all gonna beat up Orton at the end of Raw.
Seth looking like he skipped leg day right out of the womb.They clearly don't do crossfit
He's had three of them. Two of them sucked and the third was pretty great.Why dont they do that with Reigns? We all know Brock sucks on the mic and thats why he hs Heyman, do it with Reigns.
Why do I suddenly get the feeling they're gonna re-do the whole CM Punk leaving with the title thing again with Brock? In fairness, it would be awesome, especially if they work a UFC match into his WWE contract.
Holy shiiiieeeeeet off the 2nd rope
Hey look! It's local heat vacuum Erick Rowan, who's probably gonna job to Big Show because reasons.