Titus went full gimmick, and to be honest, he was being a complete jackass to Alucard for ages before yesterday
That reaction is specifically what made me wonder. Given how NXT's crowds will cheer for a lot of things, I wasn't sure whether Gable had done anything to warrant the hype other than the amateur background. I suppose my Swagger Sense is tingling.
Titus went full gimmick, and to be honest, he was being a complete jackass to Alucard for ages before yesterday
Holy shit.
Titus was the guy talking about going out with a bang last month right?
Should have seen that coming, but damn at the bans.
At least we didn't get closed.
Though we need to cut the shit and keep shenanigans to a minimal.
Hey how is Bobby Lashley doing with that MMA thing?
I feel like the only stories I have read about his MMA are to do with his scheduled opponent being unable to compete so he is now facing some jobber so I have zero idea if he is any good or not.
A number of readers sent word this morning that Vince Russo announced overnight that he was, depending on the announcement, shutting down his subscription website, going on hiatus or leaving his own website.
On his Facebook page, Russo wrote, "I will not be posting anythingblogs, videos, podcasts, from this point going forward. I am no way any longer associated with the site."
What this means for his paying subscribers is that after several months of building his "brand", Russo left without warning. Not quite the swerve they were hoping for, I am sure.
Regarding those subscribers, Russo wrote, "Please know, that if you renew your monthly membership, you will not be getting any content from Vince Russo from this day going forward. I also ask you to not buy any Vince Russo merchandise, as I no longer have access to the orders."
Oddly enough, the website itself features no announcement, as what was originally posted there has since been deleted.
If Russo no longer has access to his own website, that likely means he was never actually in charge of the site or even owned it, which is amazing to me on so many levels.
So, in a way, Vince Russo quit himself. That's a swerve I doubt anyone saw coming.
Exactly. Flair was absolutely ridiculously good at promos. But Arn...good god, Arn was so excellent, I have to go with him. He'd be the best person to learn from, promo wise.
ed: ^^ He isn't terrible. Isn't what I'd call good either though. Bellator's the TNA of MMA after all though, so that's to be expected.
From what I was told, it was just a case of the people who legit complained that made shit get out of hand. Spamming mods' inboxes everytime you disagree with something understandably aggravates them into action.
Just another case of people getting worked into a shoot. 90% of what's said isn't serious, but unfortunately 10% of the audience will think it is and legit bitch and then you get into a worked shoot shoot work act.
What brave soul/sick fool would search for something like "ric flair pants down" anywhere on this internet
Besada is a good mod, very fair, we can be lucky we didn't get put on a break like Footy-GAF tbh. Let's agree to stop with all the gimmick bs and in-fighting. If you don't like someone, that's fine, you don't have to, just leave them be.
Also, Alucard. Great OP, good title too.
Fuckkkkkk Russo is joking Lucha underground inst he
So going by his TNA run with women in 2010-2011 get ready for them to say all derogatory female terms in spanish.
"rig tna fait girls and boys fack me"
You have Russo all wrong, friend.
Good title? It has a misspelling. That bothers me to hell and back.
Besada has our back. I paid him off.
Indeed.It's like everything I hate in one photo.
I...Haters gonna...something. Hate, I think. Yes, that sounds right. Haters gonna hate.
Here's a review of last night's PWG show from the best damn youtube reviewer in the biz;
You have Russo all wrong, friend.
My sentiments that you are about to read have nothing to do with the comments that AJ Lee shot towards Stephanie McMahon on Twitter yesterday, even though I loudly applaud and support Lee. You can read either of my two books, go on my website, or quote anything Ive said over the past 23 years in the wrestling business, WOMEN IN WRESTLING HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS.
I lived that my entire career. The wresting business is sexist, and infested with executives in high places who believe there is no place in professional wrestling/sports entertainment for women. I experienced it in every company I ever worked with. Females should not take TV time from the boys, thats the way it is. Its male chauvinistic, archaic, simple-minded, and just plain ignorant. And God forbid in spite of it all the women get over you know what happens then? One of these gentlemen wearing trunks will proceed to get her travel bag and take a large, steaming dump in it. Yes that happened to Sable at the height of her run.
I was there. I saw it first hand when some of the top stars in the WWE at the time would get in Vinces ear when a female star started to get herself over. From there, Vince would do everything to chop her at the knees, in order not to upset the boys and to keep them happy. It was disgusting to me, just a horrible way to do business. Its the reason I have always been an advocate of womens wrestling and women wrestlers.
You would think with Stephanie McMahon and Dixie Carter both in tremendous places of power they would be pro-active in trying to change the male mindset in wrestling when it comes to women, but instead you get the complete opposite. Why? Simple. Ego and jealousy. As women, both Stephanie and Dixie love the spotlight directed on them at all times, its that plain and simple.
You want an example, heres an example. If you remember back to my first three months at WCW, I had every woman on the show in some sort of angle, or story, even the Nitro Girls. Well, the day I left John Laurinaitis publicly declared, Now we dont have to use those damn women anymore. YES, the SAME John Laurinaitis who went on to become Head of Talent Relations at the WWE. Now with somebody with that kind of stroke, with that kind of feeble mindset, how is any girl in the industry ever going to be given a fair shake regardless of WHO they are?
Guys, its 2015, grow the !@#$% up. When I had the book in TNA a whole 8-10 weeks after Jarrett was ousted and Hulk Bischoff came in, I studied the numbers extensively and found the TNA Knockouts were drawing one of the highest, if not THE HIGHEST, rating on each and every episode of IMPACT. With that information, I began booking TWO KO matches a week, with both segments drawing the highest numbers on the show. When writing a wrestling show, you have to go with what works, it doesnt matter what it is, a rating is a rating. Unfortunately, once I lost control of the mystical book, the KOs went right back to playing a smaller role on the show.
AJ Lee, I applaud you. HOWEVER, your colleagues need to step up as well. Have voice ladies; dont be afraid to be heard. If you wind up oppressing your true feelings, like most do in wrestling, youre going to wind up being absolutely miserable anyway.
TayTay would definitely be in the Roman army, friend.Can a kind fellow shop Ms. Swift onto my avatar.
I like to stay on trend.
I miss all the good my old age. *squints, looks off into the distance*
You know, I... I really don't know. Plans can change.Is this guy with Dave somebody or nah
The notepad where the star ratings live!
This Roman Reigns tribute is pretty damn amazing.
You know what, sitting in a hot tub is better than sitting in a nondescript room I suppose.
Has Fall Out Boy's Centuries been used for a PPV? Seems like a very WM song.So has Trips and Vince announce who's singing at Mania? Are they using Flo Rida again? I'm wondering who Cena is gonna use for his entrance
I don't think so. I've only seen ABC/ESPN use it for college footballHas Fall Out Boy's Centuries been used for a PPV? Seems like a very WM song.
So has Trips and Vince announce who's singing at Mania? Are they using Flo Rida again? I'm wondering who Cena is gonna use for his entrance
So has Trips and Vince announce who's singing at Mania? Are they using Flo Rida again? I'm wondering who Cena is gonna use for his entrance
Has Fall Out Boy's Centuries been used for a PPV? Seems like a very WM song.
You think Vinny would use James Brown's "Living in America" song for the Cena/Rusev match? That's if there is a match gonna happen.