The Mango Sentinel
His cock head wasn't big enough.I don't want this post to be ignored. It had reasonably good girth, nice vein coverage. What's not to love?
His cock head wasn't big enough.I don't want this post to be ignored. It had reasonably good girth, nice vein coverage. What's not to love?
Carlito at the HOF a few years ago inducting that asshole father of his was still damn good on the mic.
A few years ago? That happened less than a year ago!
A few years ago? That happened less than a year ago!
*squints, stares off into the distance*
Poor DM. His mind is really going at his age.
I had a random flashback to LDW's Wrestling Channel days, and 1PW dvds of these two charver/townie characters but I can't remember their names. They were funny as hell though.
Line in the sand: Do you want Brock to stay or not?
I do
On the other hand, watching Eddie Guerrero in the opener of the PPV after his big year makes me realize how entitled some smarks are today(acknowledging that Bryan was more popular then Guerrero). If fans had tried to hijack Batista's run,we would've missed out on an excellent WM build-up between HHH/Batista.
Heyman's "I didn't listen to the RAW call" is such a fascinating look at the McMahon family
I legit hope Chris Hero is doing okay from a human perspective. He's undergone a pretty big transformation in a short amount of time. Hope he's not depressed or anything like that.
Look Sunflower, you're pretty much the boss here. Can you decree that people cannot claim the right to making a specific OT for a specific month? That would eliminate problems like the one we had last night. It's really not that big of a deal. It's just a post on the Internet. It doesn't define you as a human being, and your sense of worth should't be wrapped up in professional wrestling. The world is a beautiful place and there's so much in it to see.
the remix of the raw theme song is soooooo baddd
it was alright before they threw in all that dumb crap
Goddam I used to love that Raw theme. That and The Beautiful People used to get 18 year old me fired up for some Wrasslin.
In other news, I've been watchin this shit for too damn long
And the AJPW logo is the best logo in the history of pro wrestling.
Still eagerly awaiting the nu-metal resurgence. As is the WWE.
Rewatching WM21 for shit's and giggles. Forgot how good the whole Hollywood theme was...really made the PPV feel unique, gave everyone something to do, and because they chose classic movies the bits have aged decently. Funny how they tried to hide Batista's acting ability, considering what we know now.
On the other hand, watching Eddie Guerrero in the opener of the PPV after his big year makes me realize how entitled some smarks are today(acknowledging that Bryan was more popular then Guerrero). If fans had tried to hijack Batista's run,we would've missed out on an excellent WM build-up between HHH/Batista.
I think people were too harsh on Vince during the Austin podcast.
Same here. I really wanted to him to have success in The E. That's never going to happen now. But I sense that he is legit depressed. His body was his knock on him and he got worse. If only he could wear some black Under Armour and tactical gear......I legit hope Chris Hero is doing okay from a human perspective. He's undergone a pretty big transformation in a short amount of time. Hope he's not depressed or anything like that.
I have a question, if Roman Reigns wins the title at Wrestlemania and then Seth Rollins immediately comes out and cashes in the MitB and wins, is Reigns still considered to have won the title for record purposes?
I have a question, if Roman Reigns wins the title at Wrestlemania and then Seth Rollins immediately comes out and cashes in the MitB and wins, is Reigns still considered to have won the title for record purposes?
Alucard can we get links to Data West's top 5 matches of 2015 in the 1st post? I wish to catch up on his suggestions.
The cynic in me says that Reigns would go over Rollins in that kind of situation, even if it's just a 4 minute match. But it may depend on the crowd; could be setting up a riot if you pulled the trigger on that.I have a question, if Roman Reigns wins the title at Wrestlemania and then Seth Rollins immediately comes out and cashes in the MitB and wins, is Reigns still considered to have won the title for record purposes?
Yup. Just ask Rey and D.Bry.Yes, he still won the belt.
K enough people that I know have talked about Shiozaki/Zeus that I'm going to watch it.
But I fully expect it to not be that great because I know they're just trying to be puro hipsters.
@arielhelwani: Brock Lesnar is here at Staples Center. I just saw him with my own eyes.
Heck of a suit for Brock
Basically. As much as I'd like to see him stay, the fact is WWE will always take him back.Brock playing both sides to get more money. Brock needs to do the smart move and get that fat payday from UFC for a few fights. Then he can go back to WWE later if he wants.