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March Wrasslin |OT| Road To WrassleMania

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Just heard that FCW is closed down and the final tv tapings were last week. WWE was taken by surprise by the news and supposedly will move all the developmental talents up to Connecticut for the time being until they figure out what to do.


how the heck could that happen and take WWE by surprise?

Wouldnt WWE be paying most of the bills for FCW?


Just heard that FCW is closed down and the final tv tapings were last week. WWE was taken by surprise by the news and supposedly will move all the developmental talents up to Connecticut for the time being until they figure out what to do.

Where did you see this?

how the heck could that happen and take WWE by surprise?

Wouldnt WWE be paying most of the bills for FCW?

Sorry was mistaken before. Someone from WWE called Brighthouse who airs the FCW shows and informed them that they were closing down FCW. Noone was really aware of anything before today. The news sites will probably report on it soon. It was a WWE decision to do this. Most likely part of a bigger move to improve developmental as FCW wasn't doing a good job.


more money than God

Know your place Show! Jobber.


Officials from WWE told Bright House Sports network today, which airs the FCW shows in Florida, that they are closing down the promotion and will not be doing anymore television after the final three shows taped last week air.

WWE officials told Bright House Sports that they are folding the promotion, closing the gym, and moving everyone to Stamford, CT for the time being until they figure out what they are going to do with developmental.

Those in WWE also heard news today and were given the impression the company was going to do developmental out of Conneticut and possibly open a second developmental territory.

Wasn't Booker T's wrestling school the other choice back when they moved development to FCW?

Raw had a couple of good promos. Nothing else really to say. It's still lacking in intensity across most rivalries, we can only hope things explode a little next week.
Closing down FCW is really a great move. It was a horrible developmental system. Hopefully they get rid of the trainers and get new ones also. Texas would be a great spot for developmental in somewhere like San Antonio or out in California like they used to have with APW.


Closing down FCW is really a great move. It was a horrible developmental system. Hopefully they get rid of the trainers and get new ones also. Texas would be a great spot for developmental in somewhere like San Antonio or out in California like they used to have with APW.

You say that because you live in Texas......I think.
You say that because you live in Texas......I think.

Yeah I do right now, but I'm thinking of making the move to Florida. Just want a change of pace and beautiful weather year round. You live in Orlando right? How is it there? Honestly though, Texas has a ton of indy feds and somewhere like San Antonio could get the wrestlers from Dallas, Houston, El Paso, and some from Mexico to come over. California would be a good place as there are alot of people that go out there for acting, body building, etc that might turn to wrestling when those options fail. It would be preferable for them to have atleast 2 different developmental farm systems up at the same time. There should also be more of a push for wrestlers not doing anything to go down for awhile and help out like they used to do in the past. It sounds like they want something close to headquarters in Stamford though to save on travel costs and also it would be much easier for them to evaluate talent if they were closer to the headquarters.


Fuck I feel like I watched 2/3rds of RAW on fast forward tonight, and even most of the segments I watched almost in full felt painfully long.

EDIT: That last segment with H's, Taker and HBK belonged in that South Park wrestling episode, once they move to their amphitheater setting. Good god.
As a dude with an Asian name....? And with Kanji markings?

Yeah, he's been wrestling over in Japan as one of their top stars for years now. Hopefully he has some badass gimmick like he was abandoned as a baby in Japan, found by the Yakuza and trained by them to be an assasin and now has been sent to America as a favor to Johnny Ace for the work he used to do for them in Japan. He's supposed to be Johnny Ace's bodyguard actually when he debuts. I think they are playing it up to make everyone think he will be Japanese and when he debuts it will be this huge white guy.


more money than God
Yeah, he's been wrestling over in Japan as one of their top stars for years now. Hopefully he has some badass gimmick like he was abandoned as a baby in Japan, found by the Yakuza and trained by them to be an assasin and now has been sent to America as a favor to Johnny Ace for the work he used to do for them in Japan. He's supposed to be Johnny Ace's bodyguard actually when he debuts. I think they are playing it up to make everyone think he will be Japanese and when he debuts it will be this huge white guy.
Let me tell you what his gimmick is really going to be. Fat guy from Ohio with tattoos.


Yeah, he's been wrestling over in Japan as one of their top stars for years now. Hopefully he has some badass gimmick like he was abandoned as a baby in Japan, found by the Yakuza and trained by them to be an assasin and now has been sent to America as a favor to Johnny Ace for the work he used to do for them in Japan. He's supposed to be Johnny Ace's bodyguard actually when he debuts. I think they are playing it up to make everyone think he will be Japanese and when he debuts it will be this huge white guy.
Go write for WWE. Now!


This whole episode of RAW was pretty uneventful as far as advancing Mania storylines. Nothing really new was shown that hasn't been already done in the last couple weeks. I'm a little disappointed that Cena has been booked like a chump this whole time for this match. He never gives me the impression that this is nothing more than another match he has to win. The Rock provokes him so much and he never really responds. I thought for sure they'd finally touch next week but to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they still didn't. We'll see, I guess. They only have one more week to squeek some buys in and tonight's episode didn't do that.



I get the impression that with FCW closing down and with not much of a replacement plan in place, they might be cutting some guys as well.
I'm watching the west coast feed while working my way through the thread but I just had to come in here and say that Teddy Long running in fear, then dancing on the stage when his music hit with Santino, while an angry Laurinaitis looks on...

This whole episode of RAW was pretty uneventful as far as advancing Mania storylines. Nothing really new was shown that hasn't been already done in the last couple weeks. I'm a little disappointed that Cena has been booked like a chump this whole time for this match. He never gives me the impression that this is nothing more than another match he has to win. The Rock provokes him so much and he never really responds. I thought for sure they'd finally touch next week but to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they still didn't. We'll see, I guess. They only have one more week to squeek some buys in and tonight's episode didn't do that.


Cena is still playing his same shit eating grin wearing, nothing phases me, I respect your opinion character he always plays. How is he looking like a chump? If you should feel bad for anyone, feel bad for Rock for having to try and have a serious feud with the idiot. I do feel that this Wrestlemania is going to do disappointing numbers for them, but here's the thing. Alot of the people buy Wrestlemania just on name alone and don't even watch wrestling except for Mania so bad build won't affect these people as they won't have seen it. I estimate it will do a top 5 all time buyrate, but not #1 like they are hoping. They are projecting 1.2-1.3 million buys and I'd guess they'll do in the 950,000 range. One thing is for sure. This Mania is shaping up much much better than last years, which was horrible all around. That one did an astronomical number just on Rock's name alone, but I think it meant more last year than this year.

lol, I remember seeing this dude for the first time on an episode of FCW a few months ago and he was horrible and had the biggest set of tits I've ever seen. It was distracting trying to watch his match because of them. Since then he's changed his ring gear to cover them. FCW is so damn horrible.


Cena is still playing his same shit eating grin wearing, nothing phases me, I respect your opinion character he always plays. How is he looking like a chump? If you should feel bad for anyone, feel bad for Rock for having to try and have a serious feud with the idiot. I do feel that this Wrestlemania is going to do disappointing numbers for them, but here's the thing. Alot of the people buy Wrestlemania just on name alone and don't even watch wrestling except for Mania so bad build won't affect these people as they won't have seen it. I estimate it will do a top 5 all time buyrate, but not #1 like they are hoping. They are projecting 1.2-1.3 million buys and I'd guess they'll do in the 950,000 range. One thing is for sure. This Mania is shaping up much much better than last years, which was horrible all around. That one did an astronomical number just on Rock's name alone, but I think it meant more last year than this year.

I'm just begging for him to react in any way. The Rock has been provoking him for ages and yet, he still does nothing besides that crappy rap last week. If someone is in my face, questioning my career and my actions, I'm going to react in some way especially if I have the confidence Cena has. I don't think they'll do 1.3 million even with The Rock. He's cooled down since last year but I do expect him to bring in some extra buys, not enough for 1.3 million though.
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