Cena is still playing his same shit eating grin wearing, nothing phases me, I respect your opinion character he always plays. How is he looking like a chump? If you should feel bad for anyone, feel bad for Rock for having to try and have a serious feud with the idiot. I do feel that this Wrestlemania is going to do disappointing numbers for them, but here's the thing. Alot of the people buy Wrestlemania just on name alone and don't even watch wrestling except for Mania so bad build won't affect these people as they won't have seen it. I estimate it will do a top 5 all time buyrate, but not #1 like they are hoping. They are projecting 1.2-1.3 million buys and I'd guess they'll do in the 950,000 range. One thing is for sure. This Mania is shaping up much much better than last years, which was horrible all around. That one did an astronomical number just on Rock's name alone, but I think it meant more last year than this year.