Anyone watching Dragon Gate see me? I'm front row in TNA hat and a black Metal Blade shirt....bonus if you screencap it.
Ill keep a lookout! What was that Von Eerie chant for? Something about her heckling someone?
Anyone watching Dragon Gate see me? I'm front row in TNA hat and a black Metal Blade shirt....bonus if you screencap it.
Yep, AJ beat Mark Henry in the finals to win the WWE 12 Superstar Tournament. She beat Cody and Mark beat McGillibuddy in the semis.
Just think of jericho and kofi as the main event and change the the main event of smackdown
is a replay of a terrible promo from Raw?
so the main event of smackdown
is a replay of a terrible promo from Raw?
I sure don't envy those in the main event of smackdown
is a replay of a terrible promo from Raw?
I sure don't envy those in attendance.
AJ only won because Shelton Benjamin retired undefeated from the tourney.Yep, AJ beat Mark Henry in the finals to win the WWE 12 Superstar Tournament. She beat Cody and Mark beat McGillibuddy in the semis.
So the Smackdown after Raw was filmed before Raw, and then aired on TV with stuff that took place on Raw?This was filmed before RAW, this week.
So...DEFINITELY don't envy them.
Remember to putSo SD is over so Im gonna post the WM thread.
Due to popular opinion I am going with ......
Wrestlemana 28 |OT| WWE is having another Big Show
Just a final question. What time does Wrestlemana Start at in the US?
Or could someone make one of those countdown clock gifs I can put in the OP latter?
7pm eastSo SD is over so Im gonna post the WM thread.
Due to popular opinion I am going with ......
Wrestlemana 28 |OT| WWE is having another Big Show
Just a final question. What time does Wrestlemana Start at in the US?
Or could someone make one of those countdown clock gifs I can put in the OP latter?
Just a final question. What time does Wrestlemana Start at in the US?
Anyone watching Dragon Gate see me? I'm front row in TNA hat and a black Metal Blade shirt....bonus if you screencap it.
which thread to post in during event?
Is this you, dude?
Yep, that's me. That was an awesome show. Tozawa/Mochizuki and Low Ki/Pac were the matches of the night. During the Low Ki/Pac match, Ki had Pac on the apron around my area and gave him a hard chop, I said "Again!" and Low Ki gave me this look....and then everyone started chanting "One more time!" and when Ki went for it, Pac pushed him hard into the barricade next to me....awesome match and still one more night of Dragon Gate to go!
A GOOD wrestling show should be the equivalent of a good action movie. The sort of action movie that follows characters in a tournament win/loss based setting. So yeah, the drama, both in storyline and in combat, is a part of that, but it should all ultimately boil down to rivalries of all sorts being settled in the ring. It's not about thinking it's real, or watching in some ironic fashion, it's just about watching a show. Some people like it for the characters and personalities, some people like it for the scripted ballet of violence that occurs from bell to bell, and some people like it for both. It's no more complicated then that. It's one part action movie, one part Roman gladiators, one part showmanship, one part D-level storytelling (for the most part). If you're ever been entertained by any kind of scripted fight scene, there's really nothing to explain. People like to see athletes doing athletic things, people like to see good vs. evil, people like to buy into storylines.
also would wrestling as a whole be better or worse if the writing of the drama increased to a level that it took over as the main function of the "performance", or is this removing like the main function of wrestling? because personally i believe itd be easier for me personally to accept wrestling as some sort of performance art if it had a sort of dignity to its culture
Yep, AJ beat Mark Henry in the finals to win the WWE 12 Superstar Tournament. She beat Cody and Mark beat McGillibuddy in the semis.
so like if the action was removed and it was just like some sort of straight up drama, how many fans would bolt? is the pure machismo through the guise of a serialized story the reason for watching? does wrestling culture have crossover with any other sort of performance art specifically, like dance or live theatre? or is this basically the dance/live theatre/greek mythology for the adrenaline junkies
also would wrestling as a whole be better or worse if the writing of the drama increased to a level that it took over as the main function of the "performance", or is this removing like the main function of wrestling? because personally i believe itd be easier for me personally to accept wrestling as some sort of performance art if it had a sort of dignity to its culture
Apparently there were serious audio synch issues with the ROH iPPV last night, due to slow internet speeds in the building - the audio is properly synched on the replay, but the replay cuts out during the Generico/Steen match :/
That doesn't bode well for the iPPV tonight, as they're in the same building, but hopefully they can get it sorted before showtime (and hopefully GFL can get the damn full replay up so I can see the main event).
By contrast, the DGUSA iPPV went off without a single hitch all night, which I believe is a first for DGUSA iPPVs I've purchased.
I am glad that I decided to get the DGUSA iPPV and catch the ROH iPPV later. It's looking like I won't get to watch either of the ROH ones until tomorrow or Monday, though.
How was the TMDK match? Someone posted a match/promo of theirs a few days ago(honestly it was probably you, haha) and I was looking forward to seeing them wrestle the Briscoes.
Busy day today....
ROH Showdown in the Sun 2
WrassleGaf Meet Up
Dragon Gate USA Mercury Rising 2012
$5 Wrestling Live
Busy busy day.
Glad you enjoyed it - I loved that Hallowicked/Peck match, Marchie Archie is seriously one of my favourite characters in wrestling right now, he's so damn entertaining. His match with Sara Del Rey at 'A Death Worse than Fate' was excellent, too, and he's really improving a lot in the ring.
Glad you enjoyed it - I loved that Hallowicked/Peck match, Marchie Archie is seriously one of my favourite characters in wrestling right now, he's so damn entertaining. His match with Sara Del Rey at 'A Death Worse than Fate' was excellent, too, and he's really improving a lot in the ring.
it's a damn shame that harlot Veronica is going to break are poor band leaders heart.
Edge talks to Jericho about his hair cut
Either that or the injury was a work so they could separate him and Ricochet since they're no longer in the same faction.
I like how the poster thing for WrestleMania XX has Cena and Taker is the main 2 guys on it with Eddie in the corner.
edit- the picture of Eddie looks like it was taken at the end of the show when he was celebrating with ***** ******
Yeah, in hindsight I'm gonna agree - quite a neat way of splitting CIMA & Ricochet up, and if CIMA's neck was really that badly injured he probably wouldn't have been attacked by Taylor post-match yesterday.
ROH replay is STILL missing the end of Steen/Generico and all of the main event - plus, no reply from GFL or ROH as to what the hell is going on. Not happy.
Hogan WWE Champion in 2002? WTF was WWE thinking? No wonder they went to shit during that time frame. Hogan champion, Austin heel turn. Man those were some bad times for WWE. After WCW died they had no clue what to do with themselves.