Whats wrong with the SJW Line?
How long until Vince sacrifices his daughter to Reigns in the never ending attempt to get him over as a face?
Who is AJ referring to?
It might not be the right way of putting it but she makes everyone look like a jabronie and just no sells everything. It doesnt get anyone over ever and just damages their character.
Joe and Sami don't work well together. This isn't a slight on either of them, but Sami looks so ridiculous doing his typical overselling with Joe's slow ass offense.
Well nothings going to help him. PeriodWWE aren't really helping Sami get over by having him fight Joe who they won't boo.
that cut to the bored kids lmao
haha yeah, it's like a robot is controlling these cuts sometimes.
yeah, agreed. i think a lot of people are just pissed off that she doesn't get stunnered these days and what have you.
it's just kind of a dumb idea - put a woman in the position where if it was a male performer, they'd get the crap kicked out of them as their comeuppance on a regular basis. that's why people liked watching vince - he'd have weeks when he was on top, embarrassing everyone, and have weeks where he was flailing around the arena looking like a fool. everybody enjoyed hating him, and then laughing at him, and so on.
with stephanie because she can't be physically responded to by the men, the options in a wrestling storyline are limited. there is still stuff they could do, like have someone outsmart her and turn one of her plans against her, but they don't really do that and really she doesn't even have plans, she just comes out and dresses down whatever babyface is giving a promo and then leaves. there's no story attached to it, and her character has no turning points, she just goes on...and on...
the last time she got any kind of payback was from brie bella at summerslam 2014 and - surprise - it was the most enjoyable anything with her has been as long as i've been watching. that's not saying much but it was something, at least.
Unless they work a quick Finn Balor match in, it's either the ARMBAR or he's involved in the fuckery for Seth vs HHH.Joe is getting that TNA 2005 booking right now. Wonder what he will due for Mania though?
Why is sami treated like this
Why do people not like Sami all of a sudden? He's one of the best babyface talents they have.
Why do people not like Sami all of a sudden? He's one of the best babyface talents they have.
Why is sami treated like this
I do like when a heel gets booked to win clean.
People behind me were super confused about everyone chanting 10 during the 10 counts.
Super loud We Want Paige chant during commercial.
What's to like? He loses every time.
He's an outstanding wrestler, but a dead character.
Still love Sami but I think the constant losses are rubbing off on people and everyone knows he isnt worth investing in.