British Monsoon

I will say this for Impact, I'm actually finding it easier to watch than RAW, even if it hasn't been particularly great.
I will say this for Impact, I'm actually finding it easier to watch than RAW, even if it hasn't been particularly great.
I will say this for Impact, I'm actually finding it easier to watch than RAW, even if it hasn't been particularly great.
you guys won't trick me into watching impact
It's the pacing. Impact's usually pretty rapid fire, so even if a segment isn't "great," it's often over pretty quickly. And the focus on storytelling and constantly pushing things forward makes it much more digestible than a 3-hour Raw. And hey, you're usually guaranteed a fun-to-great match on most episodes too.
It's the pacing. Impact's usually pretty rapid fire, so even if a segment isn't "great," it's often over pretty quickly. And the focus on storytelling and constantly pushing things forward makes it much more digestible than a 3-hour Raw. And hey, you're usually guaranteed a fun-to-great match on most episodes too.
That last part is a lie. Raw trounces them when its comes to match quality now and great storytelling? Come on you can say that after the pay per view?
That last part is a lie. Raw trounces them when its comes to match quality now and great storytelling? Come on you can say that after the pay per view?
Bully's sign backstage seemed to be made of cardboard and tinfoil as well.Anderson wins, blessedly short match. Gawd, I hate Anderson.
Also, if they were going to have Lashley use Dixie's picture as a weapon, you'd think they'd have printed it on something tougher than cardboard;
What does everybody want? TORSO!
What does everybody need? TORSO!
What does everybody love? TORSO!
I can't wait for Rusev's comedic gimmick run.
Because it's no secret it's Jeff Hardy. They just mentioned him being an alter ego.Why is willow wearing a Jeff hardy shirt and arm band ???
Vladmir Kozlov's comedy gimmick was the pinnacle of his career. That tea party with Sheamus? So good.
Why anyone would ever want to see Magnus and Samoa Joe again is beyond me. They sucked even before the match went off the rails. Joe has lost it, Magnus never had it.
Magnus is very good honestly, but Joe is just depressing
You know what,after skimming Impact I'll say it's a very good episode minus the Willow shit
I like his promos but every time he steps in the ring the illusion that he is any good at this wrestling thing just washes away. I'd rather have Rockstar Spud.