Angelina Love comes out and calls Velvet Sky to the ring for answers. Angelina says she and the fans want The Beautiful People to be friends again and they hug. Angelina calls out Madison Rayne and offers her a spot back in the group. Angelina mocks Madison and they have words. Madison respects Velvet and Angelina but wants no part in the group.
* BroMans defeated The Wolves and Sanada & Tigre Uno in a non-title triple threat match. BroMans got the pin on Tigre Uno after a very exciting tag match. Zema Ion ended up taking Senada's X Division Title belt and distracting him.
* Bully Ray comes out and gets cheered for taking credit for Dixie Carter losing power at Lockdown. Bully says Dixie almost talked him into joining her but couldn't. Bully says he's going to put Bobby Roode through some tables and out comes Roode, who isn't afraid of Ray and his tables. Ray calls Roode down to the ring and ends up putting him on a table at ringside but Roode escapes. They end up brawling into the ring and teasing more table spots but the segment ended with Ray spearing a table after Roode moved.
*TNA taped Bobby Lashley’s match for next week’s episode of Impact Wrestling last Thursday night from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. The bout was against Ethan Carter III and ended in no contest after interference from Jeff Hardy as Willow.
* Magnus defeated Samoa Joe with the TNA World Heavyweight Title on the line after MVP and Abyss interfered. Both MVP and Abyss were originally handcuffed at ringside but they fought after a ref bump. MVP stopped Abyss from using thumbtacks but Abyss laid him out at ringside. Abyss tossed a chair at Joe's face, allowing Magnus to hit his finisher for the win. This was described as a chaotic ending.
* MVP comes out and talks about brawling with Abyss last week. He's interrupted by Magnus and Abyss. Magnus says Abyss has a contract with him, not MVP or TNA. MVP offers Abyss a title shot and announces Abyss vs. Samoa Joe vs. Magnus for the World Heavyweight Title for next week. Our correspondent notes that this and other details were fuzzy based on the way they apparently taped out of order. Joe comes out and isn't happy about the match. Joe and Magnus brawl while MVP and Abyss brawl. Eric Young comes out and attacks Abyss. They clear the ring. MVP says instead, next will be Magnus vs. Joe, interrupted and for the title, and Young vs. Abyss. Young and Joe end up arguing. It ended with a 4-way being made.
* Gunner defeated James Storm in a no count out, no DQ match. This was described as a very brutal match. Gunner speared Storm through a table at ringside from inside the ring at one point. Gunner got the win after his finisher and a beer bottle shot to the head.
* Angelina Love calls out Velvet Sky. They argue about Madison Rayne and Angelina talks down to Velvet. Angelina mentions she will be facing Madison later on.
* The Wolves defeated Abyss and Magnus when Magnus tapped out. Abyss left with Magnus' World Heavyweight Title belt after the match was over.
* Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne in a non-title match. Velvet Sky was at ringside and slammed Madison on the floor when the referee wasn't looking.
* Samoa Joe defeated Eric Young.
* Bobby Roode and Ethan Carter III defeated Willow and Bully Ray in a tables match. Jeff Hardy left to the back after dropkicking Rockstar Spud out of his wheelchair. Ray was double teamed and put through the table for the win. After the match, they put Ray through two more tables.
* Magnus opens the show and calls out Abyss. Abyss is dressed in a suit because Magnus ordered him to. Magnus suckers Abyss in like they're friends until Eric Young runs in through the crowd. Magnus and Abyss end up beating Young down until Samoa Joe made the save.
* Brittany approaches Madison Rayne backstage and offers to be her tag team partner.
* Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brittany and Madison Rayne. The Beautiful People have a new theme, entrance and matching gear. They double teamed Brittany and pinned her for the win.
* Gunner comes out and talks about respecting veterans. He points out his father in the front row. Gunner talks to his dad until James Storm comes out. Storm runs his mouth and Gunner nails him. Storm ended up super kicking Gunner and handcuffing him to the ropes. Storm knocks Gunner's dad down and smashes a beer bottle on his head.
* Mr. Anderson comes out with a straight-jacket and calls Samuel Shaw to the ring. They have words and Anderson attacks. Anderson defeated Shaw by being the first one to get his opponent into the jacket and subdued.
* Kenny King returns and interrupts Tigre Uno vs. Sanada for the X Division Title before it starts. King says the X Division needs him and out comes MVP. They have words and King wants a match against MVP. MVP says there's no room for tonight and King gets in his face before pushing him. MVP accepts the challenge.
* Sanada defeated Tigre Uno with the X Division Title on the line.
* MVP and Kenny King fought to a no contest in an "exhibition match." They brawled until security and referees had to separate them.
* Magnus defeated Eric Young, Samoa Joe and Abyss in a Fatal 4 Way with the World Heavyweight Title on the line. Joe ended up taken to the back by referees after going down on the outside. Abyss had the match won but Magnus talked him into not taking the pin on Young. Abyss hesitated but went through with it. Magnus hit his finisher for the win and posed with Abyss to end the show
I'm more of a Fozzy guy, personally.bean why are you listening to redneck music
This could be a post from any point in the past 7 years yet here we are.There's no way TNA can survive by the end of the year. Who is writing this garbage.
I posted in gaming side. Now I'm being attacked for defending Banjo Tooie.
*runs into wrasslegaf*
Why would you defend Tooie?
It's a game I enjoyed a lot when it came out and still do lol. DONT JUDGE ME!!!
I just really enjoy platformers.
Turn on the stream just in time to see Cody Rhodes/Big Show tables match
Haha such a dumb ending
Abyss copyin corporate kane. How original
Man, King was extremely offensive and xenophobic in 2000. I love that you can hear J.R getting more pissed when he opens his stupid mouth
Truly a great album. Doesn't matter how you listen. A+ album.
do as i say not as i do
It's a cruel world when Yuke's is still making wrestling games while Aki is now making Style Savvy games. I'd even settle for a new Def Jam wrestling game.Jared Rea is the community manager of WWE games now. Let's bug him about changing the engine.
Are you from the future?!
.. Oh, no, you just know from years of experience like me :-(
They really need to make a new engine for WWE 2K15. I still can't believe that they were still using the engine from Smackdown! on PS1, from like over a decade ago.
Finally played Dark Souls to see what all the fuss is about.
Wow I fucking suck. I know it is supposed to be hard but I have to imagine others play this way better.
So either I'm looking in all the wrong places or it hasn't been 'formally' adressed yet, but does anyone know if there's a timeline for when Nitro and Raw is War will be available on the WWE app?
It took me entirely too long to figure out what magic was happening here.
It's never been addressed in any manner from WWE. Fans just assumed that would be coming at some point, but WWE has never said anything about putting up all Nitros or Raws. I imagine Nitros and Raws will end up getting put up when the Monday Night Wars starts airing, which I believe starts next month. They're probably not going to put up years at a time but instead however many episodes they run of MNW at a time.
So either I'm looking in all the wrong places or it hasn't been 'formally' adressed yet, but does anyone know if there's a timeline for when Nitro and Raw is War will be available on the WWE app?
Matt Striker wrestled today as well with Trent Suretto (sp?)
Anime conventions have freak ass parties bro
100% the truth.
So much shit goes down at them are absolutely illegal.
Statutory rape?
This was probably posted already but I saw this a few days ago. Pretty well made. I hope they do a sequel after Wrestlemania.